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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. I love Vegas. I don't gamble but what a place!!!! Sahara Hotel. With a voucher $7.99 for an eat all you can meal. Maximum stay 2 Hours................ come on!!!!!!!!!!
  2. DirtyDT

    Nutz & Boltz

    Wherever you get them from only use Stainless where you can. They look good and don't seize up.
  3. Pressure test it like OG said. If there is a leak use Pro Seal or Granville Petro Patch. You can also get a solution to coat the inside of the tank. A lot safer then cutting or welding something with petrol fumes in !!!! If you use one of these it is better to strip the paint off the tank and prepare it for paint before you use them as stuff like Nitromores will melt most things. Search "petrol tank repair" in hbay
  4. The Ruskin Arms (High St North, East Ham) used to be the bikers pub but not anymore. If you want to biker mix go to the tea hut in Epping forest (Near the Robin Hood pub off Epping New Road) over the weekends. I have not lived in London for a while but have Sons in Harlow. I used to take them to Orient when they were small.
  5. I would look at the 2 stroke oil, pump and mix first. Is the oil pump working? What is the colour of the plug? It oil getting to the carb and into the engine? All of this can be done without splitting the engine.
  6. It's a funny story true or not but in the paper is another bizzare story... Banned from driving for curb crawling What's that all about???? Article Here Maybe it's a Bristol thing
  7. yes. to the left of the throttle set screw. screw it in fully (carefully) and then back it off about 1 1/2 turns as advised by JimR etc. run the bike and adjust the throttle screw to about 1500 revs. then slowly screw in/out the pilot to get the best (higest revs) running speed. Then adjust the throttle to tick over again. Not sure about the other screw but I would ride the bike and check the spark plug adjusting that screw if you need more/less air.
  8. Pilot screw 250E 2 turns out, 250D 1 3/4 turns out 250f carb VM28SS model mark 2N600 250e carb VM28SS model mark 1M100 250d carb VM28SC model mark 1M100 The 250f carb seems to have 3 screws Pilot screw, Throttle screw and a Air adjust screw. Look Here According to my book
  9. Don't put too much in your rucksack..Light items only or it can hurt between your shoulder blades. The Central Hotel, Barking Road I am a London guy - Though not any more. Lived in East Ham, Manor Park and Stratford - I knew I should have paid the mortgage - A Hammers fan but keep it to yourself .
  10. Uzi Much better route. better when you clear London and the other side of the M25. See Green Flag for rescue rates. Forget the Mars bars.... Full english or at least a bacon butty and a mug of tea. Use big superstores if you get caught short and carry half a toilet roll (flattened) in case you get REALLY caught short - if you know what I mean!! Especially when it is cool, late summer!! I just love the long trips. Pack a tent and a Youth Hostel card and head South to the sun. Such a buzz
  11. Take one. Better than walking home! Some farm yard animals will steal anything - They are not all chickens It it gets stolen make sure you know who is telling porkies or bull s*it Sorry I had to do it
  12. Before you go check oils, tyre pressures etc. Don't stop in the Coach and Horses by the "O's" ground for a pint. Charge your phone and top up if you are prepay. Fill with fuel before you load up. Make sure you can fill up without taking too much stuff off the tank. Definitely light waterproofs and basic tools What you need when you get there. Don't forget that you can pick up jeans and t shirts in Tescos for a fiver when you are there. You can also consider posting back any surplus stuff to lighten the load on the way back. Get recovery (it comes free with some bank accounts so check. and a flexible friend. Stop when you want to. lots of A road truckers stops around. I would go Hertford, Bedford, Northampton kind of way.Dont use the A14 or similar roads. A lot are duel carriageways and a chore on a bike. Longest day ride. From Bol'dor via marseilles, Paris, Dover- Calais ferry, Harlow. Left Marseilles at 4pm. In the shower at home at 6am.
  13. I presume you have changed the 2 stroke oil? The oil pump is adjusted by shims. Check if the oil cable is sticking open on full throttle. Either stiff or the cable isnt seating right when you open her up. I would then test the bike with a premix only to see if it is still happening.
  14. DT175 wiring Here DT250 wiring Here Models differ so these are guides only. Click the picture to zoom.
  15. 3 mice are sitting in a bar drinking Tequila shots. The first mouse says "I am so hard that I run into mouse traps for fun. As the bar closes I bench press it 20 times". The second mouse says "I am so hard I get the mouse killer tablets from their boxes, crush them and snort them". The third mouse gets up to leave. The other two mice say "where are you going?" He replies........................................................."Home to sh*g the cat!!"
  16. It needs 3.3 pints which is a lot different to 1900cc. (One and a half pints is 850cc). You will need to check the valve in the crank to check that the oil is not just being dumped into the crankcases. Remember too much oil will blow seals, or worse. Check the model number but look Here
  17. DirtyDT

    Look what i got!

    I think I went out with her mum once.
  18. You are not wrong OG! Sorry Littledave It is about the last lap of the Catalunya 125cc MotoGP. The Rossi win was great BTW it is worth finding the last 3 laps of that if you can.
  19. Anyone seen this?http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport...kes/8099343.stm
  20. Greetings from Loughborough midnight61 !
  21. Most clutch switches are to stop the bike being started without the clutch being pulled in. So to stop accidental starting. Some bikes also have a sidestand switch which does the same.
  22. Nice! Have a look at the data here and test that all the electrical is in spec Here This is what I would do..... (working backwards) Test all of the electrical against the chart (Ohms). Next I would disconnect the kill switch (Black and Black/White wire) in the headlight. Assuming the coil is within spec I would test the coil earth. I would then test that the low voltage wire from the coil to the mag is connected (continuity) Then check the timing. Fit the new points and condenser and see where you are.
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