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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Did a little tinkering today.
  2. That's 30 seconds of my life I will never get back Kev.
  3. DirtyDT

    First run

    Only one thing I would like at the moment. I brought a new battery for it but, in my excitement, brought the one for your model! never mind, I will use it to test the electrics. I have a feeling that it is overcharging so I have ordered a DT regulator and abandoned the idea of converting it to 12v. Then paint and rebuild the old engine. This looked like a good project though LINKY
  4. Yep, as per my post in your breakdown thread.
  5. DirtyDT

    First run

    It's still nippy out. I couldn't feel my knees until lunchtime on Friday. I am on leave this week so I should get a little TS tinkering in. Ordered a couple of bits for it and will try and sort the electrics out (finally). Too cold for the engine rebuild but this came in the post last week.
  6. DirtyDT

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday "eldest son". Enjoy.
  7. I am with Paul and Pat. Bearings, a disk change and new brake pads are all pretty simple to an the average person with some bike knowledge and tools. On another note, if the bearings were that bad that they failed, it might account for the chain problem you are having as well.
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  9. A power commander will smooth out the surge. Welcome to the forum. John - Loved my KLE.
  10. I am in love..................It looks like MZ borrowed a little of the styling for their 70's models (tank shape and side panels).
  11. George Brown or "Rab" Butler
  12. Was it Fi-Fi? There was a lot of THAT about in them days!
  13. Ah Mike, is it a trick question?
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum. Ali can be bead blasted or liberal use of something like Autosol, some cloths and pleanty of elbow grease. Do not use steel wool or a steel brush. Some people would consider rubbing it flat and using some high temperature silver aluminum spray paint.
  15. ...................not sure it is true though! LINKY
  16. I would say that it would have to be extended as an act of good faith then or as a result of a backlash of people affected. The design flaw would be different. This may mean a recall for work to be done and even if this doesn't happen, The bike needs to be "fit for purpose and merchantable quality" under the sales of goods act therefore even if the bike was out of warranty they should still be liable to repair it for free as a bike would be expected to last longer than a couple of years. Any tinterweb information that points to similar faults on the same bike just supports your case. It may affect the resale value though!
  17. Does it make any reference to these on the invoice/bill of sale?
  18. Have you changed the sprocket sizes? This can mess up how much adjustment you can do. What brand is the chain? O ring/Xring?
  19. I like Suzuki's, never had anything major go wrong with them. That said, it looks like you need to see what clause in the agreement you signed says they can get out of honoring the 3 years (probably E&O excluded). At which point you tell them the only reason you brought the bike was due to the 3 year warranty and you want your money back.
  20. DirtyDT

    Tesco Burgers

    Roses are red, apples are fruity, don't eat the lasagne, it might be black beauty! Of to beefeater horseeater for a meal.
  21. No much of a "hello", more a workshop question. Assuming they clutch works fine normally when it starts, I would say that the sidestand safety switch might be faulty or earthing out.
  22. No problems from me - 2 wheels and an engine is good enough.
  23. Also as above. Inform your insurance company. The car that hit you is negligent but what normally happens is that the person you hit insurers contact yours for the claim and yours contact the guy who hit you. This will add to the paperwork when you renew both your car and bike insurance but should not increase the premiums. I did say "should not" £50 doesn't buy 1 hour of labour so it smells fishy. If you pay any cash you have accepted liability for the crash and then you may get hit with a much bigger bill and injury claim.
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