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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. The SR's are good starter bikes. Easy to work on and plenty of spares about too. Good luck.
  2. Isn't that the model that has rear suspension problems not covered under warranty? Only kidding. It looks good. The only real problem now is you won't have any news to post!
  3. Barrel 28.93 lb ft Head 18.8 lb ft Is what I have. I would guess the gaskets are shot or cheap patten ones rather than missing. Best to buy OEM or Athena gaskets when replacing as patten ones are really bad. You need to be a paid member to put an ad in the wanted section. I guess that it would be worth the money to do this as it is surprising what spares DT175 members on the forum have. See my signature for a link if you are interested in being a paid member.
  4. DirtyDT

    Deja vu

    If you are getting a different bike, good. What is the bike worth working OK Grouchy; £1300?? Say £400 for a secondhand engine, delivery and fluids plus a couple of hours to fit. Sell the bike as it is for £700. You get some money back and someone gets a bike that needs some work.
  5. There are only 6 Saturdays to go to Crimbo. That is 6 weekends when you can be pushed and shoved for some Primark "bargains" or barged out of the way in W H Smiths. 6 Weekends to make your annual trip to Body Shop. I've always been a little premature!!!!! I do love Dad's army - the series and the film. Zulu was on TV (a few times) the other weekend so not sure if it made the bill this year. Are those nice boys Morecambe and Wise on again this year?
  6. 2 strokes are always oily at the exhaust. Are you losing any oil from the gearbox?
  7. I really hope so, they are some of my favourite films. Christmas wouldn't be the same without them! I hope the Dads army and George and Mildred films are on again this year. Nothing better than to sit and watch them whilst stuffing my face with half a tin of roses, half a tin of quality street and a bowl of salty peanuts straight after Christmas lunch in preparation of my tea.
  8. Ho, ho, ho is it just me who has the Christmas tingle? Only a few weeks to go before we find out if we have been naughty or nice and that, kindly faced, bariatric man with the wacky dress sense pops in and gives us lucky ones gifts. A time when we can celebrate the birth of baby Jesus with too much food, booze and old films on the TV, just like they did in days gone by. A time when, if we have any cash left after the Government, banks and the rest of the profiteering world have taken there cut, we can spend our heating and cooking money on buying stuff that the recipient doesn't really want or need. A time when most people have to visit people they don't really like or get on with and spend a few hours pretending all is peachy. What's not to like? Ho, ho, ho I will be snuggled up with my loved ones, hiding from family and tucking into Turkey, sprouts - I love sprouts - all the trimmings and looking forward to the Stilton, smoked salmon, cold cut and pickles in the evening. Anyone know what old films are on tv on Christmas and boxing days?
  9. DirtyDT

    Bobber project

    Link on how to post pictures is You may want to start a new thread in the project section.
  10. Viewed when the seat is taken off. Pull off the side covers and it will be on one side depending on what year the bike is. They moved the location when they changed the exhaust shape and the swing are from round to square.
  11. The oil tank is under the seat. A clear plastic tank. an oil pipe should run from here, behind the engine to the front right of the crank case. If you remove the right hand front cover on the crankcase, the oil pump should be visible there. The black pipe from the tank will go into the pump and there will be a pipe from the pump to the carb. There will also be a cable which is connected to the throttle to the cab by the means of a cable splitter. There is a way to test the pump but the first thing is to see if you have one. The pump is better than premixing fuel as it changes the oil flow automatically depending on the bike revs. If you premix, the oil ratio remains the same and this can mean the bike runs too rich or lean.
  12. No worries. You have come to the right place for DT175 help so get the netiquette right and I am sure help will be forthcoming. Oh yeh - don't run the bike before checking the oil pump is working, or is actually there. If you do make sure that you are running premix at about 33:1 so 33 times the petrol to 1 times the 2 stroke oil. I think most of us would advice fitting an oil pump if yours is missing as it makes the bike run better.
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum. Here are some dumb answers. 1) This section is for saying hello, not for asking questions. First post questions tend to get ignored on here. There is a workshop section for these questions.. 2) Oil tank should be seen under the seat. It is a clear/white plastic container. If it is not there or not connected then the bike is probably running a premix (2 stoke oil and fuel straight into the tank). 3) The pump should be found behind the right hand side crankcase. 4) Links to anything copywritten cant be posted on the forum as it breaks copyright law and could get the site closed down, the site owner sent to jail or the risk of him being subject to a drone attack. I would suggest that you start a thread in the workshop section. There are lots of 2 stoke lovers on the site and quite a few DT175 experts.
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum. Fantastic intro, Great sense of humour.
  15. Just seen "Holiday's are coming" ad for Coke. Crimbo countdown has started.
  16. As Beezkneez says please. I have had to lock one thread, I don't really want to lock another. Thank you.
  17. The £8 may (or may not) reflect the actual cost but does it reflect the "should have cost". In my time working for RM, the actual cost was often twice the should have cost - They used to measure this by the means of Effective Performance. There used to be a lot of scams including people undervaluing the contents, sending stuff as "papers" which had no duty or items for the blind (braille newspapers) with stuff stacked in the middle. Another con is paying duty for postage. The sender would have already paid duty if the sending country taxed the postage. The problem was that lots of people selling - on fleabay for example - would advertise an item worth £10 for 1p with £9.99 postage. Regardless of what value is put on the douane label, HMCE can still open the item and guess the price the item would have cost and tax the item at their guessed rate. All that aside, and me dragging the thread back on topic, I still think that it is work buying from abroad in the majority of cases.
  18. I know I don't need to tell you Noise but with most (all??) exhaust paint, it is about getting that curing right. I get a heat gun on mine when it is touch dry to cure it.
  19. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  20. Sorry Drewps, that isn't right. No business would pay out a tax without collecting it first nor pay it when it may not technically be due.
  21. I doubt very much if you will get much of a reply in how to disable a bike alarm on a R1. I suggest you contact a bike alarm installer and get the work required done by them. If you plan to stick around on the forum, and we are generally a friendly bunch, you may want to say hello in the new members section.
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