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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. DirtyDT


    The battery is flat?
  2. Welcome back mate. Just sent you a PM saying the same.
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum. As the 2 posts above. Just check the routing of the old cable. Remember the rough position of the adjusters in both ends take out the old one. Feed through the new one using the same route. Adust both ends to where they were and try it. Make any finer adjustments until it feels right and you are done. It is a 5 minute job when you have done a few and know the bike but allow an hour for it. I am a few miles away in Loughborough if you really get stuck. Make peace with your Dad! Life is too short.
  4. Hi and welcome to the forum from the East Midlands.
  5. Hi and welcome to the forum. I worked in Preston for a while. Spent too much time in "the Railway" next to the station. They used to have a model train running around on tracks in there.
  6. Hi and welcome to the forum. If you haven't already done so, post a question in the workshop sectio giving as much detail as possible.
  7. I don't have a clue about motorcycle insurance in Canada and therefore I wouldn't feel qualified to comment on it. However, I have purchased motorcycle for most of the 37 years I have been riding in the UK. The following link may not be your insurer but may share the same underwriter, and therefore may be relevant. It may be of scary interest to all those who have minor changes (I wouldn't even say mods) on their bikes. LINKY If an insurer can get out of paying out, they will. I would guess that injuring someone whilst riding with no/void insurance can be quite serious, Funny enough, insurers don't like riders with a conviction for no insurance. They seem to think that you have fiddled them in the past out of some profit.
  8. I would not do it. If you do don't forget to tell your insurer.
  9. DirtyDT

    The ghost page

    Sounds like my ex! Was it ugly and hairy as well? Definitely my ex.
  10. You really need to say hello in the newbie section Jay. Bad earth or bad starter is what I would look at first.
  11. DirtyDT

    The ghost page

    That's because it was under the carpet. Looks like banksie meets kilroy.
  12. I don't know if it is because of that but professional membership is only £10 for 3 years. I think that membership is £5. If you want to investigate just click the "subscriptions" tab at the top of the page.
  13. I don't know why unless you need a different level of membership. I get this:
  14. DirtyDT

    The ghost page

    We are much more that biology when we are alive but, in my humble.... not when we are dead. I was not taking about religion, nor faith. I have neither but mainly respect those who do. This does not stretch to anyone who knocks on my door to sell it nor people who think that they have the right not to abide by laws of the country they live in or people who attempt to use it to justify harm to others. I personally belive in "doing the right thing" this includes helping others and being respectful (most of the time) not sure if this is just upbringing? I am very interested in the history of religion and it's architecture. It has had a major influence in the world we live in now. I just think that the thought of a higher being watching everything we do when there is so much bad in the world - including people who want to claim to be religious or are doing it for the sake of religion - is a bit strange. Was religion, and it's wrath, just a way of controlling the masses prior to "proper" laws and police forces to administer the laws? Is the bible (or equivalent) just a book of fables about heroes and magic that has been misconstrued? I don't have any problems putting in to a collection plate by the way and I hold no grudges against the vicar who married me - I just wish he could have warned me first!
  15. Sign in On the top right of the page your old name will be shown (to the left of “sign out”) Click the drop down icon and select “my settings” On the left of the my settings page, third down is “Display name”. Click that. Fill in the “New display name” box and your password in the box below. Click “save changes” and that should be it.
  16. DirtyDT

    The ghost page

    One fundamental flaw in that. Quantum means guess or hypothetical in scientific terms.
  17. DirtyDT

    The ghost page

    No. Nor God, nor heaven nor hell (except the one were in - UB40). I also do not subscribe to the fact that when bad things happen it is because it was on the site of a red Indian burial site. Doris Stokes - anyone remember her? - made load of money taking to the dead. Since she has died, she has been very quiet and has never bothered to get in touch from the other side. We are just chemicals, water and a little electricity. I work in a place where people die every day and I have never seen any of them wandering around. Now I have tempted fate, what's the chance of being grabbed by the goul'ies?
  18. I can't make it. I have a few family bits to do tomorrow and bike less at the moment. Took the rear caliper off the SV to change the pads as I had to cut out the old pins so waiting on Wemoto to send me some stainless ones.
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