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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Hi and welcome to the forum. What a fantastic intro.
  2. Very true. Easy to forget that in the UK.
  3. Thanks guys The TS is insured for £3.5k. If it got wrecked I might just about get my cash back. It is a GPS bag that I put on to test but it is a bit cr4p really. I need to do some work on it. I can't argue with the comment on the rear light. 'Tis a big old beast.
  4. Ah come on DT, look at my name. Why carry a toolbox? All that is needed is a big, or bigger, hammer and some recovery to get you home.
  5. Insurance will be a lot more if you get points using a dolly for a car foamy. An estate car seems a good compromise. I can't see how a big Volvo ( for example) can be cheaper to insure than an escort or rascal van.
  6. Disconnect the fuel pump electrics and see it it primes direct to the battery. If it does then it is the relay or wiring; if it doesn't then replace the pump.
  7. Or fit a small secondary battery with a diode so it will charge off the electrics but won't drain the main battery.
  8. It will still be a couple of hours from Grantham, plus a fuel stop. I am still hopeful to make it.
  9. Hi and welcome to the forum. Not being cynical but I don't think that every DT125 that won't start will be due to this. That said it is a good thing for people to check.
  10. Washing a bike is for those people who have covers on their new furniture and tell you to take your shoes off when you are a guest in their home. It is a habit worth breaking, in my opinion. Use the power of rain and if things get really grubby then use your jeans, as you sit on the bike, or the rear of one of your gloves to wipe the excess muck off. The only time you should be cleaning parts of a bike is when you are preparing for painting or about to sell it. A highly polished bike normally goes with low mileage, not always but very frequently. The Japanese didn't spend multi millions of yen developing a quick wipe clean product, they spent it on technology (oh, and on parts destined to fail to keep you in the dealer network). If one of my bikes falls over it just takes some of the dirt off. You need to embrace dirt as natures way of giving your bike an extra layer of protection. It's free and takes no time to accumulate and, to some, proves that the powers that be was a bike lover as he/she gave us such a wonderful gift of free bike protection.
  11. Why not a van? You don't need a transit or sprinter, an escort size would do and the cabins are like a car. It would tow and allow better storage than a SUV. For a grand your options are going to be limited with anything half decent. If you really want a SUV type thing then see what the cost of a zaferia is. I don't rate them as the best in the class but there were a lot sold and this may be a good compromise. Pretty reliable, lots of space and spares a plenty.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. You need to put your problem in the workshop section as this section is just for saying hello and telling us a little about you.
  13. I had to take some pictures for the new insurance so I thought I would share 2 with you. So here the bike looked on the weekend:
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum Bernie.
  15. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  16. DirtyDT

    Mug Shots

    Nice picture Andrew.
  17. DirtyDT

    tab washer

    These guys exist here in the UK but they are always busy. I think I found a new one recently with the guy who skimmed my rear drum. He bores and wheel builds amongst other things so I am sure he will get some more of my cash. Ironic thinking about the physical size of our Countries, From where I live in the middle of the Country I can drive anywhere in the UK within about 4 hours (Northern Ireland may take a little longer due to the ferry). In Canada you couldn't reach either East or West coast from the center of the Country if you flew for 4 Hours. Also cheaper for me to use PowerSportsPlus in the U.S. and pay the postage and import duty than to buy locally.
  18. Something new to learn every day. Keep getting those miles under your belt, safely.
  19. A bold statement. Even with a few years of riding under my belt, I rarely go a long period without someone still surprising me with their antics!
  20. DirtyDT

    tab washer

    We don't have the same customer service over here DT. Customers seem to be a pain to a lot of places. There are a lot of parts advertised here that don't actually fit the bikes they are advertised for. Chains can be the wrong size, batteries the wrong voltage, cables the wrong fittings and even brake repair kits that have the wrong sized parts in them (I have had all of these and more). This is even from suppliers who "specialise" in a marque. Especially for classics, you really need to do your homework or check and then check again.
  21. Where's Santa? Each to their own I guess!
  22. Go wash your mouth out Rain is natures way of washing your bike. Lets face it, we get enough of it!
  23. Understood. The "O's" used to be the team I watched the most when I lived in the smoke. Sorry Kev!
  24. DirtyDT

    tab washer

    I doubt if you will get one today Kev. The Yambits link above looks OK. I hid your duplicate post.
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