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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. LINKY1 - I don't think it is this type. But just in case. LINKY2 - I think it is one of these.
  2. It could be an interesting demographic. Age and gender of the people on the forum. It could tie in with this thread. We tend to communicate with similar people here who share a common interest. Some people are just starting out on bikes and what interests them in biking could be very different to what interests, for example, a born again biker. Some people (I am guessing a lot of us) have had bikes on and off for many years. Once it gets into your blood you are doomed........doomed I say! I fall into the category of the "on and off" biker. Had bikes when circumstances allowed, and often when they did not. I had a full car licence at 17 but brought a bike instead (250 learner rule was still in place then). No history of bike ownership in my family but I guy I worked with had a Suzi GT250 and let me ride it. I actually brought it off him and that was my second bike (an N plate I think - the ramair model). I could easily manage socially without a bike. My car is almost new (had its first service yesterday). My normal work base is only 15 miles away and a decent drive. I can park at work. I wouldn't have to keep work clothes, shoes etc in either of the hospital sites I work at. I wouldn't have to turn up at some meetings wearing my bike trousers and boots carrying a lid and other junk. If i needed to pick something up on my travels i wouldn't have to mess about with kit and where i was going to store the stuff on the rest of the ride. But really, that is missing the point! I rode in this morning, a little cold and damp in the air but much better than sitting in the car listening to Chris Evans on radio 2 or a little ska/Stax on my mp3 dongle thing. I don't have to sit behind idiots who drive at 30 on a national speed limit single lane road. Or behind slow moving tractors and farm vehicles. I can just get on and ride as my mood takes me. Sometimes flowing, sometimes rapid and sometimes mellow. I can nod at other bikers and wonder where they go during the winter. I can pull into a bike bay at work and see the die hard bikers and the ones who only come out in the summer and can't manage to park their bikes prettily. I don't need more than one bike, assuming I even need one. It has never been about just a cheap form of transport to me - and thinking biking is a cheap option is a flawed argument anyway. If I calculated the additional cost of the bike and any "savings" I made in running costs, a bike would never be an option. All that said, biking has gripped me for getting on for 40 years. It is an addiction that I will only give up if I have no other alternatives. End of ramble. Just waiting for someone to cut the crusts of my lunchtime sandwich and liquidise it for me.
  3. I'm out after a high bid like that.
  4. A few years ago the local Women's organised some short talks in the church hall. One week, Hertz Van Rental, a Dutch ex world war two fighter pilot was booked. After the obligatory tea and buns he started his talk. "Good afternoon ladies". "Von day I was flying my spitfire and looked out and saw three fokkers................" At this, a loud gasp went up from some of the old dears, two fainted and there was pandamonium. The vicar quickly got up on the stage and said "Ladies, ladies. The speaker wasn't swearing. The Fokker is the name of a German aircraft manufacturer, so please let him continue". The speaker continued "..............................."as I was saying, I looked out of the cockpit and saw three fokkers, all in Stukas, were alongside me............."
  5. There are some really old blokes on the forum Ian. I'm sure some lie about their age as they look as though they are close to 3 figures but swear that they are in their late 40's/50's (yeh, right!). I won't mention any names but they know who they are..................................
  6. DirtyDT

    Tennis elbow..

    DT is cable front brake and TDR is hydraulic. Is that right? Going make it hard to get the same set up on both. That and the difference in bars etc. Interesting problem though.
  7. DirtyDT

    Tennis elbow..

    So throttle, front brake and clutch all operated with the right hand? That sounds scary. Could you cable the rear brake lever to the front brake and ignore the rear brake?
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  9. Hi and welcome to the forum Chris.
  10. DirtyDT

    Tennis elbow..

    I didn't know you played! Mind you, if you need someone to use the TDR for the summer, just give me a call!
  11. DirtyDT

    ebay costs

    Myhermes is great for sending stuff. You can take it to the shop or get it collected. Also link it to your eBay account.
  12. I thought I would throw in my position. First question posters tend to P me off a bit and that is normally tempered by what else they write. I also get wound up by people posting workshop questions in the bar, people attempting to sell or ask for wanted items by trying to "smudge" this in their posts and people who post the same thing in loads of sections in the hope that they will get a better result. That said, posting a question first; or most of the other things, can easily be remedied very quickly. The forum is still the best one I have ever come across on the tinterweb. It is active; is well regulated without a huge amount of set rules. There is a wealth of knowledge here and the banter can be amazing. All of the people I have physically met because of this forum have been jolly good fellows. Not one bad egg amongst them - that even includes Kev !!!!!!!! For every person that comes on and posts, every now and again a new name pops up and they quickly fall in to what the forum is all about. I know from experience that they will check the forum too regularly, ignore people around them and amaze themselves on how their posts rack up. It doesn't stop me from getting wound up at first, but who knows how many good members turn their backs on the forum due to a slight netiquette mistake on their first post? There have been some great people join the forum from all over the world. Lets help this to grow. It allows us all to educate, learn and take the P. Lets face it. What would we do with the time we spend here if the forum wasn't running?? That's about it really...............................Oh yeh, nearly forgot. If you haven't done so already, fill in your b00dy profile page, it is hard to help when we don't know what bike you have, what experience you have or even what country you are living in.
  13. DirtyDT


    Thought I would splash out and buy this app for the iphone. The mobile site works well in the phone browser I use (opera) but thought I would try it. Got tapatalk 2. Still getting used to it but I am pretty impressed with it so far to be honest.
  14. Can we have the same type of thread for people posting workshop questions in the Bar. It really P's me off that people can't be bothered to scroll down to the workshop section to start a thread but can be bothered to write about their biking woes!!!!
  15. This is closer to my real thoughts. The buzz as a youngster The freedom it gave me The places I have visited The random conversations from other bikers (past or current) The smell of fresh cut grass as you ride The smell of dry, warm, tarmac as you ride The smell and feel of light rain as you ride The ability to get to where you want to quicker The desire to own a bike you never have even ridden. Often because it evokes memories of yesteryear The smell of the heat from the bike after a decent ride The thrill of coming over a hill to see 5 miles of twisties laid out in front of you - woooo whooo Riding on to an early morning ferry The satisfaction of buying and restoring an old wreck The feeling of being alive................................................................................
  16. Getting dressed up. Getting hot on a hot day. Getting cold on a cold day. Getting wet on a wet day. Getting somewhere to find that cars are parked in the bike spaces. Getting somewhere and having to walk around carting everything with brought with you. Going somewhere to find that people think you are some uneducated scumbag who can't afford a car. Looking for a new bike to be spoken to by a Dealer as if you are some uneducated scumbag. Going to work to find that people think you are a scumbag. Going to a autojumble to find that part you have always wanted, in pristine condition being sold for virtually nothing, to remember that you cant manage to get the thing strapped to the bike to get it home. There are loads more but all the rest are negatives. .
  17. The book says: Install the friction plate onto the clutch boss Install the clutch plate so as to locate the projection at number 1 (this is at 12 o'clock) Install the friction plate with the larger inside diameter onto the clutch plate Next install the remaining clutch plates and friction plates alternately on the clutch boss Be sure to install a clutch plate projection offset at approximately 60 degrees from the previous one. So with the clutch plates. the first one the projection is at 12 o/c, the next clutch plate will have the largest projection at 2 o/c, then 4 o/c then 6 o/c etc. The different friction plate is the second one in.
  18. Have you 2 types of plates? Metal and friction.
  19. How much? Do you get to keep the bike and gear? I think I paid 10 doubloons!
  20. Not sure if this is the reply to the thread or the PM a few days ago John. Glad the smaller MJ worked. The PM had details of the 2 settings I have due to different market CDI's (not sure if yours is the same?). That is about all you can tinker with timing wise. Did you keep the pilot as large as it was?
  21. Get some headlight fork brackets. Some allow their fitting without removing the forks. Come in shiny chrome. Then measure the distance between them and buy a headlight of the same size. Rubber strap bikini types will bounce and may not pass an mot. My old TS has a pattern superdream 400 headlight with a 6v halogen bulb.
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