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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Can anybody help me with editing a photo on photobucket. This is a photo I've added some texts to but how do I include arrows pointing to where I want it to show? I'm sure there is a way but for the life of me I cannot find it.
  2. When I do one I try to convince her it's only a love puff, but she somehow doesn't believe me.
  3. Me and the missus went to Swindon today, when we got back about 15:00 we stood side by side in our small kitchen doing something and she dropped a silent but violent, effing ell, I had do do an emergency exit and she just stood there as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. Later I had to e.mail her sister and when I said that I put as a PS that she tried to kill me in the kitchen she went ballistic!! At least when I do it she gets an audible warning.
  4. In all honesty Emil, you're biggest problem is trying to communicate with us, I personally don't understand a word of what you are saying. Sorry.
  5. I'm glad to hear about that Jimmy, because, believe it or not. I am a staunch believer of upholding the law. Don't get me wrong, I have broken the law a few times, especially in fazzers while I was in boats, but, and I mean but, although as I have just said I have tried to do a ton on my current bike, I do tend to stick to the speed limits.
  6. I forgive you Jimmy, I've even tried to see how how fast my bike would go, got up to a ton but ran out of bypass, so will never find out. I doubt if it will get above 120mph. Saying that, I have got to go down the M4 on Tues, so you never know?
  7. and there was me thinking that was what you got in Manchester Road in Swindon. James, I am gobsmacked, you being an upholder of the law.
  8. Totally agree Slice. What are the opinions from members from other countries? I'm sure were not the only soft touch, as in why do migrants cross three or four countries to get to us? obviously to get benefits as highlighted in blue above.
  9. Buy a horse, if they go wrong just shoot it and get another one.
  10. Not one of your best ones Rohan, I should stick to bikes. Sorry.
  11. Welcome Dave, brill intro
  12. This being the new members introduction section, you have just scored zero out of ten. Try introducing yourself a bit better. FFS
  13. What sort of introduction is this then?
  14. I suppose us ELDERLY, sorry slicey boy, experienced people are only are as old as we feel, personally I feel like I'm in my twenties, although I know I'm not, but, although I am slowing down at home, at work I am still working at the pace I was twenty years ago.
  15. Are we on something here??
  16. It looks like that the big banks/insurance companies rely on old fogies like me to just accept their renewal prices and pay up. Well, they have picked on the wrong one here, because I'm not as daft as I look (I only look daft) Seriously though, I do shop around where I suppose many elderly people don't.
  17. Right dt, in my reply (post #2) to trumpetdude I correctly advised him of what the solution to his problem was because I have had the same problem myself about two/three years ago. When I originally had the problem I fixed it by doing as I suggested, i.e. cutting the blue/white cable back about half an inch then joining a small length of cable which at the time worked well, only to happen again about a month ago, so obviously there is a problem with that particular connection. To which I have had to do as you say a "quick fix" to get me out of trouble and to get the bike going so as to get me to and from work. Bearing in mind we are having quite severe cold weather here in the UK. So when spring comes and I have time to spare I hope to do a permanent job. So in layman's terms, for me and trumpetdudes what exactually do you mean by Ok here is the problem with crimp connectors,the voltage/amp flow is droped /restricted when installed, your only connecting the outer wires and the crimp creats a resistance that wouldn't normaly be there so no matter how you seal it, it's still wrong
  18. WELL, according to Matt Taylor, from Tuesday we are going to have weather in the "DOUBLE DIGITS"
  19. In some way I do agree with saffer, agree he was signalling but he did cut him up a bit fine though.
  20. Blimey Clarke, this is exactly what Paul Lewis from Moneybox was saying on BBC 1 news this morning.
  21. dt, I've been thinking of squirting some silicone gel in there, any good ??
  22. Don't forget to smear your new O.ring with oil before you replace the new filter.
  23. Cheers Sacha, that explains everything, I think? So are you a fully qualified biker? I have got to be honest since I passed my test the laws have changed so much here in the UK. All I can say is that I'm glad my my sperm is white and my urine is yellow otherwise I wouldn't know whether I'm coming or going.
  24. Isn't that a fizzy? and don't you have to display "L" plates
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