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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Blimey Drewps, I'm just wondering a couple of things? should I go to bed and listen to Jim Morrison? Should I just nod my head and say "yes Drewpy, that was good" Or should I just totally forget I even watched it?
  2. Just as well Hans didn't propose to her in Bath Christmas market because she wouldn't have heard him. But if he'd proposed to her in Chippenham she would have said "why are you proposing to me here, because Chippenham hasn't even got a Christmas market.
  3. Cheers fil77, that rings a bell. Were you there by any chance? The reason I ask is that when I was there in 1967 the naval base at Sembawang was being taken over by the Ozzies. As far as I can remember the dockyard was slowly being converted from RN to RAN, am I correct? Maybe Roast can help on this one?
  4. I bet it's all skyscrapers now. I can remember Bars with only a record player, playing Tom Jones "green green grass of home" over and over again. On the way back to Terror food stalls selling banjo's. Pirate taxis, I think were Mercedes. The Maryland bar where I used to frequent often and "The Yardbirds" walking in. Bugis street. The stalls which used to sell tea in a glass with a slice of cake. The causeway going over to Johore Bahru One thing you can help me with is we used to visit a place where they had displays of models of people being tortured, something "world"
  5. No, I was on HMS Triumph which was in Terror, or just anchored off but we used to come into Terror a lot. I got most of my tattoos just down the road in neesoon? (not sure of spelling) by Johnny Gurkah. I've still got them
  6. I'm trying to fathom out how does everybody know he's a geordie. Then I just looked at his topic title, Duh.
  7. That was brilliant, thanks John.
  8. FFS. I'm just wondering where this thread is going. Is it that difficult to just get on your bike and have to worry about where you're going to put your make up and lippy etc? All bike jackets have pockets, if not wear my pet hate, A BUM BAG As for X_FISH (silly name) post # 4 who are you trying to look like? John Wayne in Afghanistan?
  9. Correct Mr N, or even more likely Union Street in Plymouth.
  10. Happy Birthday Grouchy. Think yourself lucky, the first greeting was from, the one and only "Sacha" It could have been worse, why?
  11. Blimey Andrew, I didn't know you was like that, as in frequenting that sort of establishment.
  12. You started off in the intro section........not to bad, with the first three words. hi every one not the best of intro's though. Then you let yourself down by going straight in and asking a technical question which really should have been posted in the workshop section. Anyway, welcome to the forum. By the way, I'm one of the grumpy old gits who likes to get it done right, as in introduce yourself properly then ask questions.
  13. Cheers Mr N, I hope you don't mind but I just sent a copy of this to my lad who's in Singapore at the moment. Also, if you don't mind me asking, how do you get an image/diagram in a post without having to supply a link?
  14. He's done ok against my adopted club today
  15. Hi Jason, being a grumpy old git, I'm not sure what EML stands for? You mention it in your heading but not in your post. By the way, how's big Sam doing? Although I'm from the West Country when I come to the smoke once a year I tend to support a west London club. but unfortunately not yours, any guesses?
  16. Hi Roast, what a coincidence. I was stationed in Singapore in the 60's in Sembawang and believe it or not at this present moment my son is there. Not in Sembawang but elsewhere on the island.
  17. Good, but not as good as Mark Bolan
  18. Stevie, I would never in a hundred years suggest that you were/was.
  19. Blimey Grouch, the one thing you haven't mentioned is where you work, and what type of work you do. Reading all the replies, the only sensible ones are #7 #14 #27 All the rest are either light hearted or taking the piss. OR are you??
  20. Bleeding Ell Jimmy, play us "mandolin wind" and "Maggie may"
  21. Because they are blokes in drag!!
  22. There's only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't.
  23. My apologies NSD, I misread it, so in your place I would have done exactly the same, once again I do apologise.
  24. I totally agree NSD, I get it every day coming home from work. When I'm about to turn into my street from a main road some idiot always walks across without looking to see if a vehicle is going to turn into the street, it gets to the point that I turn and brake just by him/her and the look on their faces tells all. But as for Torrent of abuse It doesn't do a lot of good does it. also it most likely pumps up your adrenalin to a state of, "should you be on the road" I know you are only getting it off your chest, but just do as I do when a frustrating moment like that occurs, Be Patience.
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