Everything posted by Vez
TZR50 splutters after 7000rpm. Help!!!
Said this alot of times, you will probably get a better response if you introduce yourself properly and don't just join expect help then leave. Its a community and not just a garage/bike shop/advice center! Personally i wont reply to post like yours on principle! Others may. Sorry to be harsh. But i value my time. Vez.
dt125 rebuild
No comment ( im not sure where you are tbh) Thread hijacking Sending you a PM
Fully Comp Cheaper than TPFT?
Anyone else get a cheaper price for fully comp than they do for TPFT? I want to have the ability to ride any other bike so AXA works out the cheapest, but thats for fully comp Fully Comp TPFT Vez,
dt125 rebuild
Finished getting all the parts on today, just having a bit of an issue with the battery, or at least i think/hope its the battery. Charged it twice and it loses charge nearly instantly when put on the bike. Charging it with a different charger tonight so i got my fingers crossed ill be back mobile tomorrow . You thinking of riding your DTR to the 2-stroke meet?
dt125 rebuild
glad you did, i been out fixing my DTR all day so couldn't have replied myself.
Good garage, near Wilmslow?
What i am getting at is, if the cap has been changed (which it has btw, as it should be the same key as the ignition) then there may not be any/enough air getting into the tank to allow the fuel to flow. If the problem reappears then take the fuel cap off and put it back on again, if it cures the problem and the bike starts, you may have an air-locked tank. I don't like to disagree with 2-wheels, but i don't think its the jets or carb, as they don't tend to clear themselves after being stood for a while, they normally get worse. But i may be wrong. Vez.
chip shop bandit on a DT175 spotted
I may check it out, if i can stay on the road long enough
dt125 rebuild
I'm not quite sure how that came across as it did. But thanks mate for clearing it up
dt125 rebuild
Boooo hsssss. And i don't even like the football
Good garage, near Wilmslow?
Since OG has gone offline i have to ask. Is it the original peterol cap? Could it be airlocked? Vez.
5 minutes in - someone tries to kill me!
^^^That should be stickied ^^^
dt125 rebuild
Its a r/h thread. But it tightens itself up something silly. To get it undone in the past i have fitted an old chain had a friend hold the back brake on and swung on it for England (probably not good advice but its what i had to do at the time) Since then i have made a little tool to hold the sprocket in place while i undo the nut. Vez. Edited due to having a gearbox sat on the desk next to me
Bike or Bike and car.
Just wondering how many people here drive a car. And how many ride a bike all the time, during rush hour traffic etc. Vez.
how do you split a xv 125 engine?
If its anything like most i have worked on you will possibly need a flywheel puller for the magnet (flywheel). Although i have used a rubber mallet to gently tap the flywheel whilst pulling it away from the bike, but i have broken magnets using this method. It best if you get a puller. They come in different shapes and sizes and are not to expensive. Below is the type i have. And the part of the clutch you are talking about is for possibly for adjustment, if you remove the springs it should come off,and the part you talked about should be attached to a long bar that protrudes into the shaft in the middle with a ball bearing after it that may roll out. Friction can hold the outer plate on quite well. HTH Vez
Decent off -Just back from hospital
Most solicitors will give you a 30min consultation for free. And £170 per hour is cheap, the trainees at my local solicitors get more than that, iirc the qualified guy gets £300 p/h. Vez.
how old is my yz250?
But that will mean he has to make 2 posts OG. It ain't gonna happen
new to forum
Hi webi, Welcome to the forum. Vez.
DT125R - Two Stroke Beginner!
Hi Chocolate Teapot, welcome to the forum Where does the two stroke oil go? The clear-ish plastic tank to the front right side of the fuel tank, with the black cap. What is the best kind of two stroke oil to use? Best kind of oil will depend who you ask. I would suggest a semi synthetic such as http://www.opieoils....otorcycles.aspx ( i use fully synthetic, but the advantages are debatable). Also paid up members of the forum get a discount at opie oils Do I need to mix the fuel with any oil - if so, what are te quantities? No that what the 2-stroke oil/tank is for, pre-mix is usually used on 2-stroke racing bikes or bikes that don't have a 2-stroke oil pump fitted. Where can I get replacement panels? (one is cracked) Ebay is your friend, what panel and colour do you need as i can look out for one for you? What regular maintenance is required? Refer to the manual. Where is the best place to buy spares? I can second wemoto, usually very quick delivery. Also http://www.pjme.co.u...aha_DT125R.html and http://www.mandp.co....tsperpage=10000 ( again paid up member of the forum get a discount at M&P too) Anything I should be aware of? (I know very little!) Well, theres a question. Never talk to strangers. look both ways when crossing the road and never trust a fart . Ok, all i can think of is use a good grade unleaded fuel ( look for a high RON rating on the pump). Look after your bike and it will look after you. What does concern me is that the previous owner couldn't tell you where to put the 2-stroke oil HTH Vez.
Help with Upjetting (new to this forum)
Wow way to dig up alot of old threads.
1980 XS400 leaking oil.. pictures .. how screwed am I? lol
Brush on, wait 10 mins, wash off. ( don't get it on the chain though). Vez.
dt125r headache please help!! lol
Could be the power jet circuit in the bottom of the float bowl. Just thought i would throw that in there. Vez.
how does kickstart engage engine...
I figured it was just the kick start lever that was not on in the 12 o'clock position? ie 90 degrees out.? Vez
Newbie .........
Hi Ginger, To the forums. I think you may need a rack with a top box, but can't say for sure. Maybe some one else on here can tell you for sure. Vez.
De Restricting my DT125R
Just seen an arrow exhaust that looks alot like that, £170 from stan stevens for the full system. Waiting on a reply to see if they have a RE one in stock
DT125 PV Pulley
Can't think of anything really, i suppose you may as well clean any carbon from the exhaust port while you can, and have a look to check your piston/rings are looking ok. (presuming you have the exhaust off to align the PV correctly when refitting that is) Oh and pictures are always good Vez.