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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. He did. At least we all know what he is doing now
  2. *****Beware of Hein Gericke sale***** I ordered this stuff on 11th July, as per the original post.Ordered before the end of the working day. The "Thank you" email said 3 to 5 days delivery. I waited a week until Monday 18th but still no gear so I called customer disservices. Apparently they didn't have any jackets left and would I like something else? I asked when they knew the jackets were out of stock. Apparently the day after I ordered so rather than refund me my money or call me to try and sell me something different they decided to just leave it. They were sorry to disappoint me and wanted to make amends. Would I like a cheaper jacket and trousers for the same money. What kind of deal is that I asked!! No, a refund will do nicely I said politely to which I was told that I would be refunded immediately (monday). So keeping one eye on the internet bank for the refund, it didn't show up. I called them yesterday and was told by the same customer disservice bloke that they had trouble with there machine but he had refunded me on tuesday and it would be in my account yesterday or today............... Guess what.................. yep........................still no refund. I have just got an email saying my refund had been approved. At this moment, I don't know when the money will appear in my account but to date they have had my cash for nearly 2 weeks. The moral of the story Don't buy anything from Hein Gericke. Customer disservices employ liars and if the items you have paid for are not in stock they will offer you something cheaper for the same money. That is once you contact them as they don't seem to contact the customer. I would avoid and never buy from them again. So far them and RST are on my sh1t dealers list. So while I wait for my £250 back I am still looking for a new jacket and or trousers. Thank you.
  3. The one on my SV seems to work OK.
  4. Happy birthday Windy. I bet you don't need any help blowing the candles out on your cake
  5. Almost as hard to find as a decent introduction these day's
  6. Afghan motorcycle airbag trial! What is is with these people and blowing things up?
  7. Hi and welcome to the forum, youngster.
  8. Georgiev - post some pics to make us envious . The rest of you - All round to Georgiev's for a party
  9. There are possibly repair kits made for it. Have you tried LINKY1 or Keyster K-941YK perhaps? LINKY2
  10. Too far, unless you get the ferry from there back, so a one way bike ride and a booze cruise back. The top end is all lovely but you will be spoilt for that in south France. I would go west coast France. Touch Andorra, Along the med to Monaco, missing out Marseilles, touch Italy, through the alps, touch Switzerland or Luxembourg (or both - but they are boring places), into Belgium for some cheap fags and then home. 9 days sounds about right.
  11. You get a Youth hostel card from the YHA then off to France. Cheap and mostly clean. Lots of other travellers from all over the place. I use YHA or tent first and a cheap B&B if the weather has been really bad. Don't use St Die - although I think that is isn't there anymore (dirty) - I have stayed in loads including Geneva which is quite posh. You just need a few quid, your card and a sleeping bag liner. The good thing is that you can stay a little out of expensive areas and then make that you first stop the following day. We used to stay in Menton (I think) for Monaco and top of Italy and Vernon for Paris. Been a while since I have used one but that is down to opportunity. Also the Y is for Youth but there used to be no age limit. We met a bloke who was cycling and had all his stuff in 2 of those big stripy expandable bags he had on his handlebars. he was about 65. uk LINKY International LINKY
  12. Don't go to Spain, unless you have to. France is big enough for your first trip. Tent and Youth Hostel card. Sat nay and money. Fan-bl00dy-tastic.
  13. Trying to swap everything on the top end will be a nightmare, timing and the like. Isn't there a nice 250 complete engine for sale? I brought a TS250 engine for under £100 the other week. Just the gaskets and stuff will probably make it cheaper to put a whole lump in.
  14. Yep, cammo netting. Also good for the indicators but I noticed you didn't have any.
  15. I and a belated welcome to the forum.
  16. :lol: Yep. Keep away from forests.
  17. That would look good in grunge full matt cammo. Net the clocks housing and it would be spot on.
  18. Some 125 and 250 parts seem to be shared but there seems so little info on the 125 I think that it would be a nightmare. In an ideal world you could just buy a 250 engine and hope it bolts on. Easier than seeing if it is just the barrels, pistons and conrods that are different. I think it would be a case of surfing to see if anyone has done it and if it is a drop in I am happy to meet up and help. Not volunteering to change the barrels, too much messing about.
  19. You have an electric organ? I suppose it saves all the sweating!
  20. Better now than later. At least you can have a good prod about. Until I owned old bikes I was told that rubber in a landfill lasted a quadrillion years. Obviously Japanese rubber doesn't as every bit you touch breaks up or cracks. Darn clever them Japs, created biodegradable rubber before there was a use for it!
  21. Hi Windy Pig. Welcome to the forum. I did have a question. Why do they call you............................ Oh, never mind!
  22. Using a quantum physics calculation, I have estimated that Warp speed 9.1 is the best you can hope for. I hope this helps.
  23. Arent Massey Ferguson's the bikes regulated to 40 MPH tops?
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