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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Believe it or not NEV but that did really happen when I was on the "ARK" One of us had to go up to the regulators office to collect the mail for our messdeck and our nominated person was a lad called Patrick Staines (we called him spunk) when he said to the regulator which is equivalent to a military police red cap, have you got any mail for 5J3 mess mate, "I'm not your mate" he replied. to which spunk replied. As you can guess, it's what you more or less said word for word.
  2. Fantastic photos lallasro, looks like you got two bambinos to look after
  3. Hi boner, my daughter lives in the cider county, do you know her?
  4. Not quite what I had in mind Steve, but anyway, it is nice to have a rant now and again.
  5. I wish my wife would do that, but, and I mean but, and I mean only very gently (very gently)
  6. It looks like you've been in front of a few Master at arms desks Steve, (not quite sure what the equivalent in the RAF is)
  7. I'v been thinking about this myself, but you will need one with earphones.
  8. Cheers, Bips. That means a lot to me, thank you very much.
  9. Thanks everybody, my missus is splashing out tomorrow, although no doubt i will be paying. it looks like we will be going to the "Brunel" in Chippenham, which is very much like weatherspoons but a member of the John Smith chain of pubs, i think, a bit like the Harry Ramsden chain of fish and chip shops, i think. JIMMY have a happy belated birthday mate, many a happy times spent in fazzers. Mr NEWMAN AH's birthday is today, or would have been if he was still alive, me and her, and Jimmy share the same birthday but as of yet i haven't received a card from her, i wonder why? JIMMY I'm trying to think of any more coincidences but at the moment I can't, so all I can do is wish us both a very happy birthday tomorrow and you a belated birthday for Monday.
  10. In all honesty, in a years time with my state pension and a couple of private pensions, can I retire financially? In my dad's day in the 50/60's he lived in a "council house" retired, had an allotment, and lived "happily ever after"
  11. Cheers Mr N. Only one year to go before retirement.
  12. This is only meant to be a lighthearted bit of gesture, albeit in this instance it's true. Sons birthday(28) Not a lot we can do about him because he's in Aussie, but we did send him £100. Daughters birthday(21) Me and the missus(my wife and I) went down on the train on Monday, took all her presents down, then took her to a very nice but very expensive Italian restaurant, then got the train back. Obviously enjoyed seeing her. Wife/Missus/Her indoors birthday(?) Took her to Reading for the day all expenses paid, breakfast, dinner, etc. Then traipsed all round the shops with her. My birthday(64) My birthday is on Sunday, where is she taking me? Local Weatherspoons in Chippenham for a pint and and a burger. All joking aside, this suits my down to the ground. Just a couple of pints and a meal at the local is great.
  13. mike1949

    Theory Test

    Well done bips, by the way it's licence not license. What next?
  14. I totally agree with you Kev. Although I tend not to fill up at supermarket petrol stations I just pull into a petrol station and fill up with ordinary bog standard unleaded.
  15. At least it's not as bad as the navvy who had a squeaky wheel on his wheelbarrow. He took it to the building site foreman and complained that every time he pushed his wheelbarrow it went squeak, squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak. "you're fired" said the foreman. "Why" said the navvy. "Because" said the foreman, it should be going, squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak,
  16. Welcome to the forum sam, great intro but who's putting flowers in the strawberry pot?
  17. Doesn't it need overhead electricity?
  18. I tend to go by what circumstances I'm riding the bike in, I have no fuel gauge. In this very severe winter weather we are having at the moment I have to warm the bike up for five minutes, ride six miles to work then let the engine warm up to get rid of the mayo. Then re-fuel every eighty miles. In the summer I can just start the bike, jump on it and ride to work and more or less switch off when I get there, therefore I have only to re-fuel every one hundred miles. BUT. If I go out on a long run, say on the motorway on a hundred mile round journey, when I fill up I am surprised how little it takes to fill up. then it averages at about seventy miles to the gallon. This is on my old trusted 13 year old XJ600 divvy
  19. Hi Sadie, it looks like you, the Queen and me have something in common. Just over two weeks to go eh.
  20. I've just tried that Mr N, but it doesn't seem to work, thanks anyway.
  21. Cheers Mr N. I'll give that a go albeit I'm in Windows vista. Cheers Paul, Is paint.net a direct replacement for photobucket? or do I use paint.net in conjunction with photobucket?
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