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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. I should stick to olive oil, that is good for you.
  2. I can only presume that being in the States the Seca is equivelent to our Diversion. On my xj600 Divvy you turn the headlight on/off by a switch on the RH handlebar cluster. If you leave the headlight on when you turn the ignition off the headlight will go off, When you turn the ignition back on the headlight will come back on. If youv'e got a good battery that's fine, but if not I would suggest you turn the headlight off before turning the ignition off.
  3. A gay bloke in a pub reconed he could tell what make and type of spark plug inserted into his rectum just by the feel of it. One chap goes to the car park and removes a plug from his car, comes back and gently inserts it into his rectum. "Thats a Bosch DR8BPX" Which of course was right. Another chap goes and gets a plug from his bike, comes back and inserts that one. "Thats an easy one, it's an NGK BPMR6A" Again he was right. "Right I'll have the little sod" another bloke says. "Lets see if you get this one right!" When the gay bends down he undoes his zip, gets his dick out and rams it right up his arse. "Oooh, CHAMPION"
  4. He seems to be straining quite a bit there!
  5. Nope, nope, and even more nope.
  6. mike1949

    Spring time

    Obvious, to lie back and think of England must be a bigger turn on than to watch a frog hopping up and down on top of her.
  7. Would double-declutching help?
  8. mike1949

    Bad news lads

    If she flatulated would she have "foul vowels"?
  9. Can I take it that we have concluded this thread and that I am the winner? Or are we getting slightly bored. Ttaskmaster? pepperami?
  10. It's only pointless if you leave it to the last minute. As said in previous posts you get a months advanced warning. You can do it on line from your own home at anytime of the day without having to wait in a queue for a recorded voice to say "cashier number four please"
  11. Are you sure this is a Movie and not a TV series? Natural Selection
  12. I hope this helps. From an XJ600s Diversion Clutch cable has white masking tape on.
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