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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. mike1949 replied to realrayzor's post in a topic in General
    The first 19 was when I was sixteen/seventeen when stationed in the far east in the Royal Navy in 1965-1967. The last one was in two parts showing my wifes name then added the kids on later totalling 50 quid. My party peice is I've got HMS tattooed on my willy. When I get in bed with my wife it spells HamMerSmith.
  2. Hi Si, there is one thing that you could do that would really help your problem. Introduce yourself in the new members section first. Then, ask questions. You will get more responce that way rather than coming into the forum and treating it like a search engine which it is not.
  3. Hi

    mike1949 replied to Chris Thorley's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Still don't know where your from Chris?
  4. mike1949 replied to realrayzor's post in a topic in General
    Well done razor, how many tats have you got? i've got 20, the first 19 cost me £8.00, the last one cost me £50.00.
  5. Hi

    mike1949 replied to Chris Thorley's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi Chris, where from?
  6. mike1949 replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Cheers Paul, for the last ten years or so I have been contiplating about getting some sort of heat to my hands, wether it be bike controlled or external heat, I have now decided on external.
  7. mike1949 replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    I must turning into a wimp. I've just ordered a pair of heated gloves from Amazon.
  8. mike1949 replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Blimey Noise, I thought us servicemen were hardy. I've been riding my bike into work at 06:00 every day this week only wearing a teeshirt and thong. Seriously though, I have been riding the bike into work at 06:00 every morning and the only thing that gets cold is the tips of my fingers. I feel that I'm going to get frostbite so when I get to work I wrap my hands around the rear silencer, no kidding.
  9. Mine is "Dark Siam Mettalic" or, to you and me "Green"
  10. mike1949 replied to no vice's post in a topic in General
    Cheers Blackhat, that explains all because I didn't see the reply from Nutter-biker.
  11. mike1949 replied to Joeyafj's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi Joey, What on earth is cornering and hanging off?
  12. mike1949 replied to no vice's post in a topic in General
    You'll have to explain to me and a few others Blackhat. I(we) haven't a clue what you are on about. Am I missing something here? Do I not know something about No vice? Please help a sassenach.
  13. mike1949 replied to Noise's post in a topic in Random
    Brill I thought I saw a cat with one eye walking towards me. But, when I looked again I realized he was walking away from me.
  14. Hi Pete, introduce yourself first, A bit of background, where from, interests? Your intro/profile is very vague Then, I'm sure you will get some advice/help.
  15. mike1949 replied to Alex's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well done Alex. I would say your are "Above and beyond the call of duty" For all the silent and behind the scenes work you do for us.We all love you.
  16. mike1949 replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I asked my mate "How long have you been wearing an Anne Summers Bra?" He replied. "Ever since my wife found one in the car"
  17. mike1949 replied to Morpheuz's post in a topic in The Bar
    This particular one is good for cleaning the dirt from under your fingernails, Also, which is good for cleaning under your fingernails is kneeding dough prior to breadmaking.
  18. mike1949 replied to Morpheuz's post in a topic in The Bar
    Believe it or not, but I have got one of these and use it nearly on a weekly basis. It is stamped with the goverment "arrow" dated 1970. I aquired it when serving on the "Ark Royal" in the stores "Jack Dusty" branch . They were supposed to be issued to the Bootnecks for their ration packs.
  19. mike1949 replied to oli021992's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    The reason you can't be posted in the for sale section is because. Y+= have t% sub&(*)be First to advert**&%s thERe First. Okey Dokey?
  20. Hi Stuart, Great intro. Where about in Cornwall are you? Spent many a happy years there when the kids were groing up. Regards Mike
  21. mike1949 replied to Marc001's post in a topic in The Bar
    Again, the Haynes manual will tell you. I think from memory they are 12v 1.7w If you do it yourself, and I hope you do. When you get the bulbs out you can see exactly what they are and go to Halfords and get the replacements. Mike
  22. mike1949 replied to Marc001's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Marc There are three bulbs to cover the speedo and tacho. I have changed mine in the past but it's not a five minute or easy job. It entails removing tha fairing/headlight/indicator assy. Your best bet is to buy a Haynes manual and follow their instructions. Money well spent, if you take it to a bike dealer it will cost more than the price of the manual and you've always got it for future reference. Maybe not the answer you wanted but hope it helps. Mike
  23. ........, I did think that your old one was more appropiate though
  24. One does opologise Nic, but I hadn't realiased that you had already posted in the intro section. Welcome
  25. Hi Paul. ?