After great advice from the forum, copious amounts of WD and my very largest hammer the swingarm is now off the bike. It is amazing what a junior hacksaw can do The frame and swingarm are both saved and I am a happy bunny. I did have to strip the bike though!!
In case it is any use to anyone, I carefully cut through the thrust covers in several places and spayed them flat (in one picture they are like ragged stars) and carefully cut through between the frame and the bearing with the junior hacksaw. The offside one has to be sawn from the bottom up so it is an engine out job.
Swingarm with the remnants of the outer bearings still in in
The sawn bolt and the 2 thrust covers, spayed
The frame
An end shot of the bolt in the inner bearing. Looking at it I would have had to bathe it in WD for a year. It is solid in there
I am now off to the pub for a well deserved beer. Anyone want to join me?