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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. A countdown from 10 of stupid people and bikes. Number 1 is worth watching, it will make you cringe.
  2. Now we are back on it............... I rerouted my SV exhaust back into the airbox to make it supercharged and emission free. I failed to take into account the build up of exhaust fumes so it exploded..............I am now off to look for my left testicle.
  3. Mr lubber lubber. Love the name but you really need to say "hello" in the newbies section my friend. a little about you helps a lot. Generally there is a better response form members who do this.
  4. Not sure about the 360 but most DT's run a separate coil for the main headlights. This comes from the magneto and then to the lighting switch and on to the headlight. This is completely different to the gauge lights which work from the battery. If you have checked the plug behind the headlight and this had no power, what you need to do is start to check where the power stops - this assumes that the coil in the magneto is generating power in the first place. From the headlight plug, follow the wire through the headlight bowl and back to the handlebar light switch checking where the last place there is power to this circuit. It may be worth a look at the www.slimduck.com website.
  5. Hi and welcome to the forum. Start a new thread in the workshop section which can be found about two thirds down on the home page. Tell us the issue and what you have tried to date.
  6. Just to let people know that the membership page is now back up an running LINKY
  7. It does sound good Paul. I am surprised that you upgraded the exhaust, I thought the TTR was hidden in the back of the garage. If you need a better video converter look here LINKY
  8. I would run a capacitor and keep the mag and lighting circuits separate. They aren't that big or expensive. That is the way I would run it but others may disagree. Do you also need a horn? More food for though here LINKY
  9. A bigger target to kick then Kev.
  10. The Bmw Isetta Bubble on Wheeler Dealers is a great watch.
  11. Drewpy is probably your man. Check out his blog for inspiration. LINKY Nice pictures at the bottom.
  12. You will need to run the lights cable through a regulator/rectifier to stop it from blowing bulbs and battery (if fitted) If you need a battery due to local laws look at something like this LINKY a lot smaller so easiler to fit somewhere on the bike. If you don't need to have lights when the engine is off look if you can fit a battery eliminator something like this LINKY
  13. Do you have the rest of it or just the rolling chassis?
  14. There are some flow charts at the bottom of the linked page. LINKY
  15. Recovery, mobile and credit card normally. I take a few tools on weekend trips.
  16. Hi and welcome to the forum. Post up the questions in the workshop area and I am sure we can all help.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=IfUaKXasdD4
  18. Hi and welcome to the forum. Check out the workshop and project sections near the bottom of the main page post your questions in the workshop and start a project thread. Use the search function. As to hooking it up, I would after checking that it is not seized and a few other things but others would say don't. Up to you really. Good luck and we tend to like pictures on the forum.
  19. Ouch.............................that really hurt!!
  20. I can see that. At least she will still be contributing to our pensions Airhead!
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