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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Once again Paul, spot on. You have a couple of weeks to get those rings bedded in before "the big one"! Looks great!
  2. They are always going to be the poor relation Mike.
  3. Assuming he is looking for a female. What about trying "Mankini passion"?
  4. Tommy, have you considered a job with the Diplomatic Corps?
  5. I think you are getting a good speed for a 50cc bike. In the UK a standard one would be expected to go to around 48KPH. I don't know anything about the carb but you can judge that the bike is correctly jetted by looking at the spark plug. Please remember to say hello in the new members section. People tend to get more, or better, answers to questioned when they do.
  6. DirtyDT

    1976 DT175C

    There are times of major frustration with most builds Sacha. My build adage is: "Until you have suffered pain, you don't know what pleasure is". It could be translated into - The tougher the build, the more you enjoy the bike because you will know what it took.
  7. He must have bottled it in the fist video when he knew that "The DT" was coming. My skill is more in kebab consumption not posing. It was a bit like going into your local, asking for a bottle of light ale and Tom Cruise spinning the bottle and glass due to it being Vera the barmaids night off.
  8. If you are a paid member you can post photos into the garage or Gallery area's. Only Alex can make this kind of alteration but remember that server space costs money and the site offers a great level of free membership. Paid membership is not expensive and allows access to areas which non paid members can not access. A quick link to more details on this level of membership can be found HERE or in a link in my signature.
  9. I hope he has finished it by now Tommy, the thread is nearly 2 years old. Either that or he is still accelerating to get to "The ton".
  10. To be honest I did look at the 5m x 3.5m one of these LINKY. But when we move I would like a garage (or double), easy access and possibly one of the above anyway.
  11. In the workshop, not the section for help with the forum usage. Is it only 4th? Have you checked the carb for crud that may be floating about and blocking a jet?
  12. Cheers Cynic. My other half is fine with the bikes. 3 now sitting in the garden - including 2 projects - and one on the drive. She is even happy for me to have a 20 x 10 workshop in the garden if I want it but I want need easier access to get the bikes in and out.
  13. Moved to the correct section.
  14. Personally I would spend the £200 on something else.
  15. Thanks for the comments DT. The bike passed last year and the grip was the same. I have only ridden 450 miles on the bike since the MOT last year - there are a couple of reasons for that, that I will come back to - and I can't see the drum being that misshapen in so few miles (same testing station) so I guess that it was like that last year too. Before I took it for the MOT I dropped in a 180 MJ. The bike was very different at the top end and seemed to just run out of "go" at about 65MPH. Not holding back, just like it has reached the maximum speed for the amount of fuel it could suck. Yesterday with the old MJ in (210 by the way), it went well past 70 MPH without going anywhere near the beginning of the red line. Took the plug out after 25 miles and with the 180 MJ in, the colour is a fair bit darker but I was happy with the plug colour with the 210 MJ in it anyway. I have now decided to compromise and have put a 200 MJ in it. I haven't ridden it yet with the new jet in. Anyway, the bike now has a MOT for the next 12 Months. The reasons that it has been ridden so little is for two reasons: 1) the electrics have always been "dodgy", overcharging and killing the battery so I ended up with no brake lights, horn or indicators part way through a ride. Hopefully the new routed wiring and sealed battery will fix this and after the ride today, and with the engine off, the battery was showing 6.17V and all of the electrics worked fine. 2) I don't have a side entrance or garage so the bikes, apart from the SV, are kept in the rear garden. If I want to ride one I have to push the bike through the part of the house that used to be the side passage but is now the dining and utility area extension. It is a straight run front to back but I have to negotiate 2 UPVC doors. I am expecting that to change soon as we are looking for a possible new home next year so access/garage/space for a huge workshop is high on the list of must haves (well high on my list), I think my better half has large kitchen-diner/bedroom sizes/original features and other stuff on her must have list. That last bit is not quite true, we know what we like and she is more than happy for some big workshop space and garage when we move.
  16. Thanks guys. John -Sorely tempted to throw in the 180MJ now. DT - A big lesson learned. I didn't realise that they used a rolling road for the bike brakes. They used to just sit on them and, with the brake applied, try and push them. £35 is about 57 CAD.
  17. Best to see what it feels like after the service. Condition of the plug, and it's gap as well as any fuel filter. Has it happened with more than one tank of fuel?
  18. Quick update. Hairspray works fine but I had some glue hanging about. So as the bike stands now; Bar glued and drying. Rear rim skimmed and refitted. Waiting for the rest of the parts. As previously mentioned, the rear wheel skimmed and refitted and the bar grip glued. I have fitted a new rectifier and rewired the regulator to the right place (sorry Paul). The standard battery hasn't arrived so I have fitted a sealed, non bike, on. The last thing was the indicator. In my rush I ordered one for the earlier TS which is all chrome instead of the black and chrome ones fitted to my model. I put it on anyway and it works so it will do for now. MOT retest booked for tomorrow. The 180 MJ came but I looked at the plug after a WOT run and I like it's colour so I haven't changed it - yet. I will see how it runs tomorrow to the MOT station.
  19. Some of the "tac" glues work. The type that you spray both sides and then, when they are tacky, you push the 2 parts together. Some glues melt foam so be careful. Foam also comes in different densities so you may want to match the foam. Personally I would send it to a professional as most will re-foam as well as re-cover.
  20. I have fitted the DT regulator to the rectifier in feed. Getting 6.1v to 6.3v at tickover with no spike when I turn any of the lights on or off. I haven't tested the volts at higher revs yet. I couldn't fit the battery in the battery compartment so I had to fit it under the seat. It's not pretty at the moment but I fitted a new regulator and a micro blade fuse holder and fuse too.
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