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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Oh yes Paul!! I have been out a lot of the day, just popped onto fleabay and searched for RD400 - highest values sorted - this popped up but not at the top of the list with a few minutes to go. I said to the better half I was going to have a bid. She said fine. Bidded and won it. So the list now reads: 1x YA-6 1x TS250 2x RD400's 1x FZ8 Plus more spares than you can wave a stick at.
  2. I am popping to Squires tomorrow to pick up a RD400 engine so I will ask around what the score is over a large tea and a big breakfast. Errrr.....................in another piece of news we have to go somewhere as I think I have just brought this off fleabay.............. no alcohol was involved either. Another RD400 '78 vintage. I need to check it over, pay for it and have it delivered before I get too excited but it is road registered, was on the road until late last year, no MOT and SORN at the moment but, allegedly, it has just had a top end rebuild.
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum. PS - I have edited the title for you.
  4. I am looking forward to this one - and with pictures
  5. How many service stamps do you need?
  6. You are going to need to be a little more specific than that. When you click the picture icon (below and to the left of the smiley), do you get a pop up box called "image properties"? If all of the top icons are greyed out click the very top icon on the left that looks like a switch.
  7. DirtyDT

    ya6 125

    "Lad"? You obviously have never met me. No manual download links are allowed on the forum due to copyright laws. The YA 6 manual isn't great, they do come up on fleabay. If the engine is seized it will probably be in one of 2 places; the piston or the big end. Whip the cylinder head off and see what it looks like. If it looks seized at the piston then either plusgas or diesel will get it free. Once the head is off you can just pull the barrel off and see what the big end looks like. If it is the big end then the same applies but it is a complete engine strip. You can pick up cranks and NOS barrels from fleabay. My engine is part stripped at the moment and I am struggling to get the stator coils off the crank. My project thread on it is here It hasn't moved on much further at the moment.
  8. I think any bike will do and people just turning up for the crack is good enough. That's the trouble with the ACRD venue, it is half an hour down the road for the likes of you, Paul and me. There is no fear of seeing a piston popping out when you are 100 miles from home.
  9. At the same place in Derby Rugby club. I think there are about a dozen 2 stroke fans coming from Germany this year!!! It is a pain when they conflict.
  10. Do you know when the Fizzy one is yet? The TS at the ACRD rally last year. It was baking hot.
  11. Maybe a little premature of me? Camping with a bike is now being charged for - £3 a night I think. Not the end of the world I know. I popped up to the ACRD rally on the Saturday last year, I didn't camp or stay long but I did go. Lots of people stayed overnight. I have renewed my membership for this year and have plans to start on the RD soon(ish). That is why I am off to Squires on Sunday, to pick up a RD400 engine that needs rebulding. Are you thinking of camping or just a day trip? TBH, the best parts of last years Squires for me was the trip back with you from Seaways and the rides up and back with Jason and Andrew.
  12. Well it is 2014, Squires seems to still be for sale. There is no updated info yet on the annual 2 stroke rally - I know it is a little early. It seems that for 2014 they are going to charge for bike and tent camping. The questions are; Are we holding on for Squires to see what happens? Are we going to tag along to a different event? Are we going to start something new? Should we just not be bothered? There were 13/14 of us at Squires last year, I know that some were day trippers and some won competitions on a 4 banger but I just thought I would mix it up and ask. It may mean a different location or time of year. All we need is something similar. Any thoughts? PS - it's not like I don't like the place but TBH everything could be a little better. PPS - I will actually be going to Squires on Sunday to see a man about an engine so I may see what the score is. Edit: Could do more North, could do more south. The SV650 guys are going here this year LINKY They have a 3 bedroom, 15 person bunkhouse so no tents if that is preferred. We could also wave at John across Hadrian's wall!!
  13. There are probably a few ginger nuts on here already fella!!! No where near as good. WD40 Is a water dispersant, Plusgas is a penetrating fluid.
  14. DirtyDT

    fz8 Broom, broom.

    From the album: Dirty DT Rides

    © DDT

  15. DirtyDT

    fz8 Broom, broom.

    From the album: Dirty DT Rides

    © DDT

  16. A bit of surface rust. I would leave it for now. Get some Plusgas and spray the rusty bolts with it on a regular basis keeping it away from tyres and brakes. When you are ready see if anyone is prepared to help - search the forum as there is a thread about that kind of help - it also is a good idea to fill in your profile, you may live near someone who is prepared to pop around and help out. Check over the bike and create a wish list. For example if the swingarm is coming off you may want to do the following while you are at it: Swingarm off and painted Swingarm bearings replaced/checked and greased Rear wheel bearings and seal replaced/checked and re-greased Rear brakes checked Chain and sprockets replaced. Cush rubbers checked Apart from waiting for the paint to dry, providing you have the parts ready to go, the rest would take a couple of hours max. Then you know that the rear of the bike is sorted for a long time to come.
  17. I think we need to determine if your copy and paste isn't working or if it is just the technique you are using. Have a look here; Does this help? The forum uses BB code so brackets should only be the square type like this [ ] The link for the picture should end in something like .jpg .bmp .gif .png Can you enter the link manually or via word or notebook I don't use photobucket or the likes however if I use one of my pictures the code I would use is http://www.numan.biz/fz8/fz801.JPG Now we need to tell the forum that this is an image so we use BB image tags which look like this [img]http://www.numan.biz/fz8/fz801.JPG[/img] We can do this manually by just typing in the above with the bit in between the ] [ showing location of your image or we can make it easy by looking at the box we enter our posts into and below and slightly to the left of the smiley we have a small image icon. If we click that a box will open and we just put the web address of the picture in it and it creates the image tags for us. It should give us this; If you try both methods and the picture appears then you are cutting the wrong text or your cut shortcut isn't working on your pc. If you try the same after getting the address of one of your photos, you should be there. Try copying the link into word and then the forum or into a different tab in your browser. I hope this helps
  18. Grouchie, the most you should pay for the first service is oil and oil filter change. About 40 quid. If the local dealer isn't going to look after you, why give them your cash? If they are arsey because you brought from a cheaper dealer then that is their problem. They will probably earn more profit in servicing your bike over a few years than they would have done selling you a new bike. The customer is king and it is about time that companies recognised this. I haggle for loads of stuff. Even though the FZ was heavily discounted I still got a deal on the price for the bike and a new lid. Phone up Yamaha customer services and see what the deal is with the first service being done at a different main dealer.
  19. I would clean it in diesel and then a degreaser. I would also get the big end changed and the crank balanced. Do it once and do it properly as you will waste time and money if you have to strip down the engine again if the big end is knackered. You can send them away to get them done search tinterweb for PJME.
  20. It is always hard to diagnose over the interweb so the most common issues are checked first and that allows everyone to know what has been checked. As with some of the suggestions so far, the normal cause of these symptoms is a blocked pilot jet. Have you checked that the pilot jet is the right size? I am guessing but have you cleaned the needle jet and set the float height correctly? As with airhead's comments, the mixture screw (normally small brass slotted) should be 1 1/2 turns out and the larger, often knarled screw should be turned in until you get a decent rollover. My comment on trying it with the fuel.cap off is because ; as it uses fuel, the tank needs to suck in air or you get a vacuum. So in order of things to try - in my opinion; Fuel cap off Take off the carb check the jets again for cleanliness and sizes and reassemble checking the float height. Ideally I would also carb clean all of the carb passageways by either using a carb cleaner or boiling in an old saucepan. I would also check the floats for holes. Reset the carb as per previous advice. If possible put a new spark plug in it and check the plug cap for tightness. Further to that I would also look at the airbox. Is it running a standard airbox and filter? Is the airbox clean? Is the filter clear and oiled? That should keep you busy for a while.
  21. They are marked with large letters, numbers or symbols. Common ones are; TS, 10 and a logo (Suzuki use a large S). From the swingarm bolt back they will probably just be used for disk brake and caliper mountings.
  22. Have you tried it with the petrol cap off? Have you cleaned out the petcock (fuel tap)? Is it new fuel and have you cleaned out the fuel tank?
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