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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. No "Mrs Dirty", it's "Miss Partner" but I think I understood They are the future leaders of the Country so be very afraid! Some of them are very strange. They do seem to spend all their time walking around town, queuing at fast food places or going into Weatherspoons.
  2. I can't afford Marksies. We normally do Tesco as there is a big one in the next road. I am due a kebab but it is the other half's birthday today so having a curry for tonight. Fabulous onion breath for tomorrow .
  3. It does seem to be the way work is at the moment. All very shaky. There is not a lot of difference between "employed" and "contract" at the moment. There used to be a big difference in money, but given that they have sacked half the working people in the country, there is very little difference in most instances. Oh well, I an counting down the years until I start to be able to claim my pensions.
  4. Let me know when the tank is going to be welded and I will stay indoors.
  5. Thanks guys. And additional bank holidays this year due to the wedding Right, where is that annual leave form?
  6. Well the tank arrived . Very clean inside, original paint, A tiny dent on the lefthand side (just after the I in Suzuki). Other than that I am very happy with it. Very usable as it is and the underside is just as clean.
  7. I am getting the list compiled and have a couple of bids in for stuff and am waiting for delivery of the replacement tank. I do intend to go to Stafford, I have never been so I will have a list to go with (and the car in case I am lucky). Ha ha 2 wheels. Yeh. I will get most of the crud off it this week but need to order that large shed before I get too carried away.
  8. A friend of mine asked me if my partner and I use the computer for the same reasons as they do. I asked what they use theirs for. He replied; She uses it for shopping, I use it for w4nking.
  9. As a contractor I do have to think about where the next job is coming from. My present contract ends on 31st March and I have been in discussion about extending by contract but have been trying to hold out for more money. A bit stupid in these economic times, I know . For the last year or so I have been working for the NHS and we have all heard how badly they are going to be hit. That said I have spent the last year spending £21.6 million of theirs!. I am not getting anywhere fast looking for more cash and time is ticking so I have agreed a new one year contract beginning from 1st April. Pretty pleased but I do not have a clue what they want me to do yet. I only had a quick 15 minute discussion with them about projects in general. On top of that, after a meeting today, I was asked if I fancied a short contract to work on something else. A very strange day but it funds ProjectTS. I suppose I will also be able to eat for the next year too
  10. Welcome from England, Oleg.
  11. Yeh I saw that. It is the second time the guy has advertised it. He had a TS250 which just sold HERE I emailed him about looking at it but it took so long for him to get back to me that I lost interest. I may have it if he comes down a bit as it isn't too far from me. I have been looking at mine. It seems to have a later engine in it ('81 TS250ER). I seems to fit OK. So far I have only been tempted, and brought, another tank for it. That wasn't cheap!. Giving the bike a lot of plusgas to ease things up and exploring what I want for it before I rip it apart.
  12. I wouldn't want to be close when someone was welding a tank. I thought a tank had to be cleaned in some magical way before anyone risked putting a flame near it. I may be wrong though!
  13. Hi and welcome Pbaz. With that many interests I am surprised that you have enough time to ride.
  14. That's good enough for me! Hi and welcome. Can't help with the question. I used to work a lot in Blackpool/Preston. Favourite local pub - The River Wyre Hotel in Poulton.
  15. Hi and welcome. That is an XS of bikes! PS. 2 stroke Suzi's are good.
  16. Glad you got the bike and rode home safely. It is a bit strange when you fill up with fuel, even on a larger bike, I get tearful when I fill up the Merc Just enjoy and I hope the sun comes out soon. Still very cold this morning but I was wearing my leather, not my nice warm Weise textile jacket.
  17. "Tracing old bikes" Always one to try and help
  18. DirtyDT


    What you need is a bike mechanic! Lesson number 1: Don't mess with things that you don't understand. Don't get to lesson 2, which deals with the financial and physical pain caused because you did not stop after lesson 1.
  19. I would agree with that. Happy Taffy day to all Taffies. I think Charlie boy is El Presidente of Wales.
  20. Providing the friend is competent then this is the best way to learn. Be wary of "mechanics" who turn up with not much more than a big hammer, gaffa tape and some cheap screwdrivers.
  21. The SV has been ridden all through winter. I did have to buy a new battery at -12.5 degrees which seemed to kill it. Apart from ice I rode it most days. Sometimes I wish I hadn't as it has been bloody cold and I am getting too old for winter riding.
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