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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. As cheeky as you are for just posting on the forum and not being ar5ed to post in the newbie section first, I think you have a few fundamental problems with your slider - It isn't really a slider! Most crash bungs are to stop damage at little or nil speed. If you have any forward momentum then they do tend to tear off, which I am sure yours will do as well as, by that time, the spring will be fully compressed. A slider, I don't think so. You are correct that a crash bung can cause damage as it may be the first point of impact and therefore focuses the force of impact in one area, normally the frame. Dependant on the bike, and bung manufacturer, some bungs use an engine mounting bolt so that one side of the frame is not taking all of the force. Maybe I misunderstand but I am assuming that you are saying that the spring will significantly minimise the force of a 400 pound bike falling?
  2. I trained as a cabinet maker. Did mostly repro work. I also like airguns and Guitars. I have never seen this thread before. Oh and there is a company in the UK that delivers airguns.
  3. Did I ever tell you I was in the Navy?
  4. Well that disqualifies me! Hi and welcome. As mentioned earlier, there is a rideout next Sunday planned. Lincoln fest LINKY
  5. DirtyDT


    I really wish I understood this. No really, I do.
  6. You can call it "Mister" for nothing but a Knighthood would be more expensive.
  7. Cheers guys. I am going to try the tubes in yolks first and if that doesn't work, use the "bondage" trick. Wow BWJ, your dad used to work for T Rex! I love that band.
  8. Anyone else? We are meeting next Sunday (12th June) to have a chug down there from the North Leicester area.
  9. :lol: OK guys. Stilsons are last on the list. I will have a go at BWJ's bondage farmers trick first and then try and find someone who has a pipe vice and rattle gun. Update: Just read an article on the interwab that says loosen the top cap in the yolks so they will be partially resembled tomorrow to see if that works.
  10. Cheers OG. Would a wrapped pair of stilsons do it? If not I will get a pipe vice.
  11. Cheers BWJ. That may work but it still need to be clamped up and I would rather do that than some hairy ar5ed gorilla with no vested interest in the bits. The problem is I don't want to over tighten the vice too much. I am already hammering the handle a little but the fork still turns in the vice. I have just had a look on evilbay and I could get some soft jaws for the vice to see it that grips better. It may just be the case of cleaning the forks and using some non slip rubber to grip them. there is always heat you can't beat a good Bar-B in this weather
  12. I have drilled out CDI bolts and got the stud extractor on them. All the brackets are fine. I also knocked out the head bearings while I was up that end. (the picture is not upside down. It is how I have clamped it to the stand to get better access to the swingarm) 2 more days of Plusgas and the swingarm is still going nowhere. Tried the solid socket whack - nothing. I have started to cut the bolt off now but, due to the very limited access, I have to use a junior hacksaw I have blunted 3 blades and will get some more tomorrow. About a third through the first side. So as not to get frustrated with the swingarm, I am starting to loosen up anything I know will need stripping. I have loosened up one fork and the other is the same except the top bolt. I can't get this loose at the moment. It takes a half inch square plug so a half inch breaker bar fits in nicely. It is just turning in the vice. I have tried an impact wrench, but it is still not moving. It is now covered in Plusgas again. and I will try again later. It looks like someone has turned the edge a little so this doesn't help. The oil drain screw, that I thought were going to cause me trouble, loosened with the first hit of the impact driver. If you have heard that it always rains in the UK I have to tell you that the weather is glorious however, I had a touch of heat stroke on Wednesday night and my back is burnt so copious amounts of water. Working in just shorts, I also need to limit my neighbours opportunities to have glimpses of my buff upper torso . The rest of my time has been spent pricing items and buying some tools I think I will need (especially for the engine tear down).
  13. How do we know you are not an axe murderer or have a fetish for leather? A good intro in the newbie section may help us make up our minds. Click the linky as there is a short ride out on Sunday 12th. LINKY
  14. To me, this is a very strange way of calculating value. At best it would be "book value" minus what they can screw you for. Unless of course you get an "agreed value" policy. Insurers nowadays seem to want a list of the minor changes and then give you a policy that states "back to original spec" I would be very careful as one change not mentioned to the insurers could make your policy null and void.
  15. DirtyDT

    Mr Megapack

    I like those too OG . I would be keen to know if the specific bike kits are er bike specific and not just a collection of random common sizes.
  16. And some leather handlebar tassels. I do agree with BWJ about the pipe. OK on a Trailie or streetfighter but it looks out of place the custom. Sorry.
  17. That is so wrong on so many levels.
  18. Hi and welcome. Beautiful machines.
  19. It's not my cup of tea but it must be worth over £500. I think Blackhat is about right. I would guess that if the biscuit tin above the engine is full. a little more.
  20. Paraffin or Gunk for me.
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