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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Hi Mark, I'm a little bit confused here, you're in the "New members section" asking for technical advice. Shouldn't you first of all introduce yourself properly so we know who we are talking to? I noticed that your first post was a bit "inappropriate" as in. Today, 02:30 PM How do I set the valve timing on a Dragstar 125? Cheers - Mark Help us to help you, you will get more help/advice if you adhere to protocol of the very friendly/family type of forum that we are.
  2. The only cable I have replaced in the last 25 years is the clutch cable. I've never even lubricated that one either, I think they come lubricated from the manufactures. I presume you know how to lube a cable, as in hold the top part gently in a vice and make a Plasticine funnel and slowly poor/spray lube into the funnel until it drips out of the bottom of the cable onto your wife's best carpet. Normally I would suggest you introduce yourself in the New Members section first before asking technical questions, but in this case the only reason I'm responding is that my son is in Oz at the moment, his name is Jack, do you know him?
  3. That's great mallory, my kids grew up coming on the back of my bike as soon as they could sit on the seat and put their feet on the foot pegs. How my lad does it I don't know, he just sits on the back and doesn't hold onto anything, it seems that he just moulds himself to the seat, I even have to keep his elbows in sight in the rear view mirror just to make sure he's still there. The worrying part though is that once he fell asleep while we were on the motorway, but the worst time was when he fainted on the back when we were coming back from a long ride from Poole in Dorset, luckily we just entered a 40mph area and I managed to put an arm lock around him to stop him falling off into the traffic behind us, if it had happened about a minute before while doing 60mph with cars right up our arse I dread to think what might have happened. As for my daughter, well that's another story. I didn't realise at the time when she kept asking me to take her to Cribbs Causeway in Brizzle, or Swindon, but she later told me it was that she wanted to go at fast speed on the motorway. Anyway that was years ago, they have both moved out and do you think I could get the missus on the back, no chance, which is a shame really because we could go anywhere. But if she doesn't want to I'm only grateful that she encouraged the kids to, which totally surprised me.
  4. mike1949

    Mug Shots

    Then Now Offspring Bike Missus
  5. You get a bar of toberlone as well Paul
  6. DOOOHH That was meant to be an impersonation of Homer Simpson.
  7. Man of a few words here aren't we, try a little bit harder.
  8. Deffo Paul, I bet he doesn't even know who Scott McKenzie or The Flower Pot Men are.
  9. Hi Hippy, Give us a few more details, as in fill in the blanks. I am from .................................................................. My interests are ....................................................... My girlfriends phone number is ................................ (only joking) Does this ring any bells Tommy, noticed that I've missed out vital stastics.
  10. I had realised that Gary, but one of the biggest gripes against cage drivers is bmw owners. btw do you know what BMW stands for?
  11. What? not even Tom Jones or Bonnie Tyler?
  12. Maybe were on different wavelengths here taff, but if you abide by the law this shouldn't affect anybody.
  13. mike1949


    My opinion is that, if you worry about having a puncture then don't ride. When is the last time you had one, have you had one? You could almost start a new topic and ask people how many punctures they've had? Incidentally, I have had only one in the last 25 years and that was a tubed tyre doing only 45mph, I think tubeless tyres are more robust so the likelihood of getting one are very remote. When doing approx 70mph on a dual carriageway/motorway the last thing you want to think of is getting a blowout.
  14. Hi Gary, welcome to the forum. I don't think that you have chosen the best of profile names.
  15. Free - Allright Now Thunderclap Newman - Something in the Air Rolling Stones - 19th Nervous Breakdown Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower Thin Lizzy - Whiskey in the Jar
  16. Yes Ian it is the missus, but she is watering her flowers. I don't know if you can see but in the first photo there are two rabbits, our daughters who has left home and we seem to have taken charge. Can't wait till 22nd, I'm hoping my daughter will be home that weekend and she will come with me, she loves coming on the back of the bike. Anyway, see you soon.
  17. I've ticked all my boxes, only one though. Mowed the neighbours lawn, actually two neighbours, and mine of course. Changed the oil and filter on the bike today. Now sitting in the garden listening to The Faces "lazy Sunday afternoon" having a pint of amber nectar. Bliss.
  18. I've just noticed the missus looking out of the front window and waving, is that you?
  19. Why is it Mr N you allways get in there when I am trying to type a response?
  20. Welcome herr Panzer, A very good intro but I must admit I fell asleep halfway down. Try and keep it short and sweet. Anyway welcome to the forum.
  21. Blimey, chamallow, are replying to every post?
  22. One thing I have noticed over the last fifty years as being a storeman all my working life, in the RN, agriculture machinery dep't and now in a manufacturing factory, is that companies do not keep the stock like they used to. Royal Navy, we used to keep 100% of spares for everything. Agriculture, between 1973 - 1985 we used to keep 100% of spares for all of the machinery we sold. Between 1985 - 1991 we kept only 50% because we got took over by a consortium. Their reasoning was that there were five depot's in the group if we haven't got it one of the depot's will and we will get the part to you tomorrow, try explaining that to a farmer/contractor who's got to get their field mowed or whatever tonight. Now in the plastic injection manufacturing we seem to be dictated by the customers. as in "I haven't put an order in for at least a year, I want this tomorrow" And do you know who who the worst customers are? Actually, I won't name the country involved because one of our members comes from there.
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