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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. I think I was PMT'ing yesterday. Anyway, Hi and welcome Clive. Have they rebuilt that Castle in Kenilworth yet? I remember working at the NEC once and we stopped at the castle from the hotel early one morning. The early November'ish mist was swirling around. It was a wondrous sight.
  2. DirtyDT


    vick inhaler. Everytime you get a craving, have a sniff. I still smoke but it works!
  3. I would end up with 150 people who I owe money too and people I would rather forget. I'm out!
  4. I don't do facebook or anything like it apart from a couple of forums. Isn't facebook for people you know or is it about getting any random person to sign up (or whatever you do)? I walk around work and all I hear is "facebook" and "twitter". Why would anyone be interested in what a hospital cleaner is doing at that precise moment? As you can guess, I just don't get it. I am not a techophobe BTW. I just want to keep my private life, private.
  5. I wouldn't want to ride past it in the dark. The cats eyes might confuse me. All 3 of them!!
  6. Not me but pack your waterproofs John. It always rains at Spa mate.
  7. I have a scary Excel spreadsheet. Too big. and the bike still looks like a pile of poo! Still lots I cant find so I have changed tack a bit. The carb is a bit of a mismatch. All stripped and cleaned and I have ordered what I hope is a kit for it. I am struggling to find an outlet pipe (airbox to carb) as I think that the carb is from a later TS (Mikuni 305 40 if anyone has any info on it??). I have ordered one from a slightly different TS and will see if if fits when it arrives. I ordered a Ramair foam filter just in case I can't get the parts to connect. Because of this I have decided to throw one of my spare, untested, engines into the bike to set the carb up - I don't want to ruin a NOS barrel!! I haven't stripped this engine, The compression is great and viewing the piston throw the exhaust hole shows the piston and rings to be fantastically clean. I have just drained the oil and it was like new. I am hoping that the seals and bearings are all good. It will be interesting trying to fault find if it doesn't run well. But if I can get it running OK then I will leave it in for the season.
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum. Please make sure you say "hello" in the newbies section, people are much more helpful then. Due to copyright issues, forum links to copy written material isn't allowed anymore however, if you google "FZR 400 owners manual" you may find what you are looking for in PDF format.
  9. It's fine if it isn't full of bubbles, like an aero.
  10. Your best bet to to pop over to www.xt660.com Lots of good mods and advice there. Don't forget to come back. Great bikes the XT660's
  11. Contact a Yamaha dealer to see if it can be done under warranty, If not get a power commander. I would suggest you read this.
  12. I will have a measure up and see what I can do. I have the rest of this week off work on A/L so I have been having a sort out and dry fitting some stuff whilst some more stuff is delivered. I did intend to get the forks off to the hard chromers tomorrow but this will have to wait a while as neither set wants to come apart. I have ordered the damper holder socket so I will tackle them when this arrives. Just got the wiring together. What I took off - notice the use of blue wiring connectors!!!! What I am going to put on
  13. Hi Tom. You would probably get a better reply if you had posted a "hello" in the new members section. The forum is too often seen as a one post, on demand service; Which it is not. I have gone for Bridgestone Trailwings TW301/TW302's on the TS250.
  14. Cod pieces? Be careful with things like levers. If they are cast and have air bubbles in them they will snap when most needed and "...where there's blame, there's a claim...."
  15. Hi and welcome to the forum young 'ne. You are not too far from me - Loughborough. There is a Suzuki Owners club.
  16. Hi Wyn. Welcome to the forum. I was at St Clears - near Carmarthen - in March. Post the Virago woes in the workshop section. A good carb clean and a check of the inlet rubbers wouldn't hurt (a common fault). and a few pic's of the electrics would also help.
  17. Hi Graham. Welcome to the forum. Great bikes. and extra bonus points for removing any "Monster" stickers.
  18. Yep. Same as the kettle. That is a very interesting solution. Cheers.
  19. Hi Drewps, They are made of some kind of weird plastic. It it fractures, it breaks off, not in a snap kind of way but like a hard biscuit. It is hard to explain. They are the same as the ones in the NOS swingarm so original spec. I will see what they look like when I rip the swingarm off but if they will last a little while then I will leave them in and change them when I get the frame powdercoated next year. I only expect to get a few runs out of the bike this year and am really pushing to get it in some kind of order for Squires. Still a lot to do!!!! Like a soft Bakelite. These are them LINKY
  20. Hot enough to cook sausages at a rally then!
  21. The old ones are seized in and I can't drift them out. I sent an email to the seller - Quite a well named seller on ebay - after a few emails back and forth he has agreed to send me out the bush sets that seemed to be missing from the original box. I will have to see whet arrives and go from there. The swing arm in on but I will rip it off again and see if I need new tophats. I have ordered some 12mm threaded rod, washers and nuts. Just in case I need to press new ones in.
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