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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. DirtyDT

    So i Said !!!

    3 daughters! Scary. What about this one?
  2. DirtyDT

    New style MOT

    Natwest is my main bank account.
  3. Rather than wD40, Try GT85 LINKY It smells of polish not oily and protects better. In my humble............ Smells great burning off an engine.
  4. I am adverse to washing or cleaning bikes however; Gunk and Autosol are great and I use both. For general cleaning the best, by far, I have used is SDOC100 LINKY It is the dogs!!
  5. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  6. DirtyDT

    New style MOT

    I just got the SV MOT'ed. All you get now is a white A4 piece of paper with some writing on. I would suggest that before anyone buys a bike with this style of MOT, they check the validity of it online.
  7. DirtyDT

    Euro 2012

    It was just like watching my team - West Ham. Defend deep Defend deeper Concede a goal Lose Get paid your £100,000 a week salary.
  8. Hi Sacha. Sorry for the confusion. "....entire headlight assembly ("bucket" and all) for a Suzuki and it's 6 7/8 or 7" and it's similar to the DT setup....." - yep. I think the MX and XT500 ('77 to '81) headlights are 5 1/2 inches. I probably have one in my shed somewhere with lots of other DT parts. I don't know about the various RD 6 volt headlight sizes except I think some of them were 8". I think that I will set up as per my drawing with an MX complete pattern part just to get it roadworthy.
  9. All good songs mentioned as far as I am concerned Mike. You did forget "Pink Flamingo" and "Paint it black" along with about 1000 other songs though!!
  10. I wanted to resurrect this thread as I need to forward plan buying a headlight for the TS and am after some advice/info on any Yami stuff that may fit. What I need is a 7 inch UK spec or at least MOT'able, 6 volts 35/35(ish) headlight with a pilot light. I am keeping away from anything with a H4 bulb due to the difference in wattage and the possibility of burning out the switchgear or wiring. The only TS (or equivalent) ones I can find are either knackered or US spec sealed beams. My latest thoughts, should all fail, is to get a DT/XT complete repro unit like this LINKY. I know these are a little smaller but I can always pack out the difference with either some plastic or metal rod spacers. I drew a quick mockup in CAD earlier - without the spacers shown - like this: Has anyone any opinions on this please?
  11. Great video Pat. Nice to see some roads in Eire.
  12. Happy birthday from me too.
  13. So that is what Michael Jackson is doing now! I thought it was Thriller 2.
  14. I like a full English as much as the next bloke but that is a sharing platter for the whole Walton family (...night John Boy). That is a BIG berger Sacha! Closest I came is here:
  15. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  16. Hi and welcome to the forum Si. The Goonies - What a great film.
  17. It does seem that the riders who you see during January nod. The ones that you only see on summer days (with all the expensive gear), don't. As for BMW riders......................................................
  18. I wear a helmet, even if I go by bus................................................................................................ That is more to do with my looks than safety. Seriously, I had a few offs where the helmet had deep gouges in it. I am OK with open face helmets and have a flip and full face at the moment. It is weird riding without a helmet on the few occasions where I rode on closed roads without one.
  19. Local to where. I love bacon butties!
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