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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. It looks like a very good quality picture. I was looking at buying one of there before Christmas. Still on my list at the moment.
  2. True. VP in injury time..............................Travesty!!
  3. Just to say that getting zapped by a decent size capacitor can stop your heart and therefore kill you. Mind you, if you wanted a homemade touch tazer.....................
  4. Just saw the AV comment in your post. The colours are right but but only the "mighty Irons" should wear the claret and blue
  5. Changing the fuel would be a good idea too.
  6. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  7. DirtyDT

    reg docs?

    Call them on 01932 358000. Tell them what you are after and they will tell you some details over the phone. They charge for a written copy that you can use to date or apply for a V5.
  8. Hmmmmmm capacitors. To the people I PM'ed yesterday, the off white ones are the ones I was talking about. In the post soon.
  9. DirtyDT

    1976 DT175C

    Cant remember the DT but normally the way is to look into where the speedo cable goes and there may be a couple of slots showing. This allows you to unscrew this holed, circular, bolt out and then the worm drive can come out. The TS looked worn and I managed to find a NOS one off US fleabay. The old one still works fine so I have kept the new one for when I do need it. They can be brass so softer than steel and here may be a little rubber washer in there.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum. ......an XJ650 Turbo, Foamy will be well, foamy.
  11. Hi, I doubt if you will get much in the way of replies. My initial advice would be to have a look at this thread and a please woudn;t go amiss. Sounds like the relay is knackered or you have a short somewhere in the headlight circuit.
  12. DirtyDT

    southern meet.

    Benson (Oxfordshire) from mine is about 100 miles. About the same as squires. Easily doable on the old TS. Mine to the Peterborough show ground is about 50 miles.
  13. DirtyDT

    1976 DT175C

    A little fine wet & dry to get them shiny and a little Vaseline or petroleum jelly (or should that be jello in the US?) to keep them that way.
  14. Twas meant for February. All votes for all months need to be in well before December this year so that the printing and sending of the calenders can be complete before 1st Jan 2014. My suggestion is that January's winner is announced, February's begins (and ends at the end of January. That means that by the beginning of December all of the pictures will be decided ready for the printer. Just saying..........................................
  15. DirtyDT

    Midlands meet

    Sunny Loughborough is where I live. Scary!
  16. DirtyDT

    Midlands meet

    I'm only 12 miles North of Leicester John.
  17. DirtyDT

    Midlands meet

    How about a Midlands meet?
  18. Hi and welcome to the forum. Great beer that Newkie Brown.
  19. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  20. Have a look on the US ebay. There has been lots of new pattern parts coming out of Thailand and the Philippines.
  21. DirtyDT

    southern meet.

    I am in Leicestershire so an easy ride for me then.
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