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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. I gives all decent bikers a bad name. It can be bad enough just riding a bike but to go out and say "Hey look at me I own a Jawa and I will deface property just to let you know" is stupid in the extreme.
  2. This is disgusting. Where did this happen? I know there are Jawa owners on this site but only a mindless fool would descrate a cemetery. Forget the probation, I guess it is youths who deserve to be birched. What is our Country coming to? Hooligan scum.
  3. I think I need to sit on one and feel the force. I have had a KLE500 which I loved and the seat was fine. I was looking on stealbay earlier and wandered into thundercat/ace zxr fireblade ads. I have always wanted a zxr, riden one and it almost threw me but my days of superfast have gone. I like the TDM look and as a twin with decent size tubeless tyres it looks perfect. I think I can get away with the seat high without mods so just need to feel the weight as I dont want to feel like i am lugging around a large lump of metal.
  4. I am going to ask my other half if she wants some cake.............
  5. May the force be with you Obi wan! I like monkey boots myself.
  6. DirtyDT


    Errrrr That was what I meant... Cough, Cough It seemed like a good idea to say it at the time............................Now where is that remove post button?
  7. It could be a bad conection on the electrics. For example a bad clutch wire. Item 6 Here
  8. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    I didn't see Dr Dick V Dyke coming but I felt his presence I have a split personality. I don't understand why I don't have to pay twice on the bus but at least I am never alone!!
  9. DirtyDT


    Isn't it going to be dangerous having the PC and Mod'ing so close to the sink?
  10. Helmets Don't buy second hand helmets. Don't paint them. Don't let kids run around with them on headbutting things. If you can get a good deal on the Internet visit your local supplier and try on the exact helmet you want for size, fit and comfort and then go home and buy on line. Buy a good brand and make sure that it is as highly rated as you can afford (ACU Gold or the likes). Clothing Kevlar or body armour is good. Look for triple stitching where possible. Being wet cold or uncomfortable saps your concentration so make sure you are none of these.
  11. Keep her knickers on! She only wears them to keep her ankles warm I do lube - Ooh errr - I think there needs to be a caveat around lubing cables. I know that, for a while, some bike cables came with a thin plastic coating around the inner cable. These cables should not be lubed as it causes the plastic to swell and jam in the outer sleeve.
  12. I use natures way - Rain. I only clean one if it is up for sale or a bird has S*at on the seat.
  13. Have you tried Jaffa Cakes? I am not sure if they are a cake or a biscuit though!
  14. Once the battery is charged, take the plugs out and pour a little fuel into the bores. It gives it a head start.
  15. DirtyDT


    Congratulations Goff.
  16. Thanks OG. I sure know how to make myself popular. I am a firm believer in the Edmund Burke theory - "All that is needed for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing" There are several versions of this however, this is the one I prefer.
  17. Sorry OG! I would go as far as to say that only paid members can view the wants and sales as anyone can join the forum and then PM someone who has a post there, do a deal, and never post or contribute to the forum! It all ties up server space and bandwidth.
  18. A bit of a rant really. I am sure this will not make some people happy but there seem to be more and more people wanting and selling in posts outside the proper parts of the forum! I understand that you need to pay a membership fee to post there but it seems to me that people are posting threads and just happen to mention that "they want a xxx" or "they just happen to have a yyy for sale" or "have lots of spare parts for a zzz" Personally I would like to see these type of posts edited as it devalues all of us who have paid the cash. Well I did say some of you would be p*ssed off. End of rant.
  19. Well they would know a lot about being overweight! Sorry but stuff like this makes my blood boil. When my youngest passed his car test he was driving a few days afterwards and on the road where there was a speed hump and priority reduced bollards a police car coming the other way pulled in front of him. My son had priority. The cop got out and said that my son had no road tax. My son pointed to the windscreen and said what is that in the window? The car was 100% legal. But it could have caused an accident him being so new to driving and the cop was obviously an arsehole.
  20. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    Would that not make the car unstable? I know a lot about being unstable - Well that is what my therapist said!
  21. Click Here It could be worth asking MCN what law was being used!
  22. DirtyDT

    Lift or drag?

    Maybe I should just turn the box around! Oh dear the John Smiths has started tonight.
  23. What law was broken? If they believe that a traffic law has been broken they should not allow the rider to ride. That is like saying to a drunk driver - drive to the police station and we with breathalyse you!
  24. I understand that but why a dyno? So they can dyno a transit van? They must have issued paperwork so what law was broken?
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