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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Barking mad concept">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
  2. I have just met up with Cynic and wanted to say a big thank you. I sourced some parts for the DT and talked bikes for a while. A really nice guy. Thanks Cynic
  3. I posted this link in a different thread but here it is again. A Smart car with a GSXR 1000 engine. Videos at the bottom of the page. Here
  4. You always need a bottle opener and a box of matches, Just in case.
  5. Pricey at ten grand plus the car but if I win the lottery I would get one. Maybe a Hayabusa engine. That would scare all the neon lit, big exhaust, lexus lights saxo drivers out there Shame about knockhill. Maybe we all need a drinking camping weekend.
  6. Hi Big Yin, Yep a Morris Minor (moggie) flatbed. I think they had 1000cc engines in most, originally but I would guess that the Yami lump makes it pretty quick. Not sure about the second picture. It looked the dogs up close though. The rain was bad earlier but it looks OK now. If you drink enough you don't care about the rain. There was a mini with a bike engine and a company who put GSXR engines into Smart cars. I don't have the pictures but the smart car company is Here Watch the vids. Great!
  7. Have a great time Blackhat. The show is only about an Hour from me but I can't make it. I did go to the Newark Kitcar show the other weekend. Some pics below. The first one has a Yamaha engine in it.
  8. I like it, it does not like me hic
  9. I don't know Jim May be If I drink scrumpy my legs stop working. Then I need to have a wee and I am in big trouble.
  10. Yep Agro phobic = against Agro I will let all the bargain hunters get that "special" deal. I will just sit in the sun, have a ciggie and wait whilst my beers chill down. The Tesco's is within walking distance but if God had wanted us to walk, he would not of invented Bikes.
  11. Hi Big Yin, I can't be a*sed. They do some good prices but I have a "Bargain Booze" shop at the bottom of the road. Very good deals there. Not that I drink much you understand.
  12. I don't know. I brought 8 Tetley Smoothflow. Yes OG but remember.................................Every Little Helps. BTW Tesco's turnover last year was £52bn; pre-tax profits £2.8bn. Staggering.
  13. Hi All, I was wandering around Tesco's earlier. It was nice to stand by the fridges to keep cool. Anyway, as I was shopping for food I decided to go down my favorite aisle. I saw the following and took a picture with my phone. Is it just me !!!!
  14. Nice one OG What time did the Chinese man go to the dentist? Tooth hurtee Confucius say. Man who walks around with one hand in pocket always feels a little cocky. Ar se ole
  15. Hi Big Yin, Do you mean "these bikes are a yoke"? I went to a Chinese restaurant the other day. I got my meal and the waiter came up to me and said "How is you meal sir?" I replied "The chicken is rubbery" He said "Ahhhhh fank you werry much" Old ones are the best
  16. I had similar on an oil pump. Heat it a few times. WD40 it a lot. Cut a slot in one side of the head or nick the head enough so a flat screwdriver can sit in the nick and then hit the driver to push the bolt anticlockwise. Repeat the process. Picture 1 shows the oil pump drive and the holes for the new screws. Picture 2 shows the bolts above the removed oilpump. Picture 3 shows new Allen bolts installed.
  17. I used to have a onehunglow Chinese bikes are cheap and although they may not be reliable or have the Japaneses infrastructure, that is what happened in the 60's when Japanese bikes took over from the likes of BSA, Triumph and Norton etc. Because they don't hold their price means that more people can afford them which means more bikers new and returners that can enjoy what we do. If history repeats itself then get a 250 something Chinese and store it. It may be worth a few quid in the future.
  18. Thanks Cynic. I got a Clymer one because I heard it was the best but it is still lacking in a lot of departments. Cheers
  19. I hope you vehicle checked it? If the tyres are square it might be a motorway hack. It can kill the steering bearings as they can wear in one place.
  20. SCMA?? What this one Here? Pity Michael couldn't go this year.
  21. I don't know but if she carries on I will get my shovel out and she will join the other ex's. A little too hot to dig tonight though.
  22. Ah. turned my glasses around.. That is much better. Like a slipper for bigfoot eh! It would be no good for me. I would have to hop to the fridge for beers. Darn clever these orientals. The thought process of slipper - Banana skin - Monkey is genius
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