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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Good on you and your brother butts. Just take it easy and enjoy.
  2. Loved this. It will save me 35p every anniversary, birthday and Christmas. Every little helps
  3. OK guys, thanks for the good advice. I currently have a 8 x 6 potting shed that came with the house. As for the new shed. Wood is now a definite. T&G is a definite. Double doors are a definite. The only problem is that that I can't get anything bigger than 6 feet through my house. This was something I forgot about so the maximum width is going to have to be 6 feet. Length wise I am now looking at 10, 12 or 16 feet. If I go for 10 feet I will not have to do any groundwork, any bigger I will have to lay some additional concrete. I am going to ponder.
  4. Welcome to the forum Koi. Lots of XJ's still about and going strong.
  5. Welcome coda95. Always good to welcome another tinkerer.
  6. Hi and welcome to the forum. Nice introduction by the way. Usually the reason that the screws do not turn is that they are corroded into the switch. The worst thing you can do is get the wrong size, cheap screwdriver onto it to try and remove it. I would suggest that you apply some plusgas and leave for a while. Then, using the correct size driver, of a good quality, try and remove the offending screw. If this fails then I would give the screw another squirt of plusgas and attempt to remove the screw with an impact driver. If that fails I would drill off the screw head and with the switch gear removed, apply even more plusgas using a set of mole grips on the remaining screw to twist it out. If this doesn't work then it may be a case of buying another switch.
  7. Aye Blackhat. He will be asking what the sq meters of my garden is next and what distance from the house it is going to be. . My conservatory condensates but I am not allowed bikes in there. I am allowed to run bikes through the house from the front to the back along the utility/dining area. Just as well really as there is no other way to get them into the back garden. I am not under the thumb you understand
  8. Errrrrrrrrrrrr. yes BWJ I think I am going for wood. One of THESE is favourite at the moment. I will have to extend my current base by about 6 inches along the 10 feet side but that is not a problem. I have seen some vid's of the steel assembly and it looks naff. Also it does seem that condensation is a problem. You can't beat the smell of preserved timber. Especially mixed with the smell of 2 stroke.
  9. I may be in the market for a shed. This would be for bikes and tools only, retaining my garden shed for the mower and the likes. I would like to have the biggest I can afford/get away with/allowed. This will probably be a 10 x 8. I am looking at metal ones due to the lack of maintenance. As I have semi limited access to my rear garden this would be for longer term tinkering and not day to day storage. Any thoughts on the size and material (metal)? I can run power and water (including lights/heat/cooling fan) and was looking to fit a full length work bench down one side. Cheers.
  10. Nice looking project. Very cheap money.
  11. Welcome to the forum. I am always interested in bobbers. Straight bars though, I have never been a lover of ape hangers. Good luck.
  12. Hi Bikerman86, Welcome to the forum.
  13. Welcome dtybop, There seems to be a lot more quality classics just waiting to be loved on your side of the pond. Good luck with the projects.
  14. DirtyDT

    yamaha xs 400

    Start a new thread. Post up some pictures and give us some history.
  15. Hi Wayne, Welcome to the forum. Don't worry about the age thing. There are a lot of older people still riding. Including me
  16. Hi Paul, Welcome to the forum from an ex Essex boy.
  17. DirtyDT

    yamaha xs 400

    A fiver to me if you deliver it. Someone may want to pay more. Try putting it on an auction type site and see what you get.
  18. My old stamping ground. Went to school a couple of miles from here, was there when it caught light (not me) and used to have a drink in the "Panorama bar" there on a Sunday lunch.
  19. No problems. I think all rack are rip off prices.
  20. Hi, Nothing wrong with a mid life crisis, unless you are too old to have one Welcome.
  21. Lucky it wasn't a competition for "Guess the total age". I can't count that high
  22. Plusgas penetrating oil every day for a few days. Drill out the heads as suggested and mole grip the remaining stud. Remember for next time that prevention is better than cure. Before things get too bad a little spray of Plusgas or GT85 really helps (notice no mention of WD40 here). Obviously be careful of things that should not be oiled (like brakes) but at washing or chain lubing/adjusting times, take the extra 10 minutes to spray where you may need to un-tighten. And a plus is that GT85 smells great too.
  23. That's my trouble............................always premature!
  24. Thank you for your purchase Drewps You should know that the best way to enlarge a muscle is to use it so I guess for most of us that means self, manual, manipulation
  25. Hi and welcome sisu. The answer to your first question is don't go to a main stealer. Try a company like wemoto for your broken levers
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