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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. This is a great intro spoilt by sarcasm. People don't owe you free help and advice but they are more likely to give it to people who are polite and follow the netiquette of the forum.
  2. Hi and welcome to the forum. Ahhhh the great smell of 2 stroke. It can't be beaten!!
  3. It may be beneficial to read this thread There is lots of great advice on the forum and experience shows that new members who post an intro get better and more replies.
  4. DirtyDT

    Bike sold

    A bike is a bike is a bike, to me. Until last weekend I was in the same position (Yamless but not bikeless).
  5. DirtyDT

    Stolen bikes

    Not that it may help in your circumstance but something like smartwater, datatagging or the likes would show where any parts turned up. I got a bottle of something like it when I insured the TS with carole Nash. Each major part can be marked and each has a unique number which can then be referenced back to the owner. Not fool proof but better than nothing. While people are prepared to buy whole bikes without any paperwork, this will never go away.
  6. Hi and welcome to the forum. Help with posting pictures can be found here
  7. Hi, Could I ask that you have a read of this thread please thank you.
  8. 2A8 is a DT125MX from 1978......... DT125A/C from 1989
  9. Sorry to hear that. Does your household insurance cover the loss?
  10. Same principle (kind of) as a monorail. Not hi tech but the bloke is the star. Like Bollywood meets Frank Spencer.
  11. It looks tidy, albeit from a distance and one angle. It doesn't look like someone got a cheap bike and tried to turn it into something it is not. To me it is a simple, cheap, conversion so works.
  12. I must tell my brother to stop posting these on youtube.
  13. 2 different tescos in sunny Loughborough. The bottom one is my local store. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W3QtysvSiQ
  14. A bit snowie in Nottingham earlier but just old stuff in Leicestershire.
  15. Sorry Ken, I don't know. I don't green lane. I guess it depends if it is rock, mud, grass etc and if it is ridden to and from the lanes. Have a look here LINKY, put in the wheel sizes and you may get some options. If I dropped the TS on the exhaust side, it is a write off.
  16. DirtyDT

    GB and the EU

    Unfortunately they are all the same. It must be hard for them carrying around a ego so gargantuan all of the time. I have said it before but politics will never work whilst they allow "thick" people to vote. How can people vote just by colour?
  17. Bridgestone TW301/TW302?? These were my first choice for the TS.
  18. Check out the YA7 ones on US fleabay. Separate chrome sides and tank. The YA6 is all one piece.
  19. DirtyDT

    GB and the EU

    Bennyboy...........................Salmond wants to be in the EU. He has already lied about automatic membership. All new EU members must join the Euro so you will get independence, The EU and the Euro if Salmond is in charge. As for the English amongst us. Cam-moron said that he would have the vote in this parliament. That was before he got elected. He is now saying that he would have the vote in the next but only if the Tory's are in power and he is in charge. Some mugs believed him the first time and, I guess, will still believe him the second time. As for Liebour and the Lib's....................much of the same really, all lairs and cheats. Too busy stealing from the Taxpayer on expenses and flipping their (taxpayer brought) second homes. I wouldn't vote for any of them. The system we have in the UK is flawed. 5 year terms isn't long enough to see through strategic projects which can be overturned by the following government. To get on in the hierarchy and become a Minister you have to suck up and tow the line, all ethics go out of the window. Being a Minister means you are in charge of a whole department so can screw things up on a grander scale. If you are just a simple thief MP, you are told what to do by the political Whips. The Whips tell you how to vote in the commons. What the country needs is a smaller House of Commons with all MP's being independent. In reality, it doesn't matter anyway as Brussels will tell us what we can do and when. That being the case, sack all the MP's and Lords and just carry on. A common market was a good idea (though I never voted for it). The EU is just power mad people with as much sense as carrot (sorry carrots everywhere). I don't have an answer except I want a referendum on getting out of the EU and one on getting out of the UK.
  20. Hi and welcome to the forum. Did any lights come on (neutral etc). Check the battery hasn't died due to the cold.
  21. Only on the road and camping wet grass. I like them. I have them on the TS
  22. Sir Paul, do you have a Yami dealer near you? I was going to give you the part numbers but the Suttons picture slightly different to the official Yamaha one. Go to here LINKY and get your bike up. Click the Yamaha Online Parts cat.... button. Get the part numbers you need. Go to your local dealer and order the parts or search for them on tinterweb where the postage costs are not too bad. ?????? 90109-08847 Bolt 9570L-08500 Nut flange
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