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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Foamy you need to be careful what with joining the forces and stuff. You will be suprised what they can dig up and what they know about you. I can't say too much about it but if you see some of the forms and the checking they do for higher security clearance and stuff, you would be scared. I know someone who was escorted off an airbase for being caught with a "dodgy" MOT. Lost his clearance and could not work on those projects again.
  2. Not good riding with no insurance. "Newbury ped crew" Is that some kind of gansta ting? I don't think the 'Angels or Renegades have much to worry about
  3. You seem to know a lot about Foamy, Chocolate! I have a programme that can Google it and see if you are bluffing.
  4. Is that the School keep clear signs you have parked on Goff? Tut Tut. Nice trike though!
  5. Sorry mate. I must be losing it. The John Smiths is kicking in again. Nothing wrong with a bit of folk stuff. I even like some opera. There, I have said it out loud. I say eclectic people say barking - or worse
  6. Is that the one that goes. De de de de de de de de de de??
  7. ? I don't know what that means or stands for. Sorry JimR ?
  8. I have "Story of my life" as my ring tone.
  9. Didn't they do "All around my hat"? I used to like that. Another fav Here This one is class but not for Goff's wedding!
  10. Sometimes when the bike is hot it evaporates the fuel in the carbs. Not sure if it applies but some cars, at least, have a heat shield to help stop this. I also had an XT350 which was like this but that was down to not turning off the fuel tap on that bike. Only had it a couple of weeks as I didn't get on with it.
  11. I have seen them close up but not on the back of a Duke. If you forgot it was fitted and did a stoppie it would come up and hit you on the back of the head. Not cool.
  12. Sounds like a mature, interesting guy to me! If he is a member of the local comunity group he must be OK - right? Hmm. I can't tell if it is fake but I have never sprayed grafiti on a wall...........The plot thickens.
  13. You can never tell. It maybe someone with good, upstanding, moral values.
  14. Well it had to happen with all the changes to Royal Mail. They have sacked Postman Pat and put his bike on hbay Here
  15. That looks very nice.
  16. A Wookie with no bike taste. Sorry JimR
  17. I don't know. 08 -09 Here
  18. Why would you hear about Jawa's here? This is a bike forum
  19. 30mm £151.70 Here At least they are available. There will be cheaper, I am sure just google it.
  20. I don't have any glasses...................Well not any empty ones. Hic. Be careful Jim. Someone will take them and they will be on stealbay tomorrow!!
  21. DirtyDT


    I didn't know they were still going. My last memory of them is an anti leg protectors rally at Trafalgar Square. I need to get out more.
  22. I have blown it up for you. Why don't these youths just stick to sniffing the paint?
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