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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. More to come later but I ordered 2 of each of the following. Main jets, pilot jets, needle valve assemblies, gaskets and main jet washers. With a little postage the cost was 50 odd quid. Allens are not too far from where I work.
  2. Have ordered a selection of genuine jets from Allens Performance.
  3. I brought the one shown in that picture. It wasn't cheap but looked like it was in good nick. I brought 3 of these yesterday. I have a list of jets I need 120 MJ and 25 pilot being the 2 main ones. I will phone Allens Performace in a while to order some genuine ones. I am not a purest so if they are more expensive than a set of spannies in stainless then I would opt for the spannies. If you can ask though please and PM me. I have been offered a pair of NOS ones but I didn't ask the price so that has gone no further. The bike ran and rode excellently with the carbs as they are and those jets in. I will ultrasonic clean them but they may be spares once I have called Allens. Thanks for the replies and the PM. I have responded.
  4. Brought a very tidy airbox with the right fitting. 3 air filters with baffles (they seem difficult to get so got enough). Popped off a carb to check it.
  5. The new 400 filter looks the same as that one - albeit slightly cleaner and I know that there are subtle differences with the center of the airbox and the baffles. Paul from the ACRD club is bringing me another airbox at the Derby show. I know the one he has is a 250 one so I can compare, I am also posting a slightly different thread on ACRD so someone over there may point out the same. Cheers for the heads up though.
  6. Since getting it it had developed an oil leak. Red oil so 2 stroke. I have brought new oil pipes and clips all around because I suspected it was a pipe. I popped the oil pump cover off and as I was un-tightening it, loads of 2 stroke oil and water came out. This was the mess inside. Looks like the 2 stroke oil feed from the tank is leaking. The clip is very loose and there is no clip on the other end of the tank anyway!! Shot of the bottom of the carbs. The spigots are supposed to have vent pipes to the airbox. The spigots in the airbox are fine (they are commonly broken) but no pipes.
  7. Hi and welcome to the forum. Lots of old foggies on the forum as well as many young uns.
  8. Some gloves have small hard dots on the index fingers to help push buttons. Not sure they would help with a touchscreen. Just make sure you have the answer phone on.
  9. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum. It is never too late to start biking and at 54 you will not be the eldest (by a long way) on the forum. I personally passed my car test in '76 and then went out and bought a bike. As Dreps says, maybe try and join us as Squires this year. quite a few members come from the North West.
  11. No issue with an airbag going off - it can still be legal on the road. Don't forget that if the vehicle is a business one (that includes fleet) and the company using it is VAT registered, the first time it is passed into private ownership, the VAT is due on it. Expect a letter from HMRC.
  12. I use rain but if I really had to recommend one range it would be these fellows LINKY
  13. I expect to meet up with Paul at the beginning of July at the Aircooled RD event in Derby. Glad you got help but consider saying hello in the newbies section if you intend to stay around. To be honest I rarely reply to people who don't do that quite early in their initial posts and new joiners who do post hello's do tend to get better replies. As Slice said in his post,we are a forum of people who like bikes and sometimes get aggrieved when people think the forum is an "on demand - fix my bike" place for them to post. We even have had people posting the same question all over the forum and then re-posting a short time later, angry, that no one had replied.
  14. Does Foamy want to buy it?
  15. Or change the slogan to "crinkly when wet".
  16. If you are to lazy to kickstart a small cc bike, when you want to start it pretend to some passer by that you have hurt your leg and ask if they will kickstart it for you. A lot easier than doing any conversion.
  17. He has the log book for the van. Is he the registered keeper or the van owner? The log book will state that having it does not mean he is the van owner. The acid test is if he can legally sell the van and keep the money and I would ask the boss for something on headed paper to say that he owns the van. Once that is established if I was him I would insure the van myself. Cobra should give him a note to say he is a named driver on a policy which MAY give a smaller premium. Not sure what the van is worth but if he owns it then this is his asset and could be seen as worth paying his own insurance offset against the van value - safer too! If his boss is trying to offset assets at the moment for some dodgy purpose - and I am not saying he is - he might want to reclaim the van at some point in the future. He may just be the generous sort. The bottom line is; does the risk outweigh the cost?
  18. Just tell him to be careful Kev. If the firm stops the insurance for any reason without letting him know, he will be in a pile of poo if caught. Even more if he has an accident. He may end up playing hide the sausage in Strangeways through no fault of his own.
  19. Design; Yes Colour; Yes Writing on the back; Yes Size; Yes Delivery date; Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  20. I thought we should look to see if we need any T shirts for the 2015 event. Best to start arranging this now!
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