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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/x2MA0FTUKYI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. Not me. I don't have a yam..........................................Well not at the moment.
  3. It's a shame Pat but hopefully we can meet up at Squires. OG - you have my number when you decide.
  4. With an interest in World War 2, I thought it would be poignant to remember that tomorrow marks the 67th anniversary of D Day. In 1944, allied troops landed on the Normandy beaches.
  5. Hi Gillsboy, I have only just seen this so a big welcome from me. There are a lot of lurkers and I have a look when I am on my phone so that may register as a view. I thought it was s good intro.
  6. You would be more that welcome OG The picture of the restaurant looks like me.
  7. It sounds very "boy scoutish" . I'm more used to up and down
  8. Cheers Pat, a top tip I think. I did think of heat, although a flame, fork oil and chrome legs should be a no, no. A hot kettle is a good idea. The only problem is that each time it boils, I make a cuppa I am leaving the bike for today as I will wait for my purchases to turn up but I will give it the kettle later on and some Plusgas. If I do a few day's worth it may just be enough. I have been off work this week so not used the SV so I have just put that on the Optimate and I need to oil and adjust the chain for the run to Lincoln fest next week so I will be doing this next Saturday. There are other parts I could be getting on with but until the engine tools turn up I will concentrate on the forks and swingarm bolt.
  9. Hi and welcome EMZ. Looking at the Ace pics, I have never bothered to go there BTW, even I would feel like a youngster. There must be 1000 years of motorcycling life in that middle picture.
  10. It's in better condition than mine I did look at this yesterday as this ER model has the same forks as mine, although mine is pre-ER (or should that be Intensive care ). It does say 95% complete so just missing the other 5% like the exhaust, clocks, lights, side panels and the rest of the stuff that is probably missing!!!!
  11. Hi and welcome to the forum Dan.
  12. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  13. I can think of a better orifice than his exhaust for the foam
  14. :lol: The end caps, seals and "top hats" will be changed anyway. I was hoped to salvage the bolt and the 3 spacers but that was before I started cutting . It's going to be expensive. I was just using the blades I had. I will go off and get some tomorrow but decided that as nothing was budging I would have a chill day.
  15. Cheers NEV, I don't have a 1/2 inch wrench (hence me ordering the breaker bar) and I tend to use 3/8 sockets so my torque wrench is 3/8 also. I wouldn't really want to use it for this job as it will ruin it I will wait for the breaker bar to turn up. I still have the swingarm bolt to saw through, and that is just the start, so I will be busy. Just a little frustrated so watching the England v Swiss game.
  16. Oh yes. Can you find out where the best hot dogs and burgers are at the fest? Maximum grease, minimum meat Hmmmmmmmmm
  17. I don't even have a passport. I came into the country in the back of a lorry. If I get caught I will claim that it breaches my human rights. It's like a "Get out of jail free" card
  18. Now now you two................. I tried the belt method. No go. I put the fork back into the yolk, positioned lower down the fork so that the cap was not pinching the cap. It holds fine so I strapped it to the bike stand to stop it moving but I still can not get the cap to turn. The biggest 1/2 drive bar I have is a wheel brace extendible one however, it comes out at an angle and I can't use my, considerable, weight on it . I have just ordered a 600mm 1/2 inch breaker bar so I will try that to see if the cap or the joint breaks first.
  19. Hi and welcome Mini-biker. BWJ - are you sure this is a word and not a Freudian slip or typo?
  20. Cheers Drewps Yeah why not. Send me a set and I will swap them for the R&G's I have on the SV (They were on when I brought it, honest). The current bungs are about 5 inches long which seem to be "the" size for the SV. Can I have them in yellow and I will crash test them for you.......................It's just a matter of time. I wonder what happens after the crash and you pick the bike up to find the sprung bung flying off, powered by a 400 pound spring, into the path of another motorist? It would be just like a rubber bullet
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