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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Thanks for the replies. I will have a go at the weekend. Can I heat more than once?
  2. Good luck on the project. My advice; Take lots of photos with a high Megapixel camera. Find out what DT125 (or other parts are interchangable) Always have a slush fund becase the part you want will be on evilbay when money is tight. Budget for tools, lots of them. If in doubt, ask. Lots of DT owners here. triple s powdercoaters blank frames etc for you.
  3. I am going to use some heat and plusgas before trying to remove the rest of the cylinder studs from a crankcase. I have never had to heat ali before so can I have some advice please? My questions are; Heat gun or blow torch? Heat the stud or the crankcase? How hot? Any gun/torch recommendations/techniques? The case is ali and I dont want to melt the casing. If all goes well I may also try to get the blind bearing out by the heat and slam dunk method. Ta.
  4. Hi and welcome. Didn't I used to read about you in the Beano or Dandy?
  5. Great stuff Blackhat, That rumble was moving all over the engine at the YOC weekend. I am glad you got it. That engine looks looooovly. Is it 40 years old now? I knocked the bearings (bar one) and seals out today. The seals were like bakerlite and one of the crank bearings had a weird metal rim built into it??? I need to do some checking on that one as I know the 2 stroke lubes the big end. I also started to take out the cylinder studs, did 2 but one next one was solid, even with a stud extractor. I think I am going to put some heat and plusgas on the rest. Heat gun or blowtorch, what do you say? Also I have a couple of bolts to drill out so I can heat those too.
  6. Not that I know of. Fab bikes providing you don't want top speed.
  7. You could go the full hog and hit the engine with an artic! Pictures would be good.
  8. Ooooooh yes. Thanks OG. Very important. Hopefully I will get most of the bearings and seals out later today and then look at the single blind one. Not a problem, I hope
  9. I got one of these LINKY. Like mole grips with a different end. Chunkier that I thought, Does the clutch, rotor and drive sprocket with ease.
  10. Herro and welcome Glasshopper. I am a big fan of the XT660's myself. Read up on the issues they had on the throttle control before you buy. That said I would have one.
  11. Hi and welcome to the forum Scotty. It might be the most expensive "free" thing you have ever been given but good luck.
  12. Split the engine today. Rain has stopped play for a while. Bit of a pain, one bearing is blind and I don't have a puller for it Also I may look to replace a couple of gears as they see to come up on evilbay quite often.
  13. DirtyDT


    You can undo one at a time but depending on how much you carry, have a look at the Kriega system They do 10 and 20 ltrs (maybe more) LINKY
  14. Both great, but worrying, stories. I don't mind being stopped, but not for their benefit and not while I am going to work.
  15. Disclaimer; Anything you do is YOUR responsibility, not mine. Splitting 2 stoke crankcases is fairly simple. There are 2 main problems;you never know what the last owner did and; crankcase splitters are expensive and rarely used. Method Get the engine ready for splitting. While you are doing this get hold of the components you need to make the splitter. In my case; 2x 6M threaded rods and the old roof rack that was tucked down the back of the shed. Everything else you should have. The rods were about £8 from evilbay. Do some measuring, drilling and cutting until you get something like this Fit your new tool to the crankcase Evenly quarter turn the 4 bolts and repeat until the seal breaks Remember that this puts pressure on the engine crankcase where the threaded bolts are in the crankcase. If the engine has separated in parts but the back is sticking, spray with some plusgas and gently use a scraper and rubber mallet to tap the scraper. Gently!!! All going well the cases will separate and you should be left with the two half's. Take pictures as you go, and gently does it. Cups of tea also help. By drilling additional holes in the roof rack and a socket or piece of wood you can also use this methid to push out bearings.
  16. Jolly spiffing magic lantern show.
  17. Blimey mate, you have more tash hair than I have left on the rest of my head
  18. DirtyDT


    Oxford always seem to be favourite. Just make sure that the size of the luggage fits the bike. My indicators got in the way of any decent size luggage so I had to make a bracket and move them. I have a Moto Detail set that has a centre pad that fixes to the seat and the panniers just clip on. Got them from Getgeared
  19. Hi and welcome Ventura. Fantastic intro with some great bikes mentioned. The DT does look standard so good luck. You may want to consider starting a thread in the projects section for the build.
  20. DirtyDT


    I had the sportecs on the SV when I got it, A good tyre IMO. When they got bald i brought a pair of Avon Viper/VP2. Sport on the back and Supersport on the front, I rate them.
  21. DirtyDT

    parts bike

    Oops. Read it as XT. Sorry wont try and post from my phone anymore, or will learn to read!
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