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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Big carb. Skinny rider.
  2. Left hand seals are behind the generator and can suck in air making the bike run lean. Right hand seals are in the same area as the clutch and normally suck in gearbox oil as it should be air tight. Common fault with an old seal and less than an hour to change. Very cheap to eliminate as they are only a few quid.
  3. You can't hold the moral high ground as you have goods from the breakers that are not yours. For about £30 they can issue a summons for the balance of the money you owe for the first transaction. This can be done in a few minutes online. You will then get hit with the original shortfall and fees. I would just accept that you lost nothing. You just had to pay the correct price for the first transaction that you may have got away with if you didn't go back to them. Nothing lost, nothing gained. Stop letting it eat you. Draw a line and move on from it.
  4. 2 transactions. You are entitled to the full cash back for the second one. I doesn't mean that they can't chase you for the first one depending on how they undercharged.
  5. I was going to buy a mountain bike but there are no mountains where I live. Don't forget to start a project thread.
  6. 1. Official document item 2.148 VED: classic vehicle exemption. – The Government will extend the cut off date from which classic vehicles are exempt from VED by one year. From 1 April 2014 a vehicle manufactured before 1 January 1974 will be exempt from paying VED. (Finance Bill 2014) 2. Official document item 2.151 VED: tax disc display waiver – To reduce tax administration costs, the Government will put off-the-road declarations (SORN) onto an indefinite basis. The Government will also extend the grace period to 14 days, following the payment of tax, on the non-display of the tax disc in a vehicle. (Finance Bill 2013)
  7. Just to reinforce what cynic said. The fun with the SV is to crank it just before the apex knowing you are going to go a little wide. Pulling out of corners and gunning it on the twisty bits are the key. Also let the engine brake when you need it to. When you come off the throttle it will decelerate a lot faster than an inline 4. With a little experience you can shove the bike up the inside of most others on a bend and be away before they can get their power on. A more powerful straight 4 will catch you on the straights but if the next corner is looming then you can stuff them again.
  8. That is some serious mileage John. The 300 tdi is coming out on top with the 200's and series types coming a close second. Freelanders and discos are off the list. I can't really justify one, drive a qashqai +2 seven Seater under a year old at the mo. it would just be a toy/hobby thing and the other half doesn't drive. It will wait until we look to move within the next couple of years but always fancied a classic of some description. Triumph spitfires, frog eyed sprite and others are on the wish list as well and would be more Practical. We rarely use anything other than olive oil but what kind of derv/cooking oil mix can you get away with? (I fancy a portion of Chips now!)
  9. The problem is, some of the regulars on the forum ( me included) can get a little fed up with people who post a question, get the answer, and are never heard of again. Not even to say thanks. We are a friendly bunch really and tend to see the forum as a social outlet. We like it when people stick around and most of us tend to like pictures of things. Maybe most of us can't actually read.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum Scott. What part of Essex?
  11. I am looking forward to seeing this in the flesh when finished.
  12. The angry guy reminds me of a pub in Sheffield I frequented many moons ago that let people come in with a musical instrument, sit in the corner and jam. Supposed to be background music and a way to earn a few free beers. One night a guy turns up with his guitar and because everyone didn't stop and listen all night he got really irate and started shouting at people to shut up. After a good slagging off and general verbal abuse he left. Same place that when you went for a curry on the opposite side of the road, you took your beers - in the pubs glasses -over to the curry house as they didn't have a drinks license. During the meal we took turns in crossing a main road with a tray full of beers to get a few more top up's before taking all the empty glasses back to the pub for the last few rounds. I wish I could remember what the pub was called.
  13. Riding, working, home stuff and looking on land rover forums (as a lurker). Half of me is saying "buy one" but I am still trying to talk myself out of it.
  14. DirtyDT

    bike advise

    Third class riding is better than first class walking - Kes (film)
  15. Blame the succession of Governments. Tory, Labour or Liberals, all the same. No balls!
  16. Don't know mate. It was in the Daily Mail yesterday. Scary either way that it is real or that it is not and someone made it up.
  17. DirtyDT

    Run Foamy run.

    A few ideas for Foamy. Made from Balloons.
  18. This section is for people to say hello. It is not the workshop area. People who make the effort to say hello get a lot more replies and help.
  19. Best idea to to get hold of an original service manual. If you search on the web you will come across one that you can download. Due to copyright laws we can't post links on the site but I know for sure that they are out there. Much more detailed than a Haynes type one.
  20. Do you have enough vices on that bench? Good picture though.
  21. You may have to feather or hold it up with your foot. A little trial and error. Just make sure it is safe. In an ideal world you open the gearbox and change the worn selectors or cogs with missing teeth. The Thundercat, for example, is know for this issue.
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