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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. I made the title descriptive so save people reading this and wasting 3 minutes which they will never get back. Before I took the SV for it's MOT and ending up buying my next project I ordered some stuff off fleabay for the SV. The plan was to give the SV a service and change the chain and sprockets. The stuff started to arrive and was fine. Yesterday a new chain breaker arrived. It would do the job but was not like the picture. I opened up a complaint case. Today a Rotacraft, superdooper, rotary tool set arrived, the plastic case face was cracked. I opened up a complaint case. To be fair both sellers have offered a full refund on the items return but I have negotiated a discount on both as I can't be ar5ed to send the things back and I would like to get the SV sorted by next weekend. End of rant. Ahhhhh, I feel better now.
  2. Whats wrong with a Suzuki? Both of mine are fine.
  3. I think the issue you are having is that a lot of forums and places change the actual name of the image when you view it in certain ways. They substitute the "real" name for some long alphanumeric characters. Check the image name when you are trying to link it. It should end in .jpg .png .gif etc. The link you gave needs a membership to view it so I can't help much more. Remember to always use the full code so something like this: http://www.domain/folder/picture.jpg
  4. I would be interested to see what he wants for the engine so if you could inquire please. Looks like I am looking for a 1A3-00**** one I think. Cheers John. The guy is a Dealer with a shop. He brought it because the owner died and intended to tinker with it himself. Would have been nice with the right engine and nicer with matching numbers but I could have spent over a grand on a restore one like that. I agree Jason. A good 400 lump will come along. Not as if I need to ride it to work on Monday.
  5. Looks OK to me. Get the spanners out then.
  6. All good info Jason. Only time will tell if I have been lucky but I could get away with a minimal restore.
  7. Cheers guys. It needs more than a few days work Slice. Recollections from my youth, they were pretty scary to ride when new. I joined the Aircooledrd forum yesterday Merv and have been in contact with Paul Dawkins today. I think I have a lot of reading and understanding to do before I start to mess properly with it and I still have the YA to finish first (I think). I will probably end up buying a complete lump TBH as I would like a 1A3 engine but read some of the project X thread earlier......................very interesting. I brought the TS in worse condition so it's just about time, blood and money now. It's the time that worries me. The TS was like this when I got it and the barrel was just placed loosely in there as there was no piston in it.
  8. Thanks to Paul Dawkins, who is a member on this forum as well as being on the aircooledrdclub forum, I have found out that: The bike is not showing as nicked or written off and probably hasn't been on the road for a while. I can get away with just changing the top end and oil pump to get it back into 400 trim - I may just buy another engine anyway. Loads I need to check such as, are the carbs 400 or 250 (if there is a difference) and stuff like that. Anyway. More pictures;
  9. That would be the last resort Steve. Just getting any info from the DVLA now. If it is registered, great. If it is stolen - I have a receipt and will get my cash back, just hope it is not written off - gulp.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  11. The bike turned up early (today). Looks like I have a bitsa. It could be a 400 with a 250 engine. pretty gutted but it just means that I have more work to do - and a RD400 complete engine to buy. Looks like the frame and stuff is a 1977 D model. More pictures to follow.
  12. A great idea when traffic is light. A right pain when there is more than a few vehicles. Here is how they end up The only thing you need with a bucket of KFC is a kebab, or Kebob as It seems to appear in some parts of the US. We cant even agree on what a sandwich is. To us it's 2 slices of bread and butter with something in between, to others it is a sub roll with no butter and a quarter slice of gurkin (pickle).
  13. Stop posting workshop questions in the bar. There is a workshop section.
  14. My suggestion is; Stop posting workshop questions in the bar.
  15. There are 2 types of switches: pressure and; micro electronic. So you would need to fit one of these depending on the set up. a picture would help.
  16. Paul, Are you sure that all of that overheating isn't due to carrying half a workshop around on the DT?
  17. Clocks are speedos and rev counters Clock (as in clocking someone/something) is seeing someone/something As mentioned before, miles are miles however, we have had to adopt a lot of metric measurements so, apart from road distances, almost everything else is in metres etc. That said loads of people still use the imperial measurements when talking about things like wood.sizes. 4 by 2 as apposed to 100 by 50. We use Litres for everything liquid (although I think that it is a measurement of volume) but most people still convert it to Gallons (about 4.6 L to a gallon). Our Gallons were always a different measurement to yours even though we called them the same. Lots of different names for the same thing depending on what part of the country you are from. A roll (as in a small, round bread thing) can be a; roll; cob, balm cake; bap or something else A person you know can be a: hen, duck, mate, chic(ken) or lots of other things. I am from London and live in the midlands and they talk weird around here. They even call a roundabout an island. Mind you I have never seen a roundabout in the US.
  18. Its a bike so it works for me. In the project section of course.
  19. I can't make this one now and I can't make September either. I have too much on. Sorry guys.
  20. Well guy's, I am lucky like that. I have a good other half now. She always has my back. We have just had some building work on the house just finished but the house is for both of us so I benefit too. I still have to do some painting, wallpapering and run in a little plumbing for the utility machines but that is fine with me. It's been a bit of a tough year so far. We haven't been able to have a family holiday yet and have had to put the first one we had booked back twice until later in the year due to family reasons. Work has been, and still is, manic. Apart from the RD now, I still need to carry on with the YA and I ordered a new chain and sprocket kit and the stuff to service the SV so that needs to be done as well at some point. I think the key has snapped in the ignition but I can always just short out the wiring from the ignition multiplug to see what happens. I have a wiring diagram. In reality I just hope there is an old tax disk on the bike or something under the seat that gives me a reg number so I don't have to go through getting it re registered on an age related plate. Either way I am not really fussed. It cost me £375 including the delivery so I can't complain.
  21. Ha ha guys. Some funny comments and thanks for the positive comments. Competition yellow is the best colour, I totally agree. I woke up this morning thinking "what have I done". I know it was a bargain but at the moment I am wondering what to do with it. I guess I can have a good look around it on Tuesday when they drop it off and then decide.
  22. These schemes are generally set to keep you going back to the bike shop. The average ownership of a bike may be a couple of years tops. It there is already a warranty on it then their "exposure" is only the difference between the end of the warranty and when you sell the bike. I doubt if it covers "wear and tear" as normally they cover failure only. This definition is crucial. A vehicle is more likely to break due to something wearing out (not covered) than failing (covered). A slight increase on the sale price covers any warranty product they may have. If they don't have a warranty company to underwrite this then the product is only as good as their reputation. I used to deal with this type of product many years ago and there was a lot of merit in it. Cost of the vehicle, service costs and of course, what Mervin has said about MOT's will let you know if there is any value in it. One of my old clients for this type of product was Triumph motorcycles. They had a fantastic new and second hand warranty product and I am not saying that anyone else's product would come even close to this.
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