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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. That's the last time I pick up a hitch hiker after baseball practice! Is that real or just a good voice over?
  2. Congrats on passing the theory. Roll on Sunday The posts are sounding more like an episode of "allo allo" everyday
  3. A new plug with the right gap setting to start. Always turn the petrol off at the petcock (petrol switch) when you park. Remember to turn if back on before starting the bike again. A good clean of the carb. A new air filter. New oil and filter. Practice different starting techniques. choke/no throttle - choke/a little throttle - choke/full throttle to see what the bike likes.
  4. Unless you have your own server you need to have an account with a company like you then upload your pictures to that and then link the pictures to this site using the "image" icon that is shown in the centre of the icons that are available when you post. To the left of the <> It sounds more complicated than it is.
  5. DirtyDT

    1980 250XT

    Are you saying that you don't want to pay ebay charges so you thought you would advertise it on here? Put it on ebay 99p start, no reserve and see what it goes for.
  6. Well done on getting it running. Different clutch and sidestand switches do different things on different bikes. If there is no switch for the sidestand you can bypass this in the short term. The sidestand plug should have 2 terminals with 2 wires; Blue/yellow and Blue/black. the The switch provides a "connection/not connected" to these wires so if it is not plugged in then it will be permanently not connected. To bypass it you can just connect these two wires together. I would get a short piece of wire and connect these two terminals. This will have one of 2 effects. Either the bike won't start as it needs the stand circuit to be open (stand up) to start it or it should not cut out when put into gear. I would not mess about with the plug at this stage. Just run a wire between these terminals in the plug. Or as above in Pauls post.
  7. True and I woudn't want to carry it to the post office. It would depend on condition and miles etc. There are a couple on evilbay for about £1500 to £1900. This one looks OK LINKY
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum Ed.
  9. The first thing to do now is to see if you have fuel and a spark. Try and start the bike. Choke on, no throttle. If it does not start take out the plug. Is it wet with fuel? If yes then you need to check the spark If no then you may have a fuel blockage. Next try for a spark regardless of the state f the plug. With the plug out reconnect it to the coil HT cap. Get a set of grips and holding it gently on the while porcelain part of the plug, hold the metal part of the plug against the cylinder head. With the plug touching the engine, try and start the bike. Does the plug spark? What colour is the spark? If you get a fat blue spark then you need to check your fuel and carb. If you get a yellow weak spark then clean the coil connection, earths and make sure that the plug cap is attached to the lead tightly and not damaged. If you get no spark then you need to trace where the power stops. So first question to answer are; have I got a good spark and a wet fuel. Use fresh fuel. Let us know the results of the plug test and then we can move on and eliminate some possible problems.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  11. DirtyDT

    MOT failiure

    I am surprised that they just didn't do it at the time. A re-test stinks.
  12. DirtyDT

    MOT failiure

    I have. Cost me 15p and then past the MOT.
  13. I think Swinton used to be student insurers and were mainly found on Uni campus', they have grown since then. There is a local branch in my local town of Loughborough and I think that there used to be a branch in Harlow when I lived there. It is quite funny with some of these company names. Bradford & Bingley for example. A TV ad a while ago depicted them as two city gents but they are actually 2 Yorkshire towns.
  14. Just an update on my insurance. I got a call back from Swintons on Thursday. The best offer they could manage was £157. The guy said that if I reduced the value of the bike and agreed to £200 voluntary excess he may be able to reduce the quote. I told him that I would be squeezed at both ends should I claim and there was no benefit to me. I declined renewing with them. I got a call from them this morning (Saturday) saying that they had me down for a "call back". I explained to the telesales woman that I had declined a renewal on Thursday. She said would I mind if she had another look. Normally I would have not bothered but I am at home sipping tea so I let her proceed. After confirming my details and the bike mods she came up with..........................................£100.31. I have now renewed with Swintons. Fully Comp £2600 value Includes mods - including a titanium scorpion pipe 10k miles Pillion No voluntary excess Social, domestic, pleasure + commuting
  15. Hi and welcome to the forum Dave.
  16. Check the estimate as they often quote ex VAT and labour at cost so this may just be the parts costs without the VAT. By the sounds of it you need a complete new front end.
  17. Hi Tom and welcome to the forum. Several issues here. Starter/Battery - When you push the starter how quickly does the bike turn over? I would charge the battery as one of the first steps. Fuel - How long has the fuel been in the bike? Spark plug - Have you changed it? Fuel tap has 3 settings. 1 on - this is the normal setting for running the bike. 2 off - This is to stop any fuel getting through to the carb. 3 Res - When you run out of fuel with the tap in the "on" position, you turn the tap to "res" and this gives you a little extra fuel to get you to the next petrol station. Always remember to turn it back to "on" once you have filled up. Have you ridden a bike before??
  18. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  19. Hi and welcome to the forum. Glad you got the forks sorted. Forks can be re-chromed at places like this LINKY but a 55 plate that needs forks re-chromed is not good.
  20. Hi Mike. Welcome to the forum.
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