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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. That was brill, wasn't Guy Martin on telly doing up a canal boat?
  2. Very scary. makes me wonder what's it going to be like in fifty years time.
  3. So, basically is any good for me to communicate with my kids spread all over the world?
  4. Is it similar to "what's apps"
  5. I'm surprised at you Tommy, I always thought you was a good boy. Personally I hope this topic doesn't carry on.
  6. You will have to explain to us old fogies what tapatalk is Andrew.
  7. Brill intro Mip You've done the right thing by going mechanical.
  8. What a fantastic intro Giorgio Soave, I am retiring next year and I have plans to "just get on my bike and dissapear for the day" that is if "her indoors" will let me. Today I just took the bike for a run, didn't know where I was going but did a 20 mile round trip in the lovely countryside around here.
  9. Hi Ian, welcome to the forum, not too far from you.
  10. Can you explain that to me because me no understand.
  11. In all honesty Chas, Yamaha gearboxes are either clonky or clanky, I've tended to live with it, sometimes thinking whether the gearbox is going to survive or not but after about twenty years as long as the engine is well lubricated I have seemed to accepted it.
  12. I'm totally impressed with your red arrow Tommy.
  13. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing company. and yes they are known all over the world for their stationery. So, when you get a dull spot at a party you can ask this question and make even more duller.
  14. Hi DN Welcome to to our very friendly forum. Brill intro, great pics. Do you know what the famous 3M stands for? I do.
  15. I concur Mr N, they do struggle but somehow manage to stay up. When my son and I go there once a year it's a grand day out as Wallace would say to Grommet.
  16. My adopted club FFC from the smoke lost to the geordies of all people.
  17. Well, NSD, all I can say is that they are both front fenders, so if I can ascertain that then there must be more ways of you solving you're original question, i.e. "Google"
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