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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. mike1949


    Brilliant Cynic, or can I call you Jason? I've had some fantastic times with my kids on the back, my daughter used to love going down the M4 to Cribs Causeway just for the speed of the motorway. Yet my lad would sit on the back of the bike and fall asleep. Two very scary moments.(involving him)
  2. Welcome to the forum Daz. As Drewpy said, and he's a MODERATOR, Which is equivalent to a CPO in the RN. Introduce yourself first, then ask your question in the appropriate section. (workshop) I hope this helps and you won't be put off seeking advice, but what you did was like walking into a pub and before buying a drink saying "can anybody help me?" Don't be offended, but please reply.
  3. Hi Natalie, welcome to the forum. If youv'e got a break in your disc I should take it back.
  4. Welcome BlackStar Although I now live in Wiltshire I originated from Gloucestershire. You're old man doesn't know how lucky he is, I wish my wife would come out on the bike with me.
  5. Believe it or not, but I was going to suggest the very same thing, but I hadn't quite finished making tea for my two girlies and lad.
  6. Tell me about it Sacha. I'm so unlucky, if I was born one of triplets to Brigitte Bardot I'd be the one on the bottle.
  7. I've ordered one from Amazon DT, Will let you know how I get on, hopefully with a vid.
  8. There was a film about that once called Castaway, starring Oliver Reed and Amanda Donohoe. (now in Emerdale) so if you want to see more of her. Only they went on a desert island for a year. I think it was based on a true story.
  9. Blimey Sacha, that's not very ladylike. But I do appreciate your responce.
  10. The worst drivers I have come across are the "White van man" One of them went straight in front of me when I had my daughter on the back. He crossed my path in front of me on a dual carriageway, and stopped right in front of me before joining the other carriageway. When I swore at him he replied "That's was brakes are for aren't they" Twat.
  11. mike1949

    The Wind!!!

    My experience of riding in severe wind was in about 1986 when Britain had very severe wind conditions, and I mean very severe. It was when Michael Fish made a right cock up with weather forecast. I was coming back from work and literally was riding at about 45deg from perpindicular. Even the cars behind me were keeping there distance.
  12. I'm very interested in how you mounted the camera to the bike and what sort of camera/fixing was involved. I would love to do something like that.
  13. Yes, Introduce yourself in the "New members" section first.
  14. What are the Russian police like compared to our police? I can only presume they would call the ambulance service.
  15. Drewpy, did you know that P.J.Proby was going to come to the UK in 1976 but he couldn't because they had a hose pipe ban.
  16. That was fantastic DDT, but I did notice six traffic offences in the first fourteen minutes.
  17. I tried to impress my mum on my first pushbike when I was eight. She was standing at the garden gate watching me. After the first circuit around the block I said "Look mum, no feet" second time around I said "Look mum, no hands" third time around I said "Look mum, no teeth"
  18. I don't know where you come from, inner city? But in my neck of the woods as I implied earlier the police are ok. Would you rather have anarchy? or even military rule. I'm not saying there aren't any bad coppers but 99.99% are doing a fantastic job.
  19. Welcome to the forum Nicky. By my working out you must have had about at least 365 bikes in the last 12 months. Unless You are on some sort of super diet.
  20. Maybe I'm in the right part of the world. (Wiltshire, England) Since I've been riding/driving for the last 38 years I've only been stopped once by the Police, not pigs as I will explain later. I was "filtering" in a 30mph area but didn't spot a "jam sandwich" in the queue, to which he signalled for me to pull over. He reckoned I crossed a continous white line, I argued that I didn't and it nearly got to a war of words, I said I didn't, he said I did etc. Anyway. He was such a nice cop, he gave me some advice on the spot, a bit like a fatherly figure although I was more likely to be the age of his father. But since then, believe it or not my riding has changed so much. On the way home from work whether I get home at 5.00 or 5.10pm makes no difference at all. As for calling the Police "Pigs" Obviously you've had a problem with the police in the past and it's not gone in your favour, or are you a criminal? (in other words have you done something wrong?) I'm a law abbiding motorist and have not had a problem with the Police. I have noticed that a few of the regular members do dislike the Police force, but, would you rather there not be one?
  21. You want an expert? my missus reckons she knows everything! Mind you I was impressed when she rang me from her mobile while I was watching Shaun the sheep and said her car had broken down on her way to see her parents. She said the engine had cut out because there is water in the carb. "Blimey" I said, "how do you know that" "Because" she said. "The car's in the river"
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