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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Nice Big Yin.......................................But what is it? Are you being "careful" with your picture sizes? I got my opera glasses out to get a better look but the other half thought I was looking at porn..again
  2. At least the plaster will go off quick in this heat. The same therory applies to all the links, loose or fixed. I would check that they are moving freely up and down. If one is sticking then it will show up on the smaller sprocket. if you bend your index finger to the curve of the back sprocket you will see how much the chain needs to move. Now do this to the curve of the front sprocket and you can see that the chain needs to come in on itself a lot more. All the links on the chain need to be free to curve that much. Not very technical, I know
  3. Are the sprockets 15 and 48? You said you brought a kit but you may have got the wrong toothed front sprocket. If you put a loose link in the chain I would check that you have not pinched it so that it is not able to move around the smaller sprocket.
  4. Granby's are very friendly. They were recommended to me by a forum member. I have brought stuff from Webmoto also. I use this site to see what the part number is. Here As it makes it easier over the phone.
  5. I't don't matter if he's Black or White, Hoo Hoo
  6. Ouch! That hurt I don't think a DT. Some of the Honda tanks have the same 3 bolt fittings. I will try it on the DT but it is hard to guess the size so I will have to wait until it arrives. I will probibly store it until a "project" comes up. but cheers.
  7. Dogging, trolling..................................It's all the same.....................................Isn't it??
  8. Does anyone recognise the shape of this fuel tank and could they tell me what it fits please? It looks similar to the one Here but I just won it on hbay £1.99 + £2.00 postage. Thanks
  9. DirtyDT

    old yamaha

    Without a picture the first 3 numbers/letters of the frame would help as previously posted.
  10. I think I did the following to become a paid member Log in Click "My Controls" Near the top of the page where the Pm messages link is On the left there is a "menu" column. Look down this until you see the "Options" catagory The first selection is "Purchase Paid Subscriptions" Click this and I think it is here. I am not 100% sure.
  11. He was going to do gigs at the London Area this year but I have been told that ALL Jackson dates have been cancelled. That includes Bobby, aged 5, and Ryan, aged 9. How can you tell if Michael Jackson has a hot date? There’s a push bike parked outside his house. Why does Michael Jackson like twenty eight year olds? Because there are twenty of them. What does Michael Jackson consider a Perfect “10″? Two 5 year olds. How does Michael Jackson pick his nose? From a catalogue. Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men?? He thought it was a delivery service. What has 18 balls and 3 pubic hairs? A Michael Jackson slumber party. What’s brown and often found in a baby’s diaper? Michael Jackson’s hand. Two paramedics arrived at michael jackson's place answering the 911 call. the first paramedic said, "what should we try first" The Other paramedic said. " i don't know about you, but I'm going on the ferris wheel"
  12. I would agree with that. When did you join the mind police and who put you in charge of freedom of speech ? I have heard that Gary Glitter (he could be innocent too ) has put in a bid for Michael Jackson's computer
  13. Very cheap by the way. I am proud to be an upstanding Member - Should I leave now ????
  14. Does anyone know if there is a manual or parts list for the later square swing arm, right hand side oil tank DT175MX. All the online stuff only shows the tube swing arm and seem to end in '81. The Clymer manual is about the same and I brought what was described as a "service manual" on disk from hbay but it is just a load of badly photocopied sheets converted to PDF and crap. Cheers.
  15. £10 for oil and fresh oil at that or scratches and marks with the possibility of something getting broken? Not a tough choice for me
  16. OK. Have a look at the link below as you have no manual. It is a 185 model but it may help! pick the part and zoom in. Here
  17. Have you fitted the front sprocket properly? I would not rev the b*ll*cks off it. If anything catches the bike will be up the road without you. Take the front sprocket cover off and with the bike in a high gear and the engine switched off push the bike. Does the output shaft spin ? (where you slid the front sprocket on to) If so the front sprocket is not locating.
  18. cocktail - If it looks like a prawn, smells like a prawn and tastes like a prawn what is it??
  19. At least it did not happen..... Not like Here
  20. Class Very strange bloke. let down by people around him who should have mentioned, quietly, that it was not a good idea to sleep in the same bed as little boys!! He could have possibly decided to be Latoya full time now. I prefered his music when he was a black guy, but lot a big fan then. For the football fans - He must have been a West Ham fan like me as I remember hearing that he liked the song "I'm forever blowing bubbles" Shame he had a monkey named bubbles
  21. Ahhhhh Noooooo. She got me a shed, Just for me. Can you see the window in the top? She did mention something about sending me flowers!!!!
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