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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. I was encouraged by our government to smoke at the age of 16. Joined RN at that age and they gave us 200 duty free fags every month.
  2. On my 600 divvy it could be anything fro 40mpg to 75mpg depending on conditions. If I start the bike up in the summer and go for a 70 mile ride I will be in the upper region. If the weather is like it is now, I need to warm the bike up first for five minutes, ride six miles to work, then the fuel consumption will be in the lower region. Hope this helps. Mike I don't know if your bike has a fuel guage, but I tend to look at miles. i.e. in the summer I refuel at 100 miles on the clock, but in the winter I refuel at 80 miles on the clock.
  3. mike1949

    Mod 2 and ice

    Good news Grover, just looked at the BBC weather satellite for my area. It's going to be 8 degrees above freezing, I know you are more north than me but it looks good. Anyway, as I said before, all the best and let us know how you get on. I cant see that frost will be a problem because by 09:00 not only will the roads be frost free but a lot of traffic would have used the roads making it more warmer.
  4. I totally agree tgsm7(funny name) Before my current bike I had no problem with my 200 benly, when I got off the main road all I had to do was keep into the curb with my feet on the road like a pair of ski's.
  5. mike1949

    Mod 2 and ice

    What time is your test? by about 10:00 the roads should be clear of any ice, if there is any. Bear in mind the examiner will take road conditions into consideration. Good luck with your test and let us know how you get on
  6. In all honestly, the only problem I have is getting out of my street, then I'm on a major road (A4) until I get to about two miles from work where the roads haven't been gritted. Once, I got to within fifty feet of work but had to negotiate a corner so I decided to get off the bike and push it, as soon as I touched the brake the bike just collapsed under me. All it cost me apart from my pride was 60 quid to replace the front indicator and mirror.
  7. All year round biker. Even in this weather. I just take my time riding to work (6 miles) and leave early so there isn't much traffic on the roads. The only weather I wont ride in is severe frost, as in when the road surface is white.
  8. Welcome to the forum LP, are you talking with a Brizzle accent yet, my luvver?
  9. Blimey Mr N. If you put that stuff in your tank your bike would go like shit off a hot chrome shovel.
  10. mike1949


    I tried it in the eighties (wine) took about two or three months to brew and a weekend to drink then I had to start all over again much to the missus annoyance. Unless you do it in a big way and are very patience you'll lose interest.
  11. Welcome Bernz, I hope that's not going to harm UK's favorite lamb, "Shaun the sheep" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kDmi5W21-U
  12. Yes, as long as it is legal to cross that line, i.e. a broken line not a continuous line or a thatched area. By the way boon, I didn't know there was a space between two solid white lines, unless you mean the thatched area?
  13. mike1949

    xmas shopping

    Brill :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. mike1949

    new dog

    He's a bit piston'broke like me Merv
  15. mike1949


    For the first 100 yards then they will have to be called mushy peas.
  16. Effffing elll, that's over 2800 miles, and on a moped as well. how long did that take you? by my reckoning that's 46 hours at a constant speed of 60mph, average that at 40mph that would have taken you about 70 hours, with fuel and comfort stops that must have taken you at least a week.
  17. Well done for changing the tyres, after seven years I should imagine they have small cracks in them. I personally like Bridgestone but I'm sure other people have different preferences. but whatever make you choose get a good brand. Mike
  18. Hi Tommy, at least you're in the right section, just reply to my post giving details about yourself i.e. my name is ...................... well we know it's Tommy my bikes are................... my interests are............. i come from.....................obviously Runcorn my wife's vital statistics are.......................... (optional) Then await nice and friendly greetings
  19. Try bleeding them first, they just seem to be soft.
  20. Hi Jamie, when Airhead was a kid they walked around in loincloths.
  21. mike1949

    mod 1

    Tough luck elmmet, I bet you are gutted. But pucker up old girl, there's always another time. Let us know how you get on next time because we really are interested. mikexx
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