I have been thinking about this whilst eating popcorn with Tommy. In old systems the points stop the earth when they open and that fires the coil. The coil body is earthed but that may be a bit of a red herring because normally there are also 2 terminals (feed and earth) ignoring the coil body earth, power is fed to the coil and only when the second terminal earth is broken by points being opened does the coil fire. So assuming the coil is getting enough feed to power it up - and not too much - the break in the earth side should make it discharge. The earth from the terminal and the earth from the body may be the switch so when the terminal earth is connected it charges and when the body earth only is connected it discharges. Hence the kill switch, or ignition, being connected to that wire too on older bikes. Therefore if the coil is connected to the battery feed direct, and assuming that the power to the coil is enough and correct and the coil body is earthed to the battery, by connecting and disconnecting the terminal earth should fire the coil. If that works then there must be a short in the earth terminal wire either grounding it out or a break not allowing it to charge. Er... I think but i might have got that wrong. It did make sense when I wrote it though.