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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. mike1949 replied to mike1949's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I remember in about 1973 when I was stationed in Gosport, that a certain group which I thought was paper lace was only getting paid £20 a week when I was getting about £40 a week.
  2. mike1949 replied to mike1949's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    wasn't that paper lace, as in "Billy don't be a hero"
  3. mike1949 replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I totally agree Paul, but my preferance would be graphite grease (the powderery stuff)
  4. mike1949 replied to mike1949's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    you'll have to wait and see nsd, it's not until 31st oct. I must admit it's more the missus than me, I was more into "mud/elo/thin lizzy and best of all the group foamy likes FREE BUT, as a devoted husband I will go with her and play the part. I'm only kidding about wearing the tartans. BUT, I must admit I did like their music so I will be bopping and shangalanging to their music in the aisle.
  5. mike1949 replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Grouchy, compare oil in your bike as blood in your body, without it your bike/body will die so take good care of it. Spoil it even. I'm not saying change it every 10 minutes but change it regulary.
  6. Hi Mike, the missus has been to eastbourne three times to see mercury. Welcome to the forum.
  7. mike1949 replied to mike1949's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I'll be wearing my scarth tied around my wrist.
  8. mike1949 replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    at least twice a year
  9. mike1949 replied to mike1949's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    bollocks to that, wev'e got our 3/4 trousers with tartan turnups. Shang a lang
  10. mike1949 replied to kearnsy123's post in a topic in The Bar
    NGK CR9E
  11. mike1949 posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Whooooooah Me and my missus are going to see the Bay City Rollers in Swindon.
  12. Youv'e started something now.
  13. I've been trying to come up with a bright idea as how I could help you out. But. as I am a bit dim I am a bit in the dark as to help. So. As I can't think of anything obvious I will turn the light out and go to bed.
  14. mike1949 replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Brilliant Merv :lol: :lol:
  15. mike1949 replied to bippo's post in a topic in The Bar
    Do you know whats the first thing that goes through a bugs mind when it hits a visor? His ARSE!
  16. mike1949 replied to Adam Jones's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi Adam, me and my missus will be down in Paignton in a weeks time, see you then. YESSSS Only joking, wer'e a couple of old fogies. At least I am. my wifes a bit younger than me.
  17. mike1949 replied to ausibatla's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Sacha, rude you was not. If you look at post #3 you will find that he was a bit annoyed, and dare I say, a bit of a tantrum?
  18. mike1949 replied to ausibatla's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    What makes me think that we will not hear from Ausibatla again, a one hit wonder? Prove me wrong Ausibatla.
  19. mike1949 replied to Noise's post in a topic in Random
    Why does Captain Birdseye go to sea with all them small boys? Why do ambulances with their blues and two's on and large yellow/green battenburgs have to have the word ambulance spelt backwards on the bonnet so when they are right behind you, you can see the word ambulance in the rear view mirror?
  20. mike1949 replied to mike1949's post in a topic in Random
    Yer but, no but Paul. Wales and Scotland aint not got no rarebit/haggis day not like us sassenachs with our pancake day.
  21. mike1949 replied to jonathanwagner32's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    For a minute there I thought you had heated tyres, now that would be a good idea in the snow and ice.
  22. mike1949 replied to ausibatla's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Crikey cobber, did we get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning? Open Sachas link and as she has explained so many times very politely including yourself you will get a better responce if you introduce yourself properly. Members do ignore people who wade straight in with a question. Lets start again eh. I hope you dont take offence and we hear from you again.
  23. You shouldn't be needing the choke at this time of year, the only time I use it is in severe cold weather at six in the morning when temp is round about freezing. Then I only use about half choke. Mike
  24. mike1949 posted a post in a topic in Random
    Four dads introducing their sons. Scottish dad said. "this is my son Andrew, we named him Andrew because he was born on St Andrews day" Welsh dad said. "this is my son David, we named him David because he was born on St Davids day" English dad said. "this is my son George, we named him George because he was born on St Georges day" Irish dad said, let me introduce my son, Pancake.
  25. mike1949 replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    Sorry Drewps, but I don't think that is funny at all.