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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Cheers , Lallasro, that's the one I've been trying to locate for about a year now. Brill :icon_biggrin:
  2. Blimey Beef That was exhausting.
  3. Can anybody remember a video posted on here about a market in India which was located by a railway track and when a train came along they had to get out of the way to let the train pass through within inches of them?
  4. Err, hello Richard. I'm not quite sure what to say, looking at your avitar and then you saying that you, "Hope to chat and help if possible" Maybe a bit more clarification might help, I hope.
  5. mike1949

    Then and Now

    Like Father, like son.
  6. Apparently It's a vendetta mask. Need I say any more?
  7. I don't know Blackie, but isn't that the mask of the Anarchist? as in the Twats that protested outside some place in London and set up camp and wouldn't go away for months? If I'm right wasn't it outside a church or something?
  8. You think that's boring, when I was a young lad in the sixties and was stationed on the "Ark" in dry dock in Guz, we had to stay on board but be ready to "get up and go" whenever needed to store ship when a lorry from the MOD arrived with whatever supplies they had on board. We were allowed to go into an empty mess deck and either read a book or get our head down. Yawn
  9. The vid not to bad, but the Avitar is shite.
  10. mike1949

    Frame paint ??

    I can only presume that's what we call Hammerite
  11. Hi Stuart, you're only a whippersnapper compared to some of us "grumpy old gits" I'll be retiring in April and can't wait til I get on the bike and go places. I even had a text from my brother yesterday who is ten months older than me suggesting we meet up in April/May and he will be riding his R1 (and he's 65 already) You never know, I might even venture into Wales, I was stationed in Brawdy in the sixties. Newgale was featured in the news recently due to the floods, for fifteen months the pub on the front was my local.
  12. .................. Footballers daughter that likes her udders feeld and arse an all.......................
  13. Yessssss :icon_biggrin: Are we allowed to know what the problem was and how it was fixed and by whom? (presumably Alex)
  14. Maybe I had better explain myself more betterer, if there is a north wind, as in a severe gale wind like what we are experiencing at the moment I try to place the bike on the sidestand so the wind is pushing it against the side stand so the wind don't blow it over because the side stand is preventing that. Is that to difficult to understand????? Am I pissing against the wind??? (if I do will I get my own back?)
  15. I always put my bike on the sidestand so the wind is blowing it into it, if that makes sense.
  16. Sounds like "black ice" to me.
  17. Well done Bippo, you should get an MBE for that (Mrs Bippos Expedition)
  18. Yeah Roast, a long time ago but Singapore has very many fond memories for me, I was posted out there after I finished training in 1965 when I was 16 and am now 64 but still remember it like yesterday. I would love to re-visit but it wouldn't be the place I knew for eighteen months so maybe it would be better just to keep the memories of how I knew it. fill77, my sons on his travels in Oz again, he's now in Adelaide. Thanks to both of you for your updates as I said they brought back fond memories.
  19. Thanks for replying fil77, I presume you were in the RAAF? I appreciate you replying to me because although I was stationed in the Far East in the sixties I did visit Australia, to be precise Fremantle in Western Australia near Perth. But believe it or not at this very moment my son is in Perth, I think, because he is traveling around at the moment.
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