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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Take it back to the shop and make them eat it. Get your cash back and go to a decent dealer - if you can find one. If it's wrong, it's wrong. Not he cant be ar5ed to fix it.
  2. Large doner anyone???

  3. Oh dear. I hope that isn't the case!! I have 30 Mb broadband and mine hangs due to "d1.openx.org" A PITA at fast BB speeds so how many people aren't bothering with slower connections? I use Firefox and have turned off third party cookies, it runs a lot faster now. Tools>options>privacy Clear cookies (This will log you out of this site) un tick "Accept third party cookies" accept and then log back in.
  4. Being such a sensitive creature, I am deeply upset.
  5. Has the carb fallen off Those bars are superb.
  6. Is that after a run or just on idle? Too oily for my liking.
  7. Are you saying I have a pumpkin head Drewps?
  8. There are lots of DT mx guru's on the forum and I do believe that there are pattern harnesses available for some models. What I would say is read the linky first and you may get the help you need
  9. We all look alike mate. I saw the picture, drew a dodgy tash on it and it ended up looking like me. Spooky eh!!
  10. Lots of bikes do this. When you slow down try and pull the clutch lever in and out a SMALL amount as you change down. If the bike is in too high a gear when you have stopped, slowly let the clutch out so it just bites and then in and change down. Do this as often as you need to. Adjusting the cable, as Foamy said, will also help. this is easy to do and can normally be done with your hand (no tools). Just remember this alters the biting point of the clutch when you ride the bike after this has been done.
  11. Washing up liquid contains salt that can turn the visor yellow and ruin coatings. It did used to work though. All visors seem to do this but I tend to ride with the visor not quite closed and that seem to clear it quickly. I use my finger..................................................................But that's another story..
  12. I miss his Royal Barkingness too. Sent him a couple of PM's but no reply. Mind you, I would ignore me too if I could!! I hope he is OK, and if he is, I still say we go and camp in his garden until he posts again.
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum stumpy.
  14. Hi Ollie, Welcome to the forum.
  15. There are gaps in the questionnaire answers and sort out the capitalisation but there are 2 main problems with this; 1) The survey is accessible to anyone so if it appeared on "gofastercarshatebikers" or "oldgrannysandflatcapdriversarebest" forums they could click whatever they wanted and you wouldn't know. 2) Answering a complex question with a "yes/no" answer does not work. If you said that you wanted more safety then that could be misconstrued so many ways from leg shields - old folk will remember that the tried to make them compulsory - to ABS, speed limiters, BHP limiters, more levels of licensing, compulsory daygo clothing etc. etc. None might be the actual thing you were considering. Making car drivers drive to a better standard would help - Checking that some are still alive and do have some sort of vision could also be considered. I was recently looking for a "Biker aware" sticker for the car but they seem very hard to find. I would have thought that I could have ordered a couple on the interweb but gave up trying.
  16. DirtyDT

    Diet advice

    To paraphrase someone off a recent episode of "Come dine with me"..............................."She has a lovely pair of personalities". Nigella I mean. Even more surprising if you look at her dad!!
  17. Not a real fan of Moto GP but I saw the video. Not good at all.
  18. Very scary for you. I hope you son fully recovers from what made him faint Mike.
  19. You can do it. You know you can.
  20. Fantastic intro. Welcome to the forum. The Honda was probably a 250 Superdream, commonly called Superslug or Wetdream where I lived. Popular then, not so popular now, that tells a story!!! Mind you, the Honda 400/4 was a bike to own.
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