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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. To be honest I am not sure if it is the police on the ground, although some of them are power crazy. They have a hard job but get told what to do my their superiors and the government. It would be easy for a chief constable to bump up their targets by fining young riders when they should be out catching criminals including bike thief's. What was the cost of the police time in carrying out all the procedures and then I would question the results. The moped seems to pass every test except; maximum design speed not exceeding 50 kilometres per hour (km/h) (about 31 miles per hour (mph)However, to me, the phrase "design speed" means that the moped was designed to do that speed. That would assume certain conditions. It must have passed all the UK Certificate of Conformity and EEC testing at the time it got accepted as a moped. It does not say that the moped should not be able to do a greater speed! So what is the fine for? If they are saying that the bike has been tuned or deristricted then this needs to be proved and would invalidate any insurance and possibly driving licence and therefore did a summons get issued? I find it strange that a police station needs to have a dyno machine. Very weird!
  2. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    Ah I forgot about the weight of the paint. I do need to sand the seam out but it is the Mark 1. I have played Air Guitar. Rock City, Nottingham 1994
  3. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    Should I stealth paint the box and car?
  4. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    Nice one Little Dave. I saw that in a dream last night. My plans are now becoming a reality. Pictures of the Mark 1 test version are below.
  5. How can you create a law that says "limited to 31MPH"? That is like saying a cooker must boil an egg without specifying whether that is a Quail or Ostrich egg and the amount of water in the pan. It may not be a good idea but have you tried to slacken the throttle cable so there is a lot of slack in it? This way the carb will never be fully open. You can tighten it when you sell the bike and it could save you messing about with it.
  6. Interesting. How was it dyno'd? because that should measure the power to the back wheel. If you consider that the bike with an 8 stone rider with a tail wind riding down hill will be able to travel faster than the bike with a 20 stone rider with a head wind riding uphill. My point is, was the test accurate? Have a look Here it may help. EDIT Look Here also. Maybe they have something against the Aerox and see it as "the bike" to test for making sure they can rip you off with another tax make sure you are road legal
  7. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    Boy's Brigade was all I was allowed and bugger me I didn't enjoy it - but that is another story Do I need to apply for a pilots licence?
  8. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    Faster, slower I stand corrected however the principle is sound - I think. Fitting the box to the very rear of the car would allow me to keep the front on the road so still have traction and steering but get lift on the back where the weight would be. I think . Errrrrrrrrrrrr Plan B Errrrrrrrrr Keep off the John Smiths, Put the box on the right way and put more fuel in the car. It did seem a good idea last night ( ) Plan C would be abandon the trip and spend the cash on John Smiths which will enable me to focus think more about this great idea! The problems is there are a few tinnies in the fridge getting cold for this evening so who knows what will happen?
  9. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    Very true Cov Al. I did mean lowers MPG but a very valid point. Not sure about Hydrogen. I saw the Hindenburg film. Maybe an inert gas like Helium. The Zafira was not my choice but good for carrying stuff. It is just the other 350 days that you dont carry stuff that count. I got my degree from the Indian Distance Learning University. An email and £20 Rupees and it was a Doctor.
  10. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    Matron has come to take me back to my cell. I have to go now but I have to put on the back to front jacket before I leave.
  11. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    I have stability control and as a Rosbif I feel that I should partake in their driving style. Bending the voiture would not be good as it is only a couple of months old, but it is insured so that balances that one out. San Alcool. I did breathe into a bag at a gendames request when riding away from a french circuit once but never drink for many hours when riding a bike home.
  12. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    I concur Big Yin A lot of the big Jap cars are still rear wheel drive but you are right about the front wheel drive ones. A splitter on the front would be better but I guess that none of the other posers would be able to see that.
  13. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    I have been sitting in the garden drinking John Smiths, having a ciggie and admiring my new roof box I got today and a question popped into my head. This is the background: I am off to France in a few weeks in the car. Having got rid of the Zafira for a smaller car I needed a bit more space to put the stuff. (We filled the Zafira to the brim last year). We go fully loaded so the roof box is there to make up for the smaller boot space. Everyone knows that roof boxes lower fuel consumption and they are streamlined to reduce this (drag). In addition to this, extra weight lowers fuel consumption and the roof box will be full, as well the boot. As I was sipping the beer I noticed that, from the right angle, the roofbox looks like an aircraft wing. It would be if it was put on backwards with the high part to the front. Now, assuming that there are no laws that the box has to go on thin end to the front and I fit it the other way round, would I get lift as per an aircraft wing? Now the lift could counter act the additional weight and actually raise the fuel consumption as the car would weigh less at speed due to the lift effect. This is based on the wing principle that the airflow over the top on the box is slower than the airflow along the bottom of the box. The question is; What do you all think?
  14. You are a bad man I think the Khazakstan brakes are identified by the thick stick that you poke between the spokes when you want to brake.
  15. It could be partially seized brakes and slightly warped disks. I would get the front wheel off the ground and spin the wheel at different speeds looking straight down the disk to see if the disk is warped. It could also be that the front forks have moved slightly. I had this once when I dropped a bike. The bike was undamaged but everytime I braked the bike bucked as if it was trying to throw me. I loosened the folk and wheel bolts, not undid but loosened them, and then retightened them again.
  16. I think it is a great idea. You could get a camera and make a party of it! You might even sell a few tickets!
  17. What, Even the Big Yin!!!!!!!!! Oh dear.
  18. My advice would be never go swimming when you are drunk.
  19. Also they may have my number but not my details. I tell them to "go forth and multiply" as well. They say they don't sell data but they buy it! Very strange as if selling the data is dirty but buying it and using it is OK. Strange logic to me!
  20. I did think about that but they are getting numbers from brokers. They have to be regulated and I am sure the TPS will be after them as soon as people moan that they opted out. Info on the TPS Here
  21. Hi all, Appologies for all the non UK members but this applies to UK numbers only (I think) Very soon your private mobile number may be included on a directory. This is a premium 118*** type number and seems similar to the old BT telephone directory. If you want to remove your number you need to do this very quickly. To not be included you need to click on the ex directory link at the top of the follow link page and then put in your mobile number and an anti spam code shown on screen. They then text you a 5 digit code and you enter the code on the page. The link is Here This is not a joke and for reference click the following link for information on the BBC web site. Click here
  22. Good stunts towards the end. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
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