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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Hello Kev, visited Workington in my avitar in the early seventies.
  2. Blimey Drewps, the Police car's a jam sandwich, how old is that video?
  3. Bearing 93340-21505 approx £11.00 Washer 90201-150U6 approx £6.00
  4. mike1949

    mod 2 pass

    Well done Dave, it's the right time of the year to pass your test. Take care. Mike
  5. Welcome to the forum rsc, give yourself a pat on the back for one of the best intros. Mike
  6. One does apologize after ones had approx six pints of fosters. No offence intended. Most of my postings are at the weekends, need I say more?
  7. Weeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrdddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Hi Cameron, I've said this loads of times and I will say it again. A battery needs to keep working or it will go flat. My battery is six years old and starts first time every time in all sorts of weather including snow and frost. Every morning it will start first time. But When I come back from a two week holiday with my gorgeous wife it will take about three presses of the starter button to start the bike. Then it's back to normal at starting first time. What I'm saying is that the longer you leave any battery it will start going flat.
  9. Well done Joe, you will find that it will pay for itself over and over again. In normal weather weekly would be fine oiling your chain, but I use my bike to commute to work every day in all types of shitty weather so I keep a can of oil spray at work so that when the chain is still warm give it a quick spray.
  10. Agree with Cynic, look after it, i.e. keep it well oiled and it will last longer. It really annoys me when I see a bike (including a pushbike) with a dry chain. The only thing you have to decide is, do you oil the chain or wax it? You will get different opinions here, I've tried both and keep going back to oil. Whatever you do, do it regular, especially in wet weather which needs daily oiling.
  11. Don't leave us in suspence. Please explain the process of LEAD LOADING.
  12. hev? what sort of name is that? First of all this is the introduction section. Hence "New Members" Introduce yourself first, i.e. my name is ...................... Actually, don't bother because I recon you are a "one hit wonder"
  13. Jordan, when youv'e passed your test you can get rid of your "L" plates and replace them with "GB" plates. "Getting Better"
  14. Her name is Wun Hung Lo
  15. Cheers Paul, You know what they say. "Every girl loves a sailor"
  16. I'm disappointed you haven't wished me a happy birthday. I've had a fantastic day out, my lad took me to Fulham to see them beat Wigan. Called in to weatherspoons in Baker Street for a drink and meal. Got train home and here I am having a winge because nobody loves me. (even when I was at school my mum used to wrap my sandwiches up in a road map) Not bad for my age though, still making love at 63, My wife's not to happy because we live at No. 25.
  17. Are we getting things slightly mixed up here Colin?
  18. If your'e that hard up, can you afford to run a bike?
  19. Hi Bev Your'e not quite in the new members section, your'e in the subforum. Scroll down til you get to the "Welcome to the Y-O-C new members section". Then I presume you then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Start New Topic" Rather than just saying Hi tell us a bit more about yourself. ie Where from? Interests? Age, dare I ask a lady?
  20. mike1949

    The Hague

    Fantastic pics Merv, a pity you weren't in some of them.
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