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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. I hope there isn't any damage. While we are at it, just a reminder to all that if you have said you use a particular security device to your insurers and you didn't have it on, dont expect to get any money from them. The SV is kept on my drive and I always put the U bolt on it when I park. This is what is recorded with the insurers. When the bike has cooled I use a cover and then bolt it to a ground anchor. The extra chain and ground anchor are not recorded in the insurance so I won't get penalised if anything happens when there are not on.
  2. DirtyDT


    Smoooooking. Be careful with it as it will take all the deposits off the cylinder. Some would say dont use it, I would too but I love the smell and white smoke.
  3. They are quite rare BH. I'v got one in the shed.
  4. Very, very nice. Obviously a man with taste.
  5. Very nice Ryan. I used to do a little CAD work. I did do some bike stuff for play. All I can find at the moment is an unfinished SLR650 that I used to own. I did plan to do some popular bikes and sell them in large format but haven't got around to that yet.
  6. Very nice crispyT. Do you still have it?
  7. An almost advert type description. Hmmmm!
  8. Remember to take any studs, reed block and anything else off. Send a piece of paper in the box saying what you need doing and anything you expect to be included such as top end bearing and circlips.
  9. I really mean to learn the guitar this year (mind you I have said that every year for the last few decades). A little web stuff. Going to the pictures. I fancy a couple more camping rally's this year. I need another bike project; bobber or 2 stroker I think. I would like a classic car but that will wait a couple of years. And And finally looking after my partner/girlfriend/significant other lady person.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  11. The answer to that is, I don't know. As a Mod, and professional, member, I can't see the levels of membership. Hopefully someone will have a look and post the answer. I can't log out and look as you need to be logged in to see the levels. Sorry. Can anyone else look and help please?
  12. My advice it to go for the professional membership. I think it is a tenner for 3 years. This will let you post in the for sale and wanted and give you access to the discounts section.
  13. DirtyDT

    tw 125

    But hopefully fixed now and for cheap money.
  14. You need a better picture. Looks fine to me.
  15. DirtyDT

    tw 125

    OK but the fuel still needs to get from the carb to the cylinder. With the coke on, the mix of fuel and air will be different but even with the choke off, the bike would still be doing its best to run. Have you cleaned out the carb especially the cold starting part of it? You may need to check/replace the starter set. LINKY
  16. The forum iphone app seems to make quoting messy now. Seems to be since the quoting changed a little while ago. Oh yes, the "mighty irons" are West Ham United.
  17. DirtyDT

    tw 125

    Providing the rebore has been done properly then I would say the coke isnt working too. I would also check the fuel line, fuel filter and clean the petrol tap. It sound like you are missing that initial squirt of fuel to get combustion without doing this manually. When the engine fires the fuel system gets a helpful suck to help it along.
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