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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. If they are not adjustable for span then get dog leg levers to position the lever closer to the grip or buy a set of adjustable ones.
  2. Get the compression checked on all cylinders and look for a plug that looks "different" to the others. You need to narrow the problem before starting on the engine and it could be coil or plug related.
  3. I don't know however, what I would do is the following; Go to the site in the link below, go through the parts list and click on the parts you can't find. There is normally a list of other bikes that this part was fitted to and that will give you a start. Make a note of the part number and use this as a guide too. Here is the LINK
  4. It could be many things. Higher cost to repair More likely to be stolen More people crash on one I am not saying any of these are true in this instance but these are likely to be the reason(s).
  5. Yellow is the best colour for classic yami's, in my opinion. It also makes them faster (this may not be strictly true).
  6. DirtyDT

    The Storm

    Just rain where I am at the moment. If we get the storm it may make millions of pounds worth of improvements.
  7. My plan would be: Disconnect the battery and check the voltage Connect the battery and check the voltage - lights off Check the battery side light on only voltage Check the battery main light on voltage. A new battery would stop some possible mis reading. After that it would be checking the volts coming from the charging and lighting coils at the wires from the coils. Normally the best place to do this is where the wires feed into the harness.
  8. I moved one post to the offroad section and hid the duplicate post.
  9. Lets hope he "walks on the wild side" now.
  10. Difficult one this. The rad holds about 2.4l and the reservoir about 0.3l so 2.7l plus what is needed for the engine. I would buy a 5l container of premixed antifreeze and use that.
  11. Looking good! We are waiting for heavy rain and strong winds overnight from the Atlantic.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  13. Please don't post the same thread in multiple sections. Thread locked.
  14. The TS, like the DT's, have the separate charging and lighting coils. The USA version of the TS has a regulator but the UK one doesn't - there is a wire in the harness to fit it though. After a couple of attempts I fitted it to the coil feed wire of the rectifier (the side NOT connected to the battery). This then sucks any additional power before it hits the rectifier and leaves the correct voltage to be pushed through the rectifier to the battery. As the rectifier is a diode (only allows current one way), it doesn't allow any power from the battery back to earth. I have had no problems since. It is just a piggy back connection so the feed into the rectifier has 2 wires (the feed in and the regulator) both connected to it and the "out" wire goes to the battery. As Blackhat says, it shouldn't need one but I couldn't get to the bottom of the TS issues straight away so did this as a temporary fix - it is still in place.
  15. 2 things spring to mind. Nothing with the lights off would mean a bad feed or the charging coil is shot. But 8v with the lights on makes it sound like there is an earth in the switchgear which is stopping the battery charging when the lights are switched off. It can be one of those problems that frustrates the life out of you. You might not need one but you can buy one. This is the same issue as my TS250, it just cooks batteries. I fitted a generic 6v rectifier for a DT to it and it is fine now. This is what I brought LINKY Same as this? LINKY
  16. Not sure about the 400 but most 2 strokes of this era run the lights from one coil and the other electrics run from the battery. What is the volts at the battery with the bike running and running with the lights on? If the battery is boiling then it sounds like too many volts to the battery which will kill it very quickly. Rectifier/regulator issues are normally what cause this.
  17. Hi and welcome to the forum. The best place for questions is where you posted it. Lots of 2 stroke fans on the forum.
  18. The guy who invented the Kebab has died. It's a sad day for me. LINKY
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