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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Yep. It it stays in gear then the gearbox needs to be fixed. Some people get used to riding like this. As for it dying, it could just need a service and the carb idle turning up a little. More info needed. I am going to move this to the workshop area as it is a workshop topic.
  2. When was it last serviced and sounds like your gearbox is knackered. Can you hold the bike in gear if you keep pressure on the gear lever?
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum Pinky.
  4. DirtyDT

    Run Foamy run.

    I don't do it Tommy, nor Twater. I am too old and boring to have anything interesting to say and don't have any friends.
  5. DirtyDT

    Run Foamy run.

    Don't do facebook.
  6. DirtyDT

    Run Foamy run.

    Tell me more about the first one, leather and latex.................................
  7. DirtyDT

    Run Foamy run.

    I am still happy to throw in 50p a mile. Happy to make it £1 a mile if we can choose a costume for him to run in Can't remember the day of the week but the first thing I brought on decimal day was a Mars bar. Was doing a paper round at the time. I also remember the ads on TV - the scaffold I think did the music ??
  8. Brittany is very beautiful and the South is dry. What more can you ask for? I have ridden all over - North to Le Mans for the 24 Moto endurance and from Menton in the the South near the Italian boarder, through Monaco to the Paul Ricard circuit and Marseilles. I think my favorite town/city is Orange.
  9. And saying hello in the newbies section as a first post helps tremendously. If you have a "bitsa" then it can be registered on a Q plate only. The only other alternative is to make it standard and, after a few hurdles, get a proper age related plate. There are lots of people who like to help here and I can't understand why you would get stupid answers.
  10. Bienvenue. Great intro and it's fantastic riding on French roads.
  11. I just hate driving and riding in London now. Did it on and off for for 30 years.
  12. 3RMD-E-F and 4DJ9 5J25 I don't know what model/year yours is.
  13. I would be worried it didn't say "this way up" on the crate.
  14. Mounting a camera is a personal choice. A little fairing etc is fine but there is a lot of front wheel in this video which I find distracting. I also am not a big lover of helmet cams as the riders head movement when checking their speedo or doing obs, I find distracting too. Maybe I am just a miserable barsteward. I am thinking of starting a campaign to make bike cams have an instant format button - just in case the biker gets a "pull" and doesn't want to provide their own evidence of wrong doing. It is always at the back of my mind when I strap a camera on - the bike I mean!
  15. DirtyDT

    Run Foamy run.

    Wait until we get out of Europe. 12 pennys to a shillling 20 shillings to a pound 21 shillings to a guinea 13 in a bakers dozen Life was so simple then.
  16. DirtyDT

    Run Foamy run.

    10 bob is 50p Steve.
  17. At the risk of tempting fate. Rode the TS to work this morning. Took about a mile to have a clear out and then started to rev free all the way through the rev range. Pushed it to an indicated 70 and wasn't close to the start of the red line. Only 15 miles so far but I have to shoot across town in a bit so will get around 45 miles on it today by the time I get home later. Assuming it doesn't blow up on me. I will check the plug once at home to see how it did. Still needs a little work on the tickover so may tinker with the pilot screw a bit. Pretty happy with it though - at the moment.
  18. Normally you can change these by popping them out and then putting a new one in. Getting an old one out can be difficult. Self tapping screws are a common method. Rub the new seal with oil before popping it in and use a socket to tap it in squarely. You should drain the oil first.
  19. Hi and welcome to the forum. Lets hope the summer has finally started and enjoy your ride.
  20. Hi, This section is to say hello to the forum. It is not the wanted section.
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