Everything posted by mike1949
hello yoc here am i.
Cheers Sacha, what time is it in Idaho, It's 8:09pm here in Wiltshire.
hello yoc here am i.
I'm trying to think what magazine he was from. Was it Private Eye or Mad?
Bubble wrap
I have great fun with the big bubble wrap at work. Get about a ten foot strip of it and place it in front of the fork lift and drive over it. Sounds like bonfire night. Talk about kids having fun, I'm 63.
people power
Can one presume one is talking about "Johnny Rotten" Not only can't he sing, but he is terrible in the "English butter" advert. When he sits in his armchair and a lady gives him some crumpets, he says "thank you farmers wife" Does that mean that he is a farmer (I doubt it) Or, is he shafting another farmers wife? Or, is he just "being friendly" to the farmer that just stopped in his tracks?
Ahh the spirit of adventure
While watching I was hoping a tractor or a 4WD was going to come along and rescue him.
Ahh the spirit of adventure
Brilliant vid, but what happened at the end, did he manage to pick his bike up? Will we ever know ? Watching him ride through the wet mud in tramlines with no steerway was awesome. But I can emphasise with him when trying to pick up a bike thats fell over because it's a dead weight. And as he said numerious times he was tired. It would be interesting to know what the outcome was.
Hey...Hello to all
Hi Chuck, welcome to the forum. Not much of an intro, just as well I got here before Sacha because she would have put you right. Chuck? I presume that's Charles in English. Anyway, as I said welcome to the forum.
Favorite song ?
If you look at my first post. This is it. "All right now" by Free
Favorite song ?
You beat me to it jimmy.
Favorite song ?
I must of liked it that much I copied it twice.
Favorite song ?
The ultimate one of all times.
Favorite song ?
The ultimate one of all times.
Favorite song ?
All I can say is I've just discovered how to put records onto the forum via u.tube No doubt you will hear more of my favourite records, so all I can say is don't encourage me. What about a bit of Status Quo, Small Faces, or even Jeff Becks chart topping song for which he was embarressed about?
Favorite song ?
Favorite song ?
I think I Found it.
Favorite song ?
I now do believe my ultimate favourite song is "Spirit in the Sky" By................................. Norman Greenbaum.
Favorite song ?
Try to listen to Albatross. Possibly the most popular instrumental of the 60's/70's
Hello all bikers, Nick from bristol uk
Welcome to the forum Nick. I was down in Brizzle yesterday with the missus and kids. Got the same bike as you as well. Mike
Favorite song ?
What is my favourite song? I think it is "Lazy Sunday Afternoon" by the Small Faces. Or it could be. And this is the real one. I'm not going to say any more, but this is the ultimate No.1 song of my choice. "Maggie May" by Rod Stewart. But I was serving on HMS Ark Royal before he recorded "I am Sailing"
Favorite song ?
I must admit "Pink Flamigo" Isn't one of my favourites. BUT. "Paint it black" is. The Rolling Stones is my favourite group of all times. One track I can't seem to get is "You better move on"
My First Video
That was fantastic Pat. I'm trying to do the same but I can't seam to get there. I've mounted a small camera on the screen/front mudguard/helmet/jacket. But my problem is to much vibration or looking at the tree tops. Any help would be appreciated.
Favorite song ?
I've just downloaded the CD "Classic FREE" album to my I.Pod. Just listened to "All Right Now" It is my favourite record of all times, Apart from Simon & Garfunkel "Bridge over troubled waters" Also downloaded Thin Lizzy. I also think that "Whiskey in the jar" is my favourite also. I also think "Itchycoo park" is my favourite song as well. But, I recon Jimi Hendrix's "all along the watchtower" is my best song of all times. Now I'm listening to "Telegram Sam" by T.Rex I'm so confused as to which my favourite song is my head hurts.
Happy Birthday Alex
Happy birthday guv/cobber
The word overkill comes to mind .....
I watched two minutes of it then got totally bored with it, comitted suicide, then took a lie detector test, No I didn't!
Not going in first gear
HI Chuck, welcome to the forum. When you are at nuetral at traffic lights, try a little blip with the throttle, in other words rev up a little bit, then put it into first gear. Hope this helps Mike