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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Can you get these with only 2 buttons? I didn't like Thatcher at all.
  2. I am not sorry to say I must have missed that one. What are these people on?
  3. I think the garage is open to paid members only. Please have a look at my signature. There is a link in there somewhere for more information. You also get access to more sections that are not visable to non paying members. You don't need to be a paid member to post pictures in threads. You will need somewhere to upload pictures to. There are many help threads around to help on this score but I can't remember the name of any of the main ones used - it is an age thing and I use my own server so do it slightly differently.
  4. I watched 50 seconds of that. That is 50 seconds of my life I will never get back. I should have known better than to click the play button I suppose!
  5. I was in a shop on Sunday and noticed that they had a sign in the window for a weekend staff member vacancy. When we were in there a member of staff was talking to other staff about a call he had just had about the job. The bloke asked the person interested what days they could work. The person answered "I can't work Saturdays". Seeing it was a weekend job it doesn't leave much to play with. This is true and happened last Sunday!
  6. I hope to see you there OT. Bikesure have called and all sorted for next year now. I insured the 2 on the same classic multibike policy. Fully comp, agreed value (just got to fill in and email back some pics) and including recovery. The 2 bikes cost £15 more to insure than Carole Nash wanted for the RD on its own. Thanks to Lee and the team at Bikesure. It is worth a call or PM to Lee if you are looking for some insurance.
  7. DirtyDT

    miss me?

    Who are you, did you used to be a member here? . The sleeve sounds good fella.
  8. Hi Oldtimer, I hope you are well and I might see you in a few weeks time. Carole Nash quoted me more for the RD400 than I pay for the FZ8. Bikesure quoted a little more for both the TS and RD on a multibike policy than Carole Nash for the RD on its own. The cheapest single, non classic, basic, fully comp quote for the RD only was £75.37 with the next cheapest coming in at £76.13. That is without any restrictions on home storage, no restrictions on mileage, no extra security required when parked out and about. I haven't heard back from Bikesure yet. Their renewals team were supposed to be calling me back today.
  9. I brought a 6 month old one of these in around '94. UK weather so never hot. I had the same problem, Started great when cold, It would never start when hot. It lasted a couple of weeks and I PX'ed it.
  10. DirtyDT

    New baby

    Technology and use of grey cells. Those days are over now and I have turned into my old granddad Sacha - it looks fab on the big screen. I wouldn't mind one myself to be honest.
  11. The main differences I can tell is that you can get agreed value but have to limit certain parts of the policy such as mileage and security when not ridden. Apart from the big benefit of agreed value, the other is recovery. Often vehicles need to be under a certain age to get this as a separate purchase. Financially, I can't see any cost savings nor any to a multibike policy with most insurers but that might be because my premiums are low anyway. Even if the risk of accident etc covers both bikes, the recovery will only apply once as you will only be riding one bike. I have never used it yet. The one time I needed to recover a classic, due to a puncture, I used the policy that comes with one of my bank accounts.
  12. Looks like it is Lee at Bikesure at the moment on a classic policy, agreed value for both bikes. More later - when I get a callback from the renewals team and pay some money.
  13. From experience and my preference. Make sure the drum is round and doesn't need skimming. If you are going for S/S spokes then why not stainless rims too Get them to paint the hubs If you are going for full stainless, make sure you get the right nipples and not ones that are going to rust. Purists will say that the stainless rims are a slightly different profile but unless you are using all NOS bolts etc I do not think that matters much.
  14. DirtyDT

    New baby

    As as for the first clue ttaskie, it might be a yami forum but some of us have other bikes too. Sod it I might go out now and buy a Honda!!
  15. DirtyDT

    New baby

    To be fair I did look at the picture in sunlight on my iPhone, no luxury of a big PC screen when I am at work.
  16. DirtyDT


    I hope you are talking about your dog and not a forum member, who shall remain nameless, Kev!
  17. Often the rubber straps have a metal link at each end to fit into lugs on the bike. One end may have an extra inch or so rubber after the link to grab and pull the rubber band off the locating link.
  18. Welcome to the forum. I can't help with the toolkit, I have never owned one, but it should tell you in the owners manual. Sometimes they pack this with the toolkit so that might not help either. The toolkit will be very basic. When I say that I really mean that it will be very poor. I would leave it where it is and invest in some real tools when you can afford them. I never bother to even touch the bike toolkit. If fact I am off to see if my bike actually has one.
  19. I will probably opt for the classic policy again. It's just all the extra messing about. Pictures of the bike, pictures of my licence, fill in a form to state the mileage etc. be use I have a multibike policy there has always been issues with people sending me 2 of each with the correct reg numbers on. Think I will PM Lee now to see what he can do.
  20. It looks like this may be one of the great mysteries of the world. If Indiana jones reads the forum then this could be his next adventure.
  21. Andrew. Don't just take things off for the sake of it. Changing head ball bearings is a royal pain. Checking the oil or seeing if a fork spring has broken is easier. Just use a stick to measure the distance from the top of the fork to the oil level. I am not sure how your fork caps fit but often you need to slacken the top yolk bolt as it claps around the area the cap screws into. If it is not knocking, and feels ok, I would leave well alone.
  22. DirtyDT

    New baby

    I don't have a clue what it is bit it looks good. V engine too.
  23. I am moving this to the workshop section. No grubby overalls or grease should be in the bar section. We have just had all of the furnishings recovered in here and it marks very easily. Now we are in the workshop........ pictures; we love pictures. Have a look at the following link, find the right section for your bike and point us in the right area so we can help LINKY
  24. Hi and welcome to the forum. Good luck with the CBT!
  25. Can you wheel the bike and apply the brake to hear the knock? On the RD, the MOT had "slightly notchy bearings" as an advisory. I couldn't feel it but when I lifted the front wheel and turned the steering is was worse than I thought. Unless they are loose or something has crushed, you normally get a clicky feel on left and right turning of the handlebars.
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