RAF attestation tomorrow :)
Doesn't that scare you just a teeenyweeeeny bit?
joe gets a new harley
bio hazard
Equality and Diversity training anyone??
RAF attestation tomorrow :)
And all penguins have got brains!!! Best of luck young man, I did 10 years in the RAF (79-89) as a Sooty, loved it. Riggers and Sootys tend to be big buddies on the Line, Sparkys got too many brain cells and Plumbers....Hmmm I ask you, who the hell wants to work wi bombs an stuff!!?? Any idea where you want to get posted to, or don't you get a choice anymore?
One Step Back - XS400 Wiring mystery
Cheeky monkey
Loss off power half throttle and 6k+ RPMs
Standard air filter and airbox or aftermarket K&Ns or similar?? I've had similar problem(but may be totally different) and found that when I taped up half of the length of the K&Ns , thereby restricting tha mass of air, the problem disappeared! Maybe just lucky,who knows?
1967 YR1 - Fuel flows freely from petcock when in "On" or "Reserve"
No probs. The o-ring I'm thinking of doesn't sit round the needle valve but round the brass sleeve that the needle sits in. Thats been a problem on a lot of my keihin & mikuni carbs on singles, twins and fours. Certainly worth tearing the bottom end off the carbs tho' eh?
Loss off power half throttle and 6k+ RPMs
Hi bud, is this happening under load or just when you're revving it in neutral?
1967 YR1 - Fuel flows freely from petcock when in "On" or "Reserve"
If you take the float bowl off the carb(s) you'll see the float needle valve on the main body of the carb. It sits between the floats and is normally under a small tang that pushes it up when the bowl is full. If you remove the swivel pin and take off the floats, the needle valve should drop out.Pull out the brass body that the needle was sitting in. Inmost cases on old bikes/carbs it's the o-ring seal on the needle valve body that has hardened off and is allowing fuel to flow through and drain.The needle can also wear but I'd go for the o-ring. However I'm also assuming that the floats are at the correct height?
Word Association Thread
N - N - N - Near Miss...
Hey mits, don't give them an excuse mate. Be lucky if half of them even look through the windscreen! I've had countless near misses when half blind idiots have pulled out in front of me, and thats when I've been drivin a huuuuge Scania fire engine. Yes, with the light bar, strobes and wailers on!!!! They get in their metal boxes, heater on,stereo on andswitch their brain off. Grrrrrrrrrrr! where's me oil of primrose.....quick!
xs650 caliper
Hi folks, does anyone know if the front (offside)caliper from a 79 xs650 can be interchanged with any other yammy model?? Failing that, does anyone have a spare one they can sell me, or even just the pad securing bolt? It's a looooong story!! cheers, Pete.
how to say "12 months" in estonian
Well, that's this years holiday destination sorted then!!!! waahhaaaaay.
r6 project on ebay
PMT? Must get diary out and highlight Anniversary,birthday,day we met day etc........ Rather it was the bike than ma heid tho'! Poor bloke!
SR500 no go
Thats how I got this one in the first place bud, haha.
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